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The Air Mystery of Isle La Motte

The Air Mystery of Isle La Motte



Word Count: 3738    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

d in his horse as close to the cock-pit as he could get, and eyed the two occupants

h?" the blue-eyed youth in the passenger's seat drawled in an

y," the mounty replied. "I

f three thousand feet we observed you, so we came down to fin

ed with approval on the animal that had aroused their curiosity. "But, if you ev

hop out of that and give an account of

to headquarters. However, duty was duty and he wasn't making any snap judgments or taking needless risks. There was too much smuggling, to say nothing of illegal immigration across the border, and orders were strict. It wa

is is my step-brother, Bob Caldwell, fifteen years an

Bob bowed, then added. "I'

s horse had walked close to the boy and was nosing about the pockets of his aviat

r which we had no control removed my mother and Bob's father," Jim explained. "When I was twelve I discovered that my father w

ll of lead," Bob offered. "Give me your apple, Jim." Jim ha

the stuffing out of Bob. We beat them off, and after that, I went to the Caldwell'

est cook in Texas,"

and I ran into Bob. We rode about and talked it

t to," the officer

d," Bob repl

a pair of blue cranes, is a responsibility,

ece of chocolate cake that I didn

ey were a pair of boobs. A week later the knots were tied that unit

s to be sen

er said I had to go


t was four years, we could have an airplane, he'd see that we were properly in

piloting on the side, then went home and made the old man keep his word.

grinned broadly. "Now, tell

anything about yourse


time she takes tourists and calls the house, Stumble Inn. We came to see a bit of the world and to pay her a

he horse is Patrick. He was imported from one of the western states, do

eg. Looks like a short-hitch hobble that cut him." The boy stooped over

His fingers gently manipulated the old wound and P

h strangers. You must have a way with

sky to meet him,"

earning all we can. It's against our principles to ask impudent questions, but we sh

and every place where smugglers of any kind might try to br

a was all wet,

t of our troubles, although they are bad enough. There's a lot of objectionable people sneaking in to both this

ettled. Didn't know there is so much

s going on a lot better. With the glasses we knew all abou

," the sergeant answered. "The airmen can tell us if anything is moving that is susp

ial afoot now,

n a gang that has put it over every time. If we don't make a killing soon, I can see where there will be a general shaking up

we can pick up. Maybe we can help you. You'll recognize Her Highness if you see her sailing through again, and if we want to com

er no end, old top, but your Aunt and Uncle, to say nothing of your mother a

for that very reason. They both told us to have a goo

real-because we are such a pair of nuts we might put something over for you. We elect ourselves, you're in the minority, so, if you hear Her Highness, listen, stop, watch. Come on, B

who raises such a flock of

well, and she said last night that she isn't having much luck this spring. It's tou

t a couple for my family. They

we will know that you get o

t off my head, but you fellows watch your step and don't go do

se, then climbed into the cock-pit of Her H


hone the Fentons and tell them to keep the boys out of any trouble. On second thought, he decided against it. After all, their own air men were watching from above, and as they were every one of them experts at the game, they would rep

You are a discriminating old cuss." He leaped into the saddle, but he waited to make a note of the meeting of the boys and their account of themselves. "Even at that they may be stringing me,"

course and started toward North Hero, which is one of many delightful bits of land in Lake Champlain. Presently

m said into the speaking tube,

ok a good look at the huge lake that stretched out restlessly bet

f it to Dad. Remem

and twenty-

ied the pounding waves. There was Isle La Motte, with it's farms at one end and long wooded stretch at the other where the Fenton's kept their turkeys. Beyond, united by a long bridge was North Hero Island, cut up into small homesteads. There were acres of un

ghness glide, and circled for a landing place. "Get on the water." Young Caldwell kicked forward a lever which sh

tree, and in a moment a huge man whose face was ugly with anger, walked along the

at the turkeys," Bob told him. "W

ot going to hurt anything. We've never seen a turk

on private property and I'll have the law on you! Don't you see them signs, 'No Trespassing', right there!" He pointed to

he information would naturally assure them a very different reception, but for some reason or other, the older boy wan

t in our propeller or tail." Bob sent Her Highness scurrying

her nose low, and set the propeller racing. Instantly it kicked up a spray of water

fted, climbed swiftly and started homeward. Bob taxied her low across the two miles

pical, tall, slender Vermont woman, came

ey raced around the curve, across the wide, sloping

and soon they were splashing the cold water over their faces

o was tall and slender, with kindly grey eyes, and a broad smile. Although they had never s

Uncle Norman!" Bob answered

of her under wa

like some of t

, some of those hot spots wo

of it," Mr. Fenton told them

higher than it i

ut that doesn't happen often, not so far north, but we get plenty.


aw a tall, powerfully built man, whose skin and eyes were dark. He wore the usual overalls, a tan shirt

s waiting for you." Mr. Fent

ir," Corso repl

eresting job on that mud hol

l of milk and walked away swiftly. The boys noted that h

they way to the dining room where the table would have gro

s a little older, rented a shack a mile or so up the shore; they paid several months in advance. Seem to spend their time walking, or on the lake, and I believe I'm about the only p

oking boy," Mrs

has longed to get her motherly h

enty of it. He's as thin as a stick, and I know he was sick this spring.

an interesting pa

n business, and we Vermonters mind ours

, ple

hole?" Bob wanted to know, for a m

a meadow and the garden; dips down low and toward the middle is quite a hole. The place catches all the rain and hangs on to it all through the hottest months. I had an expert here to drain it several years ago, he

you c

it no harm, nor the surrounding patches. I told him it wasn't good for anything, but he seemed to want it, so I let him have it. He and the boy spend a great deal of time there, and they

e streaks, like marble, and are pretty. I'd like to send a box to

r and see what you make out of the work so far. I can't make head or tail of it. A few days ago th

they expect to raise

" Mr. Fento

Mrs. Fenton announced positively. "

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