Philip Massinger
n upon occasion to the Earle
t to the w
est that claym
re they that s
y in this Vers
dread curse soe
d Fates falne
for ever to
onely dreame
weare cheated
oes or the M
yet assure me
ets borne, are
thy then, whose
s from the now
h their wants w
lowed one of
ou sigh'st not wind, bu
nkindly kind, my li
s thou sai'est, if in t
the best
high mynded Lad
that her lib
ertues they b
hees the mirac
x, and has fors
ny Sparta e'r
ounty failes a
then what once
iver shee dea
rchase gott an
well that doo
or a pension
owne Candor, let
those toyes I
beyond A Pl
ue the course
famous: yet
ndustry cou
rer, I might
f more name a
enius is fa
uch of what he
your familie
se it, nor had
tion, and c
onord Patron
Spencer ne'
his matchless
a Spencer Sydne
y in his Shep
selfe (or Mar
rame a poore G
as cherisht
onceiv'd ?nea
Italic Those ar
everence: my
gh, yet some wor
nor wrong my duty n
Lopp pleas'd
my trodd do
confesse my
nd for your b
t feed on it,
theirs that a
ov'd and honor
ife will find
assur'd besi
oet but to writ
: Mes