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The Enchanted Castle

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 4623    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

r instance, as that the earth goes round the sun, and that it is not flat but round. But the things that seem really likely, like fairy

ever hear about them because the people think that no one will believe their stories, and so they do

carried her shining train; then came Jimmy, and Gerald came last. They were all quite sure that they had walked right into the middle of a fairy tale, and they were the more ready to believe it because they were so tired and hungry. They were, in fact, so hungry and tired that they hardly noticed where they were going, or observ

once inside she twitched her sheeny train

and I don't know what will happen if you talk." And with that, picking up the thick goldy-pink folds under her arms,

. The others pretended not to see this, which was much more crushing than anything they could have said. So they sat in silence, and Gerald ground the heel of his boot upon the

but an oblong tin one. She set it down noisily on th

sy with. Anyhow, this was nothing like it. The heavy tray held a loaf of bread, a lump of ch

t doesn't matter, because everything's magic here, and unless you have some dreadful secret faul

said Kathleen, wi

aid it on a dish. "There you are," she said,

een, and received a piece

cess, cut a piece of cheese

cken. It was no use owning that she didn't see any chicken and peas, or anything but ch

secret, even from me

-and got it, she supposed, though to her it

arked that, as for her, she could fancy a slice of roast peacock. "This one," sh

sn't it?" asked

" asked the Pri

beef-the bread an

k at it," said the Princess,

aid Jimmy feebly. "

, ISN'T IT?"

did you?); but bread and cheese is, at any rate, very much better than nothing when you have gone on having nothing since breakfast

"if you're sure you won't have any more meat you can come and see my trea

e great stone stairs ran up at each side and joined in a broad flight l

private apartments." She held the tapestry up with both hands, for

she said, "

d, on a larg

id the Princess

e great key creaked a

said; "push ha

door gave way, and they fell over e

rtain and came after them,

d; "look out! there

is knee at the bottom of the steps.

u can't have hurt yourselves much. Go s

traight on-

handle and go in. Then stand still till I

hes a hundred years

ess quickly. "We always called it the ma

oor she was waiting for them with a cand

ndow, so that first a yellow streak and then a blazing great ob

dle look quite si

andle. Then she took the key from the outside of th


f deep blue with gold stars painted on it. The walls were of wood

Princess, "is my

Kathleen politely,

e them?" aske

ou don't come that bread-and-cheese ga

say the charm. Shut your eyes, please. And give me your word of honour you won

ren would rather not have given just then, but they

ncess rapidly; and they heard the swish of her silk train mov

ing us in!"

f honour," g

quick!" moa

blue and red and green and gold and silver. Shelves ran round the room, and on them were gold cups and silver dishes, and platters and goblets set with gems, ornaments of gold and silver, tiaras of diamonds, necklaces of rubies, strings of emeralds and pearls, all set out

sparkling splendours all about them, while the Princess stood, her ar

But no one spoke out loud. They waited a


mes now?" she asked triumphantl

, you can!"

we touch?" a

generous wave of her brown hand, and added quickly, "On

rs were already busy turning over the won

unbelieving little boy. You think I can't see insid

" aske

the bread and cheese that I changed into beef, and about your secret f

on his head, and added a collar of SS and a zone of sparkling emeralds, which would not quite meet round his middle. He turne

ow I wish your clothes were prettier. What ugly cl

ill with a diamond brac

said. "The Ki

Queen?" asked

Kathleen. "They'll have waked up by now. Won't they b

e bread and cheese. They're having their dinner. They won't expect me yet. Here," she

wels and looking at herself in the little silver-framed mirror that the Prince

u, let's go out and have a jolly good game of something. You could play besieg

don't like to do too much magic at a time, it's so tiring. Besides, it'll

d them that every necklace, or ring, or bracelet had its own home on the velvet-a sli


of the shelf near it held, not bright jewels, but rings and brooches and chains, as well as

this rubbish

wears it has got to speak the truth. This chain makes you as strong as ten men; if you wear this

