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The Fair Maid of Perth

Chapter 8 

Word Count: 6816    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

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e Johnsto

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sketched in the last chapter, let us now return to the deputation which was in the act of rendez

e lower part of his face, as a sign to his friends not to interrupt him by any questions while he passed through the streets, and partly, perhaps, on account of the coldness of the weather. The deepest anxiety

is vulgarly called duck legged, had planted himself like a red pincushion (for he was wrapped in a scarlet cloak, over which he had slung a hawking pouch), on the top of a great saddle, which he might be said rather to be perched upon than to bestride. The saddle and the man were girthed on the ridge bone of a great trampling Flemish mare, with a nose turned up in the air like a camel, a huge fleece of hair at each foot, and every hoof full as large in circumference as a frying pan. The contrast between the beast and the rider was so extremely extraordinary, that, whilst chance passengers contented themselves with wondering how h

y, he generously threw him a silver penny to encourage his respect for martialists. This munificence occasioned their being followed by a crowd of boys, laug

he East Port; "but where are they that should back us? Ah, brother Henry! authority is a load for an

roudfute," replied Henry Gow, "were it but to keep you firm in the saddle; for you bou

e of mine; but she has carried me in field and forest, and through some passages that were som

se you mean," an

ing, cowardly creature the pottingar. They have brought two town officers with their partizans, to guard their fair

ell thee, bonnet maker, that there is more danger in yonder sli

ver in what limb or lineament of his wasted face and form lay any appearance of the menaced danger; and his examination reassuring him, he answ

dose of physic," answ

he interest which he was likely to take in the aggression which they complained of. The glover seemed particularly desponding, and talked more than once in a manner which implied a wish that they would yet consent to let the matter rest. He did not speak out very pl

ovost's, I cannot think he will be backward to show himself. More than one lusty boat, laden with Bordeaux wine, has left the Sou

ious condiment which men call sugar, that have gone thither to help out a bridal banquet, or a kirstening feast, or suchlike. But, alack, Bailie Craigdallie, wine is

oves full of gold piece

ingled with whatever else might occupy his mind. "One was a hawking glove for my lady. I ma

are not to the fore, it is the provost's fault, and not the town's:

t!] as John Highlandman says - I think the knight of Kinfauns will do his devoir by the burgh in peac

th a friend like Sir Patrick Charteris. Nay, trust me, a good woodsman like Sir Patrick will prize the right of hunting and sporting over the lands o

the left hand the cry of, "So so - waw waw - h

lege you mention, who, from his appearance,

ccasion presented a prime opportunity to win honour. "Thou and I,

his companion spurred his mare and went of

tandard," he said; "let us see the luck of our light horseman. If he pr

ful sport in the world - I guess him, by his trotting hobbler, his rusty head piece with the cock's feather, and long two handed sword, to be the follower of some of the

ntenanced by the neighbourhood of so many friends, the hopes that the appearance of such odds must intimidate the single intruder, and the shame of abandoning an enterprise in which he had volunteered, and when so many persons must witness his disgrace, surmounted the strong inclination which prompted him to wheel Jezabel to the right about, and return to the friends whose protection he had quitted, as fast as her legs could carry them. He accordingly continued his direction towards the stranger, who increased his alarm considerably by putting his little nag

es as sinister as his looks, "The devil catch you for a c

fighting Smith of the Wynd, and three or four armed men more, who desire to know your name, and how you come to take your pleasure over these lands belonging to the burgh of Perth; although, natheless, I will answer for them, it

harangue had greatly disconcerted him, and altogether altered the character of the inquiry wh

he Devil's Dick of Hellgarth, well known in Annandale for a gentle Johnstone. I follow the stout Laird of Wamphray, who rides with his kinsman the redoubted Lord of Johnstone, who is

gan to be very desirous to get free of the embassy which he had so rashly underta

Devil's Dick, and to teach you another time to beware how you spo

s bonnet maker's head and person. Some of them lighted upon Jezabel, who, turning sharp

examined his hawking bag, swearing two or three grisly oaths, that he would have what it contained, since the wearer had interrupted his sport. He pulled the belt rudely off, terrifying the prostrate bonnet maker still more by the regardless violence which he used, as, instead of taking the pains to unbu

repared his friends to rejoice when, as Henry Smith termed it, they saw the Oliver meet with a Rowland. But when the bonnet

ifled, and like to be murdered before us all. It reflects upon the Fair Town, and

re feuds on our hands, it is to be feared, than we have strength to bring to good end. And therefore I charge you all

he plunderer from his booty. He stood at gaze, however, at some distance, like the w

his clothes much soiled with his fall, his eyes streaming with tears, from pain as well as mortification, and altogether exhibiting an aspect so unlike the spruce and dapper importance of his ordinary appearance, that the honest smith felt compassion for the little man, and some remorse at having l

he smith, dismounting at the same time, and assisting Oliver

cking of me! I would not have believed in it, tho

sorrow more than anger, by which th

mpassion could not suppress, "I thought you would have accused me of diminishing your honour, if I brought you

rue," said Oliver, eagerl

row, like the king in the romance, who played upon the fiddle whilst a city was burning. Come thou w

he gentle Johnstone, however, either that he thought the contest unequal, or that he had fought enough for the day, snapping his fingers and throwing his hand out with an air of defiance, spurred his horse into a neighbourin

