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The First Canadians in France / The Chronicle of a Military Hospital in the War Zone

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2103    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

one could have remained popular long under such a handicap. He had discovered it in some outland

ity and died an unnatural death. When he produced its green moss-covered remains upon the table, the officers were forthwith divided into two factions

id little, thought much, and smoked when he had a chance. He opened the box before dinn

n lad-wrinkled their noses in un

ase-we uster have-i

"Dat's bon fromage," he declaimed emphatically

fer them-don't they?" Wilson retorted, w

g of superiority. But he and the Second-in-Command hadn't always agreed; the senior major had a penchant for collecting excess baggage, and it behooved his unfortunate batman to pack, unpack and handle hi

nce, "I hope de war don' last too long-er it'll

o a bleak October night on Salisbury Plain. It was scarcely nine p.m., but I had turned in and lay wrapped in my sleeping bag, reading by the light of a candle propped on a cocoa tin. René had just returned from "three days' leave," having travelled over

," I teased, after he had given

l what I ever see. Dose arms of hers! Gee, dere ain't lilies so white like dat, an'

k, René," I interjected, "and forget

rept into his big brown eyes. He sat upon the edge of Reggy's cot opposi

vement dere; but bimeby de riviere go lil' faster, de ripples wash de banks, de logs move swifter an' more swift until dey come above de falls--dey fall, crash, boom! One gets stuck, annuder


tly upon his broad shoulders and handsome, inspired face. His right arm was exte

at lake is my love which has burst over de fields of my fancy an' freshes all de dry p

nior major had thrust h

o your work! Wash my rubber boots and

ely brought to earth, h

shrill call of the bugle

wives get pud

rs' wives

officer, senior or junior, know

time since our arrival in France, we were to be honoured with the presence of several ladies, and the whole mess was in a state of excitement compatible with the seriousness of such an occasion. It was so long since any of us had dined under the cha

his ill-favoured cheese, he would be led out upon the sand dunes at early dawn and shot. This precaution having been duly taken, he was permitted to retire to the pantry with Fraser and Corporal Gran

e dim recollection of an almost-forgotten social world which stimulated our imagination? Certainly no more

arious awkward positions about the chairs of the five ladies-all the rest of our chairs were at the table-each trying vainly to gi

r's hands thrust deeply into his breeches pockets, and, as every one knows, this is the only way to feel at ease when addres

in a near-by town, appreciated our embarrassm

, lithesome figure sank into an arm chair. "It must be so

Burnham volunteered mischievously; "he spend

flash of her beautiful dark eyes toward the hero of the moment, and lifting

h a low bow, "and yet I fear I am not the fi

ppling laugh. "Still, 'Weak heart never won'-ah, non-I am forgetting my Engli

wo Canadian guests. The girls made a pretty contrast, petite, dainty and vivacious; the one with blue-black hair and lar

ur glasses?" F

nette smilingly. "There's nothing I regret mor

hopes little to leaf," asserted the senior major s

ldwin!" cried the pretty blond

we don't always get our deserts! We

ash and let

umble of the d

f honour on his right. The other ladies were distributed as impartially as was possible amongst the remaining twenty-f

o receive, thank God!" a

iness and despatch. The sole meuniere was done to a turn, the roast pheasant and asparagus had been voted superb, and the ice-cold salad a refreshing interlude. Even the plum pu

was transmitted to René, and in a moment the murder was out. Whether through misunderstanding, or René's secret pride in i

arm of poudre de riz was obliterated and all the delicious odours of the meal were a

ate. The rest of us glared surreptitiously and silently at the culprit. An inspiration sei

he King!" h

he King!" came the form

ound, and we waited patiently until the colonel lighted his cigar-for no one smokes at mess until the O.C. has set the example, or given

e as Mess Secre

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