Kathleen, reaching out her hand. T

ches them all the magic goes out at once and never co

ring?" Jim

makes you

ed Gerald, showing

the effect of all

" Jimmy asked. "You'

. "I should have thought I'd shown you enough magi

You might show us how some of the things

hes-brilliant yet thoroughly reasonable-the kind of wish that never seems to occur to p

you, it only gives me wishes. But I'll let you see the ring


you may look. And then you must shut them

gh the counting one could he

rty-nine, fifty!" said Gerald

om. The jewels had vanish

or, of course," said Jimm

," said Kathle

n do that trick," said J

ely Princess," he went on, "reappeared as soon as our he

hadn't. He didn't mean to cheat, he just forgot. And as Gerald's

t was a trick!" and at once shut his

opened. And the panel was clo

ed it off this t

etter count agai

the window," said Jimmy, "and she's

d the voice of the Princess so clo


id all three together. For still

ear," said Kathleen. "Shall we

e voice of the Princess,

was cross too. "Why can't you come back and h

en gently. "She is i

I got into the cu

think yourselves very clever, I dare say. But I don't

If you're hiding, as Jimmy says, you'd better come out. If you've

ce quite changed, but still the P

an't?" asked Jimmy

w; the eight-sided room was very ho

the sound of a sob in the vo

said Jimmy, "and I

n afternoon a really quite horrid thing happened: Jimmy suddenly leaned backwards, then forwards, his eye

Jimmy!" cried Kathleen, hurrying to

gasped Jimmy angri


ess, "and I'll shake him again if

said Gerald angrily. "I

s own and caught those other hands by the wrists. And there he was, holding wrists that he couldn't

come and hold her le

en, anxious to help.

is invisible right enough. Get hold of this hand,

very, very uncomfortable and frightening it is to feel

egs," said the invisible Pr

erald was quite calm. "You said

m n

lly. Look in

t; I ca

s," Gerald repeat


he found it impossible to believe that h

ess anxiously, "aren't you? Do say you are. You've had

honour," said Gerald, "

the Princess. "I'll let you out, and you

, and along the little passage into the hall. No on

whispered Jimmy as they g

ker. I think you're perfectly hateful. I'm sorry I ever played wi

was seen to touch it. "Come through, ca

ith long, narrow mirrors bet

ing us such a jolly time. Let's part fr

wly put in his, which

well got to look in the glass

one of the mirrors, and held he

"you just look

d then a cry of despair

invisible. Whate

," said Kathleen,

er si

on't come off. But it can't be the r

e did," said Kath

laying at magic. I just hid in the secret cupboa

you can do magic-the invisible jewe

ing and the panelling slide

waist that she couldn't see. Invisible arms clasped her, a hot invisible cheek

Kathleen; "let me go and


l father a

poor Princess. "You know tha

se," said Jimmy triumpha

nd being asleep i

rst, and then I heard you talking in the maze, and I thought what fun; and now I'm invisible, and I shall never come right again, never-I know I sha

s, who are you?" asked Kathlee

invisible Princess. "She may be h

he knows s

. She would be so vexed. Oh, I daren't let her see me like this!" she

as though it were tumbling about their ears. All that was left was the

came true. I wish I'd never played at magic-

into the garden, near the lake, where it's cool, and w

denly, "the buckle; that

voice that seemed to speak witho

out the ring," said Gera

he Temple of Flora, by the lake. I'll go back t

see you,"

id Gerald. "Where is

along the winding path through the shrubbery. You can't

gainst the side of the little hill, and sat down in its shadowy inside. It had arch

of a runner sounded loud on the gravel. A shadow, ver

ot invisible any

eplied. "We left the key inside the door, and it's

a heartf

in his most busi

d we'll have a thorough

Jimmy, "if we was to wake

uck," said

ll, what's your name, and if you

obs, "I'm the-housekeeper's-niece-at-

adow of truth, because how could he? The others were sile

said Gerald, "


d flung herself down in the madness of despair. "Oh yes, I belong here ri

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