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The Fight for Constantinople: A Story of the Gallipoli Peninsula

The Fight for Constantinople: A Story of the Gallipoli Peninsula


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 2091    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


ers," announced Colonel Crosthwaite, hold

utenant Richard Crosthwaite with a bre

ht to call it your appointment. It's to the Hammerer. Wh

nceal the shade of disappointment that flitted over his fe

rposed his parent. "That's

et something, well-something not altog

, I'll admit," said Colonel Crosthwaite.

Navy and many foreign Powers at his fingers' ends. "She's a weatherly old craft, but it isn't likely she'll take part in an action with the German High Seas Fleet, when it does come out of the Kiel Canal. Things are

hips are wanted, and officers and men must be found

g exactly," expla

thing for placing unknowns in the limelight, and this war in particular. Now buck up and get your kit together

sible for his fairly rapid promotion, and having put in seven months as a midshipman on board the light cruiser Se

taken part in any action; his ship had escaped the attentions of hostile submarines and drifting mines. There was a spice of risk abou

were given leave, which after months of strenuous watch and ward they thoroughly deserved, and

ad gained he considered, with all due respect for My Lords' discretion, that nothing short of an appointment on one of the super-Dreadnoughts or battl

er lying in one of the basins of the dockyard extensions at Portsmouth, looking

the then Channel Fleet. With her black hull, white upper works, and buff-coloured masts and funnels, she looked a totally different vessel from the grey monster that was on the point of being sent to the scrap-heap. Fo

other and sisters good-bye, and, accompanied by the Col

other George, with all the dignity

us home some war trophies,"

ented, then grasped

e, Dad,"

and keep our end up. It's no use mincing matters: we've a

Dick entered the train and was whirled away, while Colonel Crosthwaite returned home for a brief t

gate of Portsmouth Dockyard. Seamen and dockyard "maties" were everywhere

longer, as in the old piping times of peace, did the dockyard workmen amble quietly with their work. Everything was done

that suggested the scene of a German raid-the Sub made his way to the South Railway

r brasswork no longer glittered in the sunlight: it had been daubed over with the same hue of neutral paint. The only dashes of colour about her were the blue-a

arge of the gun-room-the cradle of budding Nelsons, for the Hammerer ca

normal week's work. Meals had to be hurriedly snatched. Even the usual formal dinner had to be scrambled through, with grave danger to the digestions of the youthful officers. What with coaling, shipping ammunition

unknown destination; for it was an understood th

. Aft mustered the marine guard and the band, while the stanchion ra

an-of-war was absent. No throng of relatives and friends of the crew gathered on the farewell jetty. The time of departure was a secret. In war-time the great silent

ance from the Captain. It came at last. Up fluttered a hoi

lour announced that the Commander-in-Chief of the port had graciously c

nd c

nd thither in apparently utter confusion; then almost imperceptibly, as the powerful tug in attendance be

eship glided past the old Victory. Another call, and the men relaxed their attitude of rigidity. Th

e midshipmen, as the lads forgathered in the gun-room to "

osyth: that's where we are bound, my dear Sefton; there to swing at moorings till the ship's bottom is smothered in barnacles. They'll kee

ure, Maynebrace

rly so," admitte

hat?" continued Dick, point

f Dunnose. The land was that of the Isle of Wight, so

wo long, lean destroyers of the River class, their mission being t

'r'aps there's been an alteration of plan

" remarked Jolly, the clerk, wh

ing how he managed to pass the doctor; but Jolly's father was a post-captain, and that made all the difference. Unable owing to physical disabilities to enter the executive branch and follow

sentative of the accounta

be of no use for the Egyptian business. Our draught of water is too much for the Canal; besides, the Swiftsure a

uing from four hundred lusty throats, was faintly borne to the ea

rth, one of the junior midshipmen. "Scoot as ha

his face glowing with excite

opened the sealed orders. We're off to the D

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