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Six Thousand Country Churches


Word Count: 740    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

opted in 1914 by the Commission on Church and Country Life of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. It seemed to the Commissio

, and because in a number of its counties a country church survey had already been made. This survey

of course feasible to collect only a very small number of facts concerning each church. Accordingly the facts to be gathered were limited to the location of every rural church, its den

e actual urgency of the situation, and second, to provide a basis for a workable policy of interchurc

, organization. Therefore, when the branch office of the Commission on Church and Country Life was opened in Columbus, Ohio, in August, 1914, at the same time the Ohio Rural Life Association was formed to co?perate with the Commission in its work in the State.

ife. Its paid executive and office force have done the main part of the work, but valuable assist

sly carried on, with the result that in Ohio more than in any other State has the country church gained ground in its command of public interest. As a subject for addresses and discussion the country church has a place in a large n

ibuted in different circuits, and membership rolls were increasing or decreasing. Since the map for their county was completed some churches have federated, or their members have all united in a denominational union church.

g of them will not only register a stage of progress in the State of Ohio, but that in other States also similar work will b

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