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Held by Chinese Brigands

Held by Chinese Brigands



Word Count: 3006    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

are three beautiful harbours in the world: Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil;

is in the shape of a crescent, enclosing the red, bare hills of Kow-lung. By day, from Lyemun to Stonecutter's Island, ferry-boats, sampans, wu

r-story verandah and green-latticed windows. To the east the hills are more rugged; streams, traced through the glens by straggling brushwood, descend in a succession of w

avens, reflecting its light upon the surface of the dark, tranquil water, the moving lights upon the sampans and the countless lanterns in the streets of China town, this

estuary of the Canton river, the Chau-kiang--the main trade highway of the south. Canton itself, a city of two and a half million inhabitants, lies at the junction of three rivers, which meet almost at right angles: the first flowing from

hundreds of tributaries. These tributaries for the most part find their sources upon the watershed of the Nan-li

know less of the Si-kiang, or West River, than the naval lieutenant who ran his gunboat past Wu-chau, and blew the mud huts of a pirate village into a dust-heap with the pound-and-a-half shells of his Maxim-Nordenfeldt. For, if to this day there are wild men anywhere upon the face of the earth, who know neither mercy nor

boats of His Britannic Majesty upon the wide reaches of the river than they do for the yamen of the Viceroy of Canton, who s

ducated Chinese, sometimes entitled to wear the blue or red button of

a sea-going junk, in which they would steal past Wu-chau to Canton, and thence to the open sea, to rob fishing-junks and sometimes even cargo ships. If they passed a gunboat or destroyer upon the

, and return to the sublime and tranquil beauty of the harbour of Hong-Kong. There we are to meet a gentleman of appearance more persona

n, Paris, Switzerland, and Venice. He knew the height of the dome of St Paul's Cathedral, the number of bricks in the Mont Cenis tunnel, and the names of all the famous Venetian painters. He had gazed at the Pyramids, he

ers of introduction to influential persons in all parts of the world that he was obliged to carry them about with him in a large tin-lined box. He had not b

lony, upon whose verandah he was now seated, with his legs sprawled out in front of him, a Manila cheroot in the c

g-Kong for a six weeks' stay. Calcula

miled and sh

th China in six years, and you'll know precio

ew York elevator would take to conduct you to the thirteenth story of the Flat Iron Building. And, sir, I'm speaking of things I know. Gue

to learn, so much that is confusing, and even contradictory, that I must co

lingo would twist the tongue of a ra

d Sir Thomas, "what is it, Mr W

to be deep in thought. It was as if he consider

t last. "Judge, I'm j

me subject. For many years I have made a study of the religions of China-

ng, Judge. I always understood the Chink worships the spi

China, though great numbers of Buddhists--Chinese Buddhism differing in several interesting particulars from the corruption of the religion which exists to-day in India. However, the great bulk of the people, especially in the rural districts, are Taoists. Taoism is extremely difficult to understa

t I want to see,"

was silent

ney up the West River, to visit a very famous and ancient Taoist temple, situated in the hills, not far from the town of Pinglo. If you would like to accompany me, Mr Waldron, I am sure I shall b

sorted, in the course of my career, with Mexican caballeros, bar tenders and pugil

his feet. Mr Waldron knocked th

. Somewhere, to the right, in the midst of the trees, a military band was playing; now and again they caught the strains of Light Cavalry or The Pilgrim's March, from Tannh?user. To the left, the flaming lights in the streets of the Chinese quarter threw their reflection up

travel together, Mr Waldron. I shall be deli

t's temples, I'm your man. If there's going to be danger, I

ll arise. However, in the region of the Nan-ling Moun

n seated for some time engrossed in a book. Though he was a good-looking and well-built lad, he had the yellow complexion similar to

?" he asked, with his eyes upon the heavy Colt revolver that

eed to come with me. I have promised him th

g too?" as

can speak a little in the Mandarin dialect. But Frank is lucky. He learnt the language from his amah, or Chinese nurse. He could talk Cantonese before he knew fifty words of English. When I am travelling on the mainland

t many globe-trotters who get such an opportunity of leaving the beaten track, of seeing China from the inside. And, Judge, I'm no good on the stump, but let me tell you, sir, I appreciate the honour;

red, in the shadows of the room that gave upon the verandah, a tall, dark-eyed Cantonese servant, a

ealthily as a cat. At the casement window he caught sight of the shining barrels o

sk when you intend to st

man can carry. We are going into a country where there are no roads, only a few footpaths between the ricefields. And above all, Mr Waldron,

said Mr Waldron. "But may I ask, sir,

se bandits in the Nan-ling Mountains, especially in the neighbourhood where we are going. The town of Pinglo has an exceptionally bad reputation. You yourself, Mr Waldron, are a wealthy

is hip-pocket. "I'm as dumb as a dewberry pie. And now I must get back to

e send for a ricksha. I am afraid my

e was a man not five paces away from him hiding behind the curtai

ees, and keeping in the shade of the various chairs and table

s full height, with an expression of profound dignit

d with a stately stride across the roo


ease order a ricksha for Mr Waldron,

perceptible downward movement


ntained Mr Waldron's whisky-and-soda. Holding this in his hand, as if

ing heat of the breathless tropic night, Mr Hennessy K.

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