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Little Tora, The Swedish Schoolmistress and Other Stories

Chapter 8 TOO LATE.

Word Count: 1029    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

eemed to have disappeared entirely on Monday. He came home from his drive with his daughter in unusually good spirits; and as for little Elsa, she was quite delig

e they had been so warmly welcomed. It had been urged that while Elsa was happy with playmates of her own age, Possessionaten could see many things in the neighbourhood that might be suggestive to him,

y we are going away; but you don't seem to mind it

orrowful," answered Kar

s glad when papa said you could keep on sleeping i

lly drew a sigh of relief when the carriage drove away and she was left to herself. It was not a pleasant evening that she spent, filled with the thronging remini

termost at the country shop to which Karin easily found her way; tea, sugar, and tempting articles of diet, which she hoped her mother would enjoy. It was heavy, but Karin rather liked to feel the pain in her arm, from bear

as the first wild thought of distress; but a sweet, broken voice murmured something about Erik an

made some tea in haste, and took it with a biscuit to her mother's side. She put the cup on a chair near her, and sitting down on the edge of the bed, she lifted up the old woman, passing one strong arm about the little body. There was gentleness and kindness in the touch. The old head was voluntarily dro

hout scarcely quivered in the soft summer air, a

at the door. It was the pastor's wife, her face beaming with the tender interest she was feeling for the lone dwel

said Karin simply,

ughter before she died," said

orgetfulness of her mother, in the midst of her own comfortable surroundings, and her cold willingne

and to heal the broken, repentant heart. When she had closed the prayer with a fervent "Amen!" which seemed to be the sealing of her petitions to the One strong to save, she turned to Karin and said, "I will go down and send a person to watch her, and then you must go w

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