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The Cattle-Baron's Daughter


Word Count: 3464    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

villa flamed gold and crimson against a sky of softest blue, when Hetty Torrance sat reflect

about something the la

d Hetty. "Haven't a good many

I have noticed a change, and it began the day you waited f

uppose it should have been. Have yo

except the boys he can't talk to, within miles of him, while from the picture I saw of his adobe room I scarcely think folks would have it down here to keep h

. "Flo, I'm sorry. Sti

ed I could. You can't help being pretty, but it ought to make

sharp. You don't think their foolishness, which spoils everything, is any pleasure to me. I

r the other. Still, perhaps you might, for I have a fancy there's something short in you. Now, I'm going to ask

want anything but his horses and cattle and his books on political economy. Larry's quite happy with his ranching, and his dreams

true. You have known him a long while, and I've only seen him once, but that man will do more than talk if he ever has the opportunity. He

ck with me to Cedar, and if you're good you shall

te your generosity, and there's a good deal you have got to find out, Hetty," she said dr

found out that my voice would never bring me fame, and for a time it hurt me horribly. Still, I couldn't go back just then, and when you and your mother pressed me I stayed. I knew what you expected, and

Schuyler, but Miss T

gave me everything is very lonely there, and he and Larry have been toiling on while I flung 'most what a ranch would cost away on lessons and dresses and

right thing now," s

one thing would make it easier. You will come and stay with me. You don't know how much I want yo

hen it's fixed," she said. "I'll write the old man a

and already, in scattered detachments, the vanguard of the homesteaders' host was filing in. Here and there they had made their footing good; more often, by means not wholly constitutional, their outposts had been driven in; but it was noticeable that Torrance and his neighbours still believed them no more than detachments, and had not heard the footsteps of the rest. Three years' residence in that land had changed the aliens into America

hout its faint pathos, for Hetty had been stirred when she wrote; but the grim old wi

olishly fancied I should be lonely at the Range; but I have been very selfish, and you must have been horribly lonely too; and one of the nicest girls you ever saw is com

onfirm this fact by reference to a railroad schedul

f them,"

tenderness crept into his face, which, however, grew grave aga

needn't keep you long," he said. "I just wanted to h

ance. "Where did you

for a moment, but he laughed. "

ow. We'll have the rabble down upon us a

n of policy. I had to have the dollars. Still, you haven't told m

ted that Clavering's ranch was embarras

is bringing another young woman and a maid with her. They will be here be

a change in Miss Torrance, sir. She has grown into a beautiful young woman, and has, I fancy, been taught to think for herself in the city; you co

e plain. What co

. A sense of duty, perhaps, although one notices that the motives of young women are usually a trifle involved. It, however, appears

we may have to do things we would sooner they di

r in, but we turned the Sheriff, who had already sworn some of us in, loose on them. Four or five men were nastily clubbed, and one of James's boys was shot through the arm, while I have a fancy that the citizens would have stood in with the other crowd; but seeing they were

h the S

uck you that this campaign is going to cost us a g

le. "If it's wanted I'll throw my last dollar in. Bea

is leader, that it was only by the downfall of the cattle-men the small farmer

big vestibule car as the long train slackened speed outside a little

in keeping with the luxury of the East. You are environed by civilizati

w to her, and the first thing that caught her eye was the miscellaneous deposit of rubbish, old boots, and discarded clothing, amidst the willows that slowly flitted by. Then she saw a towering water-

ed expectancy, when, as the cars stopped, the three women alone appeared on the platform. Th

m the door of the baggage-car. "The next crowd are

said, "Boys, your friends aren't comi

nd a cheer went up, for there were other men present in whom the spirit which, underlying immediate issues, had roused the North to arms was living yet; but it broke off into laughter when, one b

bewildered, the maid frightened;

? The boys are taking the trail. We'll sho

hes, kissed her companion, and then, taking off his hat, handed her down from the platform with ceremonious courtesy. He had a grim, forceful face, with pride and comma

case it's going to be a privilege, too," he said. "Well, you will be tired, and they have a meal waiting you at th

e, made way for him. Here and there a man drove his fellows back, and one, catching up a loose plank, laid it down f

. "It's a long while since we've seen anything

e, but Hetty turned to the spe

and if I didn't know what kind of man you were,

the assembly, and the m

slowly, "she w

ill, if she knew no better than that, I w

ced at her companion with some astonishment as s

hey're our boys-grown right

man now preceded them, and raised his hand when they came up with the band, which had a

s, boys, and down wit

ot before Miss Torrance had seen part of the blazoned legend. Its

ore gravely, "what

id, "is a tolerably big question. It wou

nd felt that she had left New York a long way behind as she glanced at the bare wooden houses cracked by frost and sun, rickety plank walks, whirling wisps of dust, and groups of men, splendid in their lean, muscular symmetry and picturesq

etly. "The Sheriff has one or

, while a few mounted men with wide hats and bandoliers came up with three saddle-horses. Torrance bestowed the maid in the light wagon, and, when the tw

he boys for

troubles. It seemed better to bring them, in ca

" asked Hetty, al

seen a few of them. They were carrying th

les rose again and were followed by a tramp of feet. Glancing over their shoulders the girls could see men moving in a body, with the flag they carried

run through her. Something that jingling rhythm and the simple words expressed but inarticulately stirred her blood, as she

scarcely music, and the crudest verse; but it served its purpose, and is ther

are drawing their pension, but they're not with us," he said. "It's only because we have sent in

uyler glanced at Hetty when they rode out into the white p

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