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Left End Edwards


Word Count: 2120    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

the gymnasium. The big front door was locked, but Steve was not to be denied and eventually gained entrance through a little door at the rear which led into t

nning-track and a large room which was evidently used as a meeting hall. Settees were neatly arranged in front of a platform, a row of low windows admitted a flood of morning sunshine and against the walls hung many photographs of athletic teams. Most of them showed groups of tra

Brimfield 3; Claflin 11'; 'Brimfield 6; Claflin 9

outly. "Let's go on d

verything they found down there, and then went into the adjoining compartment

provingly. "Some of these lockers have got things in them," he continued,

igh table in the centre of the small room and a set of metal shelves alongside which held numerous bottles and boxes. "It

m. "Where's it hurt

hat the latter set up a howl and precipitately tumbled off the ta

kids! You've got n

e doorway and his hands were thrust into the pockets of a pair of very wide-hipped knickerbockers. Somehow, standing there with his sturdy, golf-stockinged legs well apart and his loose trousers pulled

!" he said t

om looked a

ff?" asked T

the other. "And get out of here, both of you,

re quarrelsome, nor had they had more than a boy's usual share of fist battles, but the bullying speech and attitude o

ndignantly. "And we'll get out, but we're not a

the boys. But at that instant footsteps sounded in the locker room, and the bully's hands dropped and he tu

d jovially. "An' what might y

to get out of here," replied

d he smiled, but the boys noted that his

tell you, d'ye see? But what harm are they doin'? S

this room, and you know it, Da

t some time. Let the boys be. W

his door was open and we came in. We didn't k

was," said Da

ned a wrathful gaze on Steve-"if you ever get fresh with me again you'll get the licking that's coming to you, kid." He tu

cheerfully. "You'll have t

master-key?" de

atsy; he'll fit one fo

e big fellow. "They ought to have duplicates

appeared into the further room. Da

" asked Ste

from a terrible complaint, boys, an' it makes him th

e trouble

"'Tis due to over-exposure of the ego, they tell me, resultin' in an inflamed condit

le and patted it invitingly. "Sit down, boys, an' t

teve, as he and Tom followed Danny's example and

d Danny drily. "An' where mig

ille, Pen

re, you're a long ways from home. Is this

rom there. It's out in the

the games at the college over there

elling us who you

the extraordinary honour of bein' the trainer at this institution o' learnin' and Fine Ar

olitely. "I hope you di

ay ask me anythin

Jim," replied T

he said your last name was Hall, didn't he? An'

hed Tom, "but min

," he said, turning to Steve, "maybe you'l

s St

ew was Sams. But I'm not disputin' your word, d'ye mind! 'Tis likely you

what we've seen of it," answered

use for them, though. In the Old Country we never held with them much when I was

rom what a fellow told us last night, we don't stand much show.

best in the bunch, though. 'Tis queer how the ones that is gone is

o you know him? I supp

you mean A

e didn't tell us

e A. L. M., thoug

Is he a prett

d to him, though. I see him around sometimes. I wouldn't think much of what he t

Steve resolved to tell Miller no such thi

right or left. I forget. I pay no heed to the

two boys startledly, eyei

d Danny. "A

ed Steve, "only-he didn't say

fter incriminating him

his news in silence

who was just in he

at for him. Well, it's catchin' no fish I am sittin' here gassin'

ll go, too,"

ig front door for them. "Now, look at that, will you?" he exclaimed in amazement as he turned a small key over between his fing

dropped the keys back into his pocket. "If you have trouble with him," he said to

n't expect he wil

u. A word to the wise, d'ye

much obliged to

Moore when we're by ourselves, d'ye see; but don't be doin' it in the presence of others. Them as

e grinning countenance of Danny, Steve loo

egraph to the folks this morning. Let's see if the tru

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