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The Children of Wilton Chase

Chapter 2 SHARK.

Word Count: 2390    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

sy of delight. "Here I am, Mag, and there are two pouters in a cage, and four new fantails-they're coming with the luggage-and I've got a lop-eared rabbit with black spots, and my ferret

here are the ferrets? When can I see them? Oh, how are you, Bas

t a roundabout you are, Marjorie," he continued, pinching

red freckled face wore an

and I wadded them so that they are most comfortable. But-it isn't that-t

e. "I'm going to dri

rowned mor

all of them; and they'll see the horses and they'll run.

ed in the carriage by Ermeng

to the house at once. Oh, yes, Eric, you can go to meet the

with Ermie,

ain, and they drove down the l

cap and looked up into the green. He was a dark and handsome

venue, and the rooks' nests-I remember, too--" Here he stopped suddenly, and a wave of red mantled his cheeks. Ermengarde

es, and was not attending to

the thing, Ermie," sai

tly well,"

e wanted you to get out. Have you been worrying yourself lately? You know you are such a

n dropped

mother had a prejudice against school-life for girls, and Ermie does very well with Miss Nelson

f her brother, and Mr. Wilton, although handsome as a man, had by

had just been taken round to the stables. She had her whip in her h

hing I do beg, and that is, that you never come into the house except by the side door, and that you and Eric keep your pets to yourselves. I don't mind what is done

r. Wilton. "Boys will be boys, and n

rself. She indulged in it now, and going up

p those lazy intolerable grooms in some sort of order, but just at present your place is in the schoolroom part of the house. Er

Aunt Elizabeth's manner to her at all times, and now s

said, touching her

ok pleasant, or I shall desire Miss Nelson on no account to permit you t

away, chicks, both of you; run off and be happy. N

son, who looked worried and over-tired, was desiring her pupils to take their places. All the nursery children were to sup in the schoolroom to-night, in honor of

ash his hands, and Ermengarde flew upstairs to disp

hing the butter nearer to little Mollie, the youngest schoolroom child, stopping Bobby's rebellious lips with strawberries, and lugging a great ju

orie; you can sit down,

d at once into a

g quickly at her eldest pupil; "you are l

And it wasn't Ermie's fault, her being late this time; sh

ed round at her, guessed that she did not wish him to say

beyond anything the long summer vacation when the boys were home from school, and the girls had only half work. These were the weeks for disputes, for quarrels, for disagreeables, for scrapes. During these weeks poor Miss Nelson's hair became more

m a plate of the best strawberries, and after a pau

she has done nothin

white tablecloth, and over his own shirt-cuff. Basil hated messes and awkward ways of doing things. He gave Ermengarde a return k

"She's under my command now. I'm her captain.

ss. "I hope you have thoroughly mastered your imposition. If so, as you

lent. Marjorie had left her seat, and was bringing all the cups up to Miss Nelson to be refilled with tea. As the gove

lected for her punishment lesson was "Casabianca," which she adm

thank you, Miss Nelson," s

ority might never be discovered. If it was, she was prepared to defend her action, but she had an intuition that Basil would disapprove. His good opinion was of the utmost value to he

ond cups of tea. She was again at li

in confidence, has Eric brought

eyes s

(Eric is dead nuts on that pouter), and a lop-eared rabbit. I think that's all. I ha

almost screamed Marjorie. "Oh,

risen on both her cheeks. "I had hoped no more pets we

e than my ferret Shark. They are young bloodhounds. Don't you den

y two; they haven't arrived yet. They'll come by post, or train, or

eve you are a boy t

is it,

ce, which set all the nu

whenever you are in the schoolroom-in fact, I may

'am. I didn't

chool-boy. The nursery children clapped their hands with

and be respectfu

is eyes, which still danced with mirth. He folded his hands on his brea

overness h

with regard to your pets. The rab

no, m

no rabb

em somewhere,

eons can share the d

ll, Miss

elson almost shivered. "Dan

xclaimed Eric. "S

ess. "I have heard that their teeth

y ought to be strong; he has six rows; wh

at silly way. And once for all understand that I c

aid Eric. "Shall I brin

ink of such a horrid creature being so close to

perfect tip-topper. He'd kill anything. I paid five bob for

r father. Keep the ferret in his basket or b

a'am. He'd gnaw you

ldren. I can let you know before bed-time,

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