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Messenger No. 48


Word Count: 1940    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

t spoken of by his new acquaintance, and after arriving

save to push him out of their road, and he was even more a

ride, and failing in the effort because none of the train hands would give him an opportunit

evening previous was the on

himself, as he unfolded the printed sheet. "When a feller

s would require too much space, since there w

library the previous morning, his skull crushed in as if with some heavy instrument like a crow-bar, or a burglar's jimmy, and t

dwelling for the purpose of robbery; but having been surpris

t he had grappled with his murderers, and the overtu

d any unusual noise, although the uproar must have been great for some mo

ng crimes which had been committed in New York city, because of the fact tha

he satchel, because at the time the article had been written

o arrive at any definite conclusion regarding the course he should pursue, except that he was eage

seem to be

ooks that wa

g a va

like to pick up some kind of a job that woul

e he

ers hired me to come here, an'

're str

e a blessed cent, an' was hungry

n money to take you

o to Cooperst

ff than you are here,

I want to go

a chance if you'

you want

nd paying the traveling expenses of a smart boy who will

at dancin', and give some of these fellers

let me see wha

s he was dancing as spiritedly as if such di

the boy ceased his efforts. "I'll take you along

but I don't want to go any fart

ess, for we shall make three stands between here and there. Take this money

s over

llow the alleged murderers, and at the same tim

gentleman would have advised him to call upon the inspector wi

new exactly what course to pursue, a

break his long fast, and when the train drew out of the depot the amateur

costume which was rather "off color" because of having been contributed in fragments by th

sional companions Jet gave a

he made up in quantity what might have been lacking in qua

," the manager exclaimed when Jet finished his turn. "I'll give you ten dolla

hts we talked about, 'cause you see I've got some

drop it when you see wha

other performers from the wings, and but for the fear that the inspector

xt stopping place, and during the afternoon read everything conc

great amount of in

d it was said that several promising clews were being followed,

this thing is over. If I can get on the track of

when he should, unaided, bring the guilty men to justice, a


The said boy is fourteen years of age, medium size, curly hair, and when last seen wor


, Herald

er fell from his grasp. "Now my jig is up, an' I reck

by some member of the company, and then went at once to the the

, and he blamed himself severely for not having gone straight on to Cooperstown Junction, instead of remaining wit

or the evening's performance, and the stage manager warned him to be ready for his cue.

g had two rehearsals with the leader of the orchestra,

s eyes on the stage. Now, however, he glanced around, and the dance was hardly

was startling enough to have di

ows of seats from the stage, sat th

pered hoarsely, and from the wings he hea

Do you want to qu

y awkward that several of the audience guyed him, a fact which

ight be, he ran at full speed from the stage,

e manager asked fiercely, as he s

cried brokenly. "I must go r

ouldn't dance I wouldn't say a word, but I know w

othes so's I can go around


' I've got to find out

re they

d, impatiently, as he tore himself from the angry man's gr

n without fear until reaching the corner of the building, w

the boy a crashing blow on the head with a stout stick, f

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