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Red Caps and Lilies

Red Caps and Lilies



Word Count: 2338    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


mall salon of Madame la Comtesse, but it had sounded higher up; the schoolroom, perhaps, or the nurseries beyond. Flambeau gained the top of a high staircase with a

eau. I called you from there, for I

them called sharply, "Marie Josep

at disdainfully toward a table which was drawn close to a dancing fire in a deep, old-fashioned fireplace. The table was covered with bits of brocade, satin, and gold lace. Two girls sat one on each side

te big chair by the fire, Li

he maid's needle as she sat down again and went on with her work. Then sh

an answer, she went on speaking. "I hoped that Tante would allow us to sew the ruby in the crown, but she

er eyes and pouted. The pout made her look

t do another one at once, Proté," she sa

iselle," Pro


ld out another black object to the little maid, who took it smilingly, with a little bow which made

e fire, Flambeau beside her. She

at in the deep shadow of the window seat at the far

hings, Lisle. You have nothing to do about them, but sit and look on. All that concerns

an Rosanne and I. There is no reason why we should not have been invited. I should t

s rose brocade and a bit of the gold tinsel would become her," suggested Proté, tying

ok her head. "No, P

osed at the bits of ribbon in he

ve a big rose bow? Greyhounds alwa

t appear to be interested in any of the glittering array on the table. She caught her brother's eyes. His head was thrown back against the dark, carved-oak window settle. He was looking straight at Marie Jose

! What a dragon! Wha

with a stamp of her foot. "You are not to

going over to the fireplace. She laid both hands on the carved, gilded mantelpiece and stood

rm, forgetting her own trouble for the moment. "

n. It is only that now everything seems grey and dreadful, and Tante is unha

rty," Marie Josephi

o wish you could; but even if Madame de Soigné had asked you, Tante would never have allowed you to go

a good deal of truth in her words. She was small and quiet and shy. S

beau, who had settled himself in the heat of

ll you allow me to see if it fits properly, Monsieur Lisle?" she asked,

rnest, rubbing his shoulders restlessly against the side of the mantel and l

ging a piece of blue velvet after her and unmindful of the fact that a piece of black cardboard was sticking

ate. You are going to be the Sun King

not clean your face. A nice, grown-up duchess you will make, with paste and black paper on y

winter. He had a very fair face with a pointed nose and blue eyes which had a straight unwinking way of looking at one. His cousin Hortense, who h

ly in front of her brother as she spoke. He had consented to allow Proté to try o

harp-nosed woman in a black silk dress with wide, flowing sleeves and

y because I could not find you. Surely yo

s out on the balcony listenin

o you mean?" the g

e so many noises now. Flambeau was res

is hand, and a moment later lights flickered and then shone bravely from the many candles in bronze sockets on the t

ense and Mademoiselle Denise, to accompany her in an hour's ti

ck again. Then she caught Flambeau's forepaws and tried to make him dance too, but th

ed, and then went on eagerly: "We shall enjoy talking about the ball with th

l!" Lisle walked over to the door as he

s so different. Maman will not allow us to go out except in our own garden and to the De Soi

le exclaimed, and the g


is 1792, not the dark ages. Help will come from the royalists in Europe. It

with admiration as he spoke. How t

dly but she was cheerfu

oung ladies wish their coiffures done at once, and see to their mantles and hats

e they are away, Monsi

in his quiet,

with my tutor, Ma

it when it so worries Madame your mother. It makes

id, if you please, Madame," Lisle said and,

t been told that she could go with Hortense and Denise? Rosanne de Soigné was her greatest chum. They could have sat quietly in a

said to me: 'Little Marie Josephine, I can almost see the black clouds, they are so thick ahead of us. But

oked at Marie Josephine it was as thoug

on? Proté will amuse you if you like. Perhaps you will wor

usly. She stood thinking for a moment

like. They may go out for go?ter every afternoon. It is nothing to me. I do not care!" She

all the rest of the afterno

grandfather," Marie

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