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The Crack of Doom

Chapter 10 FORCE-A REMEDY.

Word Count: 2104    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

stifled-ill," Miss Metford

. His voice had returned to its ordinary key. His demeanour was imperturbable, sphinx-like. I murmured some words about

r blame seems to a

"You forget that there is nothing d

manner was visibly modified. She made no pretence of resenting this slight attention, as was usual with her in similar cases. Indeed, she asked me to accompany her

mbered a letter Brande had put into my hand as I left the hall. It was short, and the tone was even more peremptory than his usual arrogance. It directed me to meet the members of the Society at Charing Cross station at two o'clock on the following day. No i

every available policeman in London." The pent-up wrath and impotence of many days found voice at

rry," said Natalie Br

it was fully an hour since I left the hall, an

r your own sake. Are you rea


must go

ain, and your friends shall go on witho

s I think now if I had known him sooner? I suppose I should have been as oth

o give up her brother and all the maniacs who followed him. For the time I forgot utterly

erless to interfere. If you will not come with me, I must go alone. Bu

wered. "Where

end it will make no difference. And

am going wit

have held back, thinking her innocent? But Natalie stopped s

have been different." She was silent for a moment. Then

fail you to-morr

d left me without any explanation

t. My personal effects and the mementos of my travels, which lay about my rooms in great confusion, must remain where they were. As to the few friends who still remained to me, I did not write to them. I could not well describe a project of which I knew nothing, save that it was being carried out by dangerous lunatics, or, at least, by men who were dangerous, whether their madness was real or assumed.

ength of the Society was assembled to see a few of us off, I thought. In fact, they were all going. About a dozen women were in the party, and they were dressed in t

I am going too. Don't

a girl to be allowed to walk blindfold into the pit I had

ou, I firmly believe, at the risk of my life-against these people. You ha

or yourself. I can't trust you with them. You'd get into mischief. I don't mean with

all speak

ess. I joined the S

r faults. That ended our dispute. We exchanged a meaning look as our party took their seat

illage on the southern coast, near Brande's residence. Here we found a

The library, especially, was more suggestive of a room in the British Museum than the batch of books usually carried at sea. But I have no mind to enter on a detailed description of a beautiful pleasure ship while my story waits. I only mention the general condition of the vessel in evidence of the

on took place. A slight scream in front caused Miss Metford and myself to hurry forward. We found the others surrounded by a gang of drunken sailors, who had stopped them. A red-bearded giant, frenzied with drink, had seized Natalie in his arms. His abettor, a swarthy Italian, had drawn his knife, and menaced Halley and Rocking

-haired giant instantly released Natalie and put up his hands. The man's attitude showed that he knew nothing of defence. I swept his guard aside, and struck him violently on the neck close to the ear. I was a trained boxer; but I had never before struck a blow in earnest, or in such earnest, and I hardly knew my own strength. The man

, I am proud of

rande exclaimed, still trembling. "Such drea

you that Marcel is a man of viole

er so viciously that I interposed with a hasty entreaty t

meant to say like you, and this over-nervous but otherwise admir

t passenger and the last bale of luggage was on board, the captain's telegraph rang from the bridge, and the Esmeralda steamed out to sea. My letter, however, was safe on shore. The land was low down upon the horizon before the long summer twilight deepened slowly into night. Th

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