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Other Main-Travelled Roads

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1822    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

gs came along the road on his way to town. Jennings never went to town except when it rained too hard t

p. "Good morning,

ed the old man w

sual, I see. Think it

e much differunce t' me," gr

the plan fo


over and preach every Sunday afternoon at the schoolhouse, a

t. Y' needn't look t' me f'r a dollar.


'bout all we c'n stand t' pay our debts, let alone tryun' to support a pre

way. "I guess you'll help when the time comes,

e West, that is, he had more land than money; still he was able to give if he felt disposed. It remains to say that he w

on the grass at the side of the road, and whistling merrily. The old man looked at him from under his huge eyebrows with some curiosity. As

ster. I take fine-cut when I can get it," he said, as Bacon

d farmer, looking hard at Pill as he fl

ou fellows in the traces and out of hell-fire. Have y

Bacon, referring bac

that style of barb fence? A

y be, but the

fter I board with you a week. Narrow the road that leads to ligh

find more trouble t

the next world. We're gettin' old; lay not up your treasures w

-shouldered, wide-lunged, and thewed like a Chippewa. His rather small steel-blue eyes twinkled, and his shrewd face and small head, set


to pitch in the barn-yard; you'

. I believe in preachers havin' a little of the flesh and the devil; they can sympathize better with the rest of ye." T

o'n' to sta

do you?" was

, but we eat. You go along down the road and tell 'em I sent yeh. Ye'll find an' ol' dus

hungrier 'n a gray wolf in a bear-trap." And off he

hout after him, and retract his invitation; but he did not, only worked on, with an occa

found the Elder in the creamery, with his niece Eldora, who was not more won by him

est, when about her work in her faded calico gown and flat shoes, hair wisped into a slovenly knot, she was depressing. But she was a good woman, o

least as regards body-that her parents must have had in youth. She was above the average height of woman, with strong swel

the milk being skimmed out of the "submerged cans" read

upper, did he? What's come over him?" said

said Mrs. Buttles, as she wiped her hands

, in his mellow nasal. "There are preachers, and

y' was," lau

the pig-pen with that milk, whi

lk therein," and, accompanied by the laughing girl, made rapid way to the pig-pen jus

im here?" asked Mrs. But

," answered Bacon, going into temporary eclipse beh

gested a few points on raising clover, told of pioneer experiences in Michigan, and soon won them-hire

obacco and sweat (as did Bacon), sat with open mouth, at times fo

estern people are so indigent-in plain terms, poor-they can't do any better than they do. But we pull throug

d the hired man. It was t

ening with rare good-nature from the shadow of his gray brows. But he admired the minister's br

se; then he wandered out to the barn and talked horses with the hired man, and finished b

o their food as usual without ceremony, the visitor spoke in an imperious

ing atmosphere over the group; evidently they considered th

a Bible in

e. Elly, go 'n see 'f y' can't raise

evotion?" asked Pill, as the book w

Bacon, as he rose from the t

the thing throug

leave the women folks t

Elder concluded he'd walk up to Brother

rother Bacon, to be at

n'," responded Bacon, with a

ised, you

did!" the old

smile, and went off whistling

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