as suits his humor, and there is no use to pursue him, any more than to hunt a wild goos

ly tone, "he has got my purse; but there is le

lem of personal victory, to be sure -

han that, friend," sai

n scholarly tone again. Cheer up, you have seen the villain's back

bonnet maker, and stopped short with a

d his friend -"what is it

friend, Henry Smith, that the villa

whether he fled for one or the other? Besides, he knows by experience your strengt

r it, but I know it is my best point: I am a st

the smith, smothering a

ilt remind

hy desperate rally even now. Mark what I say t

vour, for I am as brave by nature as most men in

" inquired the

my young family, you know, would be a sad change, Smith. You will k

I may," said the

match me. It's all here," said the little man, expanding his breast like a trussed

reathed - long winded; at

ave got the stern post of a dromond

conscience, man, it will put you in feud with the whole c

in my yard, and had it painted and carved something like a soldan or Saracen, and with him I brea

liar with the use of you

ost likely - on my soldan's head, and cleave it with such a downright blow

u, bonnet maker? I will put on my head piece and corselet one day, and you shal

nnet when it is set on my wooden soldan; then I am sure to fetch it down. But when there is a plume of feathers in it that nod, and two eyes glea

ll like your soldan, you would play t

r. "But here we come up with the rest of them. Bailie Craigdalli

vancing further to his assistance, which they regarded as quite ensured by the presence of the redoubted Henry Gow. They had resumed their straight road to Kinfauns, desirous that nothing should delay the execution of their miss

se, with my neighbour Oliver Proudfute. He no sooner got up from the ground, but he mounted his mare like a flash of lightning, and, enraged at the unknightly advantage which yonder rascal had taken of his stumbling horse, he flew after him like a dromedary. I could not but follow, bo

rculate; for, though not much caring for the matter, he had always doubted the bonnet maker's

aker mad," he whispered to Henry, "and set him a-ringing his clapper as if he were a t

nd could not think of his sitting rueful and silent in the provost's hall, while all

esires to show himself timid, poor spirited, and humble, to conceal the danger of his temper. The adder is not the less deadly that he creeps under a stone. I tell thee, son Henry, that, for all his sneaking looks and timorous talking, this w

, and seemed the queen of the valley, although, on the opposite side of the river, the strong walls of Elcho appeared to dispute the pre-eminence. Elcho, howev

Kinfauns, "and the breastplate and target of the bonny course of the Ta

g party, heard the intimation with pretty much the same feelings that the modern representative of a burgh hears of the menaced visitation of a party of his worthy electors, at a time rather unseasonable for their reception. That is, he internally devoted the intruders to Mahound and Termagaunt, and outwardly gave orders to receive

m with a mixture of courtesy and patronising condescension; wishing them all the while at the bottom of the Tay, on account of the interruption their arrival ga

vers, how come I to have the pleasure of seeing so many friends so early? I was thinking to see my hawks fly, and your company will make the sport more pleasant -(Aside, I trust in Our Lady they may break t

acteristic, of which the pottingar's bow was the lowest and the smith's the least ceremonious. Probably

arry till your lordship had invited us, as on other occasions. And as to hawking, we have had enough on't for one morning; since a wild fellow, who was flying a falcon hard by on the moor, unhorsed and cudge

" said the provost. "By St. John! I w

e at disadvantage. But I got on horseback again afterwards, and

es are made on?" said the provost. "I th

himself the Devil's Dick, and said he was a Johnstone, and a follower of the lord of that name. But I

f the Lord of Johnstone, and of his followers. Little is to be

rick, having command from

d us; recovered his reputation and that of the burgh. But here comes the wine at length. Fill round to my good friends and guests till the wine leap over the cup. Prosperity to St.

ie, "let us tell you the pressing cause of our

Some complaint against the rascally jackmen and retainers of the nobles, for

aughters' sleeping chambers as if they were in a bordel at Paris. A party of reiving night walkers - courtiers and men of rank, as there is but too much reason to believe - attempted to scale the win

and, by the soul of Thomas of Longueville, I will see you righted with my best power, were it to cost me life and land. Who att

awless audacity; and I were unwilling to put feud between my native town and some powerful nobleman on my account. But it has been said that, if I hang back in prosecuting this complaint, it will be as much

t to point, all that he

tention, seemed particularly struck with the

secure him when you had him. Did you n

e," said the glover, "and old. But yet I might have kept him, had I not heard my daughter shriek

good soldier," said Sir Patrick, "te

style, gave a brief but clear

umult within the burgh, I cannot altogether, it is true, say with Henry Gow that I saw the very beginning. But it will not be deni

ck Charteris. "Never lose time fumbli

which, in good faith and honest truth, I do confess I won not by the blade, but I claim the credit of securing it with that

h already mentioned, the stiffened hand which

e man enough to secure a rogue's hand after it is cut fr

or I took it off to show to my wife, as she cared not to look upon the dead hand, as women love not such sights. But yet I thought I had put

e street, and suchlike. But, by the soul of Thomas of Longueville, you shall not find Patrick Charteris slothful in a matter of this importance. This hand," he continued, holding up the severed joint, "belongs to one who hath worked no drudgery. We will put it in a way to be known and claimed of the owner, if his comrades of the

to whom they instinctively turne

to be assembled ere the common bell has rung ten

ase of need, I will come to aid the Fair City with such m

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