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The Blot on the Kaiser's 'Scutcheon

Chapter 2 The Kaiser's Character Revealed in His Choosing the Sultan for His Friend

Word Count: 954    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e choice of a bosom-friend. C

ambling house and the dens where thieves congregate. Dickens mad

rm of the cross, in the Transfiguration of Raphael, the Duomo of Giotto, the Paradise Lost of Milton, the In Memoriam of Tennyson, the Emancipation Proclamation of Lincoln. Christianity has never formed any close frie

f the ways. It became necessary for him to make a choice of friends. Like

old hero living in the capital of Japan and two ex-Presidents known the world around for their splendid manhood; and he could have made overtures of friendship to any one of these brave men; bu

s were red with blood, his hands dripped with gore. His house was a harem; his hand he

ope and was brought up, shivering with terror, and saying that he found himself sur

an be my associate! I will go to Constantinople

d hired the Sultan's knife and club, just as the Chief Priest Annas chose Judas to be

ll Mohammedans, whether they lived in India or Persia, in Arabia or Turkey, that they must remember that the Kaiser had entered into a treaty to become their protector and friend. Having become a Lutheran in Berlin, he became a M

an outlet for surplus goods to be sold in India. Serbia lay straight across the path, and he had to work out some scheme to

urk's method of living made him poor. The gifts of the Armenian tended towards wealth. Once in twenty years the Turk found himself a pauper and found the Armenian rich; the result was envy and cove

the old men, use the Armenian girls for the harem, and fling the little children's bodies into pits dug in the garden behind the house. We will enter the village in the morning as soldiers;

Armenians. You can murder an entire nation, for the Germans and the Turks have practically done it. Ambassador Morgenthau has just said that the Kaiser and the Sultan through their forces have murdered nearly a million

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1 Chapter 1 The Kaiser's Hatred of the United States2 Chapter 2 The Kaiser's Character Revealed in His Choosing the Sultan for His Friend3 Chapter 3 Pershing's Charges versus the Kaiser4 Chapter 4 Who Taught the Kaiser That a Treaty Is a Scrap of Paper 5 Chapter 5 The Original Plot of the Members of the Potsdam Gang6 Chapter 6 The Berlin Schemers and Their Plot7 Chapter 7 German Superiority a Myth That Has Exploded8 Chapter 8 German Intrigues9 Chapter 9 German Burglars Loaded With Loot Are the More Easily Captured10 Chapter 10 Germans Who Hide Behind the Screen11 Chapter 11 German Barbarism Not Barbarism to the German12 Chapter 12 The German Science of Lying 13 Chapter 13 The Malignity of the German Spies14 Chapter 14 Politic of Germany15 Chapter 15 Polygamy and the Collapse of the Family in Germany16 Chapter 16 Hot Swords in Sister Julie's Eyes17 Chapter 17 The Hidden Dynamite; the Hun's Destruction of Cathedrals18 Chapter 18 The German Sniper Who Hid Behind the Crucifix19 Chapter 19 The Ruined Studio20 Chapter 20 The Glory of the French Soldier's Heroism21 Chapter 21 Why the Hun Cannot Defeat the Frenchman22 Chapter 22 I Am Only His Wife 23 Chapter 23 A Soldier's Funeral in Paris24 Chapter 24 Lover of Louvain25 Chapter 25 A Vision of Judgment in Martyred Gerbéviller26 Chapter 26 The Return of the Refugees27 Chapter 27 An American Knight in France28 Chapter 28 An American Soldier's Grave in France29 Chapter 29 These Flowers, Sir, I Will Lay Them Upon My Son's Grave 30 Chapter 30 and Scotland 31 Chapter 31 England Shall Not Starve 32 Chapter 32 Americans Who Vilify England33 Chapter 33 American Girls in Munition Factories34 Chapter 34 The Wolves' Den on Vimy Ridge35 Chapter 35 Why Did You Leave Us in Hell for Two Years 36 Chapter 36 This War Will End Within Forty Years 37 Chapter 37 The Redemption of a Slacker38 Chapter 38 Slackers versus Heroes39 Chapter 39 German Stupidity in Avoiding the Draft40 Chapter 40 I'm Working Now for Uncle Sam 41 Chapter 41 The German Farmer's Debt to the United States42 Chapter 42 Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth Is an Ungrateful Immigrant43 Chapter 43 In Praise of Our Secret Service