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How to Collect a Doctor Bill

How to Collect a Doctor Bill



Word Count: 1208    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

o this, most men must live upon the income from their practice. If the physician properly cares for his wife and children, he must realize on his investment-his medical education. A man's first

siness methods. System is the key-note of modern business, and the

viser so long as he is handicapped by poverty, a worried mind or poor heal

ldren. Nor can I understand where the profession can gain much honor from men who are financial failures. Not that money is the only thing for which we should strive, but that the man who provides not for his own, cannot be r

for those dependent upon us. Man cannot live on air alone-even though it be flavored by the ambrosia of sweet compliments and the hypnosis of

; and who is afraid to demand settlement for fear of losing practice, is not competent to conduct his own affairs, much less to practice medicine. It is

should live in a manner in keeping with the dignity of the profession to which he has given h

patrons to pay their bills promptly. If they do not owe you they are not so liable to avoid you and cease to employ you. Let a family once get greatly in arrears, then it will happen that-not having the cheek to face you-they will call another physician, and give every reason but the true one

nsidered poor pay by business men. It is a very good rule in life to discount all bills that you owe, and never

cares to pay. In this way they lose a large part of their

returned and said, "Doc, I couldn't get the money from my father-in-law, but I have a fat hog I can sell and get some money if you will cut that bill in two." The account was growing old and the doctor thought he had better take the $15, so he said all right. Six months from that time the fellow hove in view again. This time he said, "Doc, my wife thought we needed that hog for meat and I couldn't get her consent to se

quire settlement as soon after each case is dismissed as possible. In sending statements, be careful to itemize by cases only, as "John, fever, $15," "Wife, confinement, $25

work, remember the advice of old Prof. Joslyn, "Get money, still get money, boy, no matter by what means" so long as it is justly

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