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The Flying Mercury

The Flying Mercury


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 2041    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

fell into abrupt silence, as the

called across the g

ving and the limousine drawn to the roadside, the young girl stood, her hand still

," she appe

chill, October wind sighed past, stirring the girl's delicate gown as its folds lay unheeded in the dust, fluttering her fur-lined cloak and shaking two or three

an I be of some

oon. I have been a guest at a house somewhere here, and started to return to New York this afternoon. The chau

as her companion desce

s is my cousin; I came out after her, you see. Don't get so worried

shed; otherwise there was nothing unusual in his appearance. And his caste was evident and unquestionable, in spite of any

ad," the driver of the gray car q

wered, looking at him. "My

by ten o'clock. I will

nearer her. "Since we're engaged, why should you get frightened simply because I proposed we get married to-night instead of waiting for

ot well. And we are not engaged; you forget. Just because people want u

ade no sign. By the acetylene light he produced an envelope and pencil, and

arrogant, but the result of a serene self-surety that somehow accorded with his lithe, traine

. "I'll get Miss Ffrench home in

me was ignored, except for a slig

it take you to

hour; it's ni

e gray machine, where a dark figure ha

aced toward the chuckle. "Rupert, it isn't in your cont

small figure rolled over the edge of the car with a cat-l

a box on the running-board, as the young assista

? They wouldn't have you in a training camp

as this was done. Even the preoccupied girl looked on in fascinati

A splendid man you've got there! Rea

a gleam of irony, but d

car?" he asked the girl. "You w

ged gratefully. "Thank you;

hauffeur t

employ for three years. But he was n

drifting from the side of the limousine, for Rupert talked

ng spools to a lady with a sewing-machine. Did you ever see a motor-car before? There, pump her up, do."

the first time, the girl noticed that across the shoulders of both men

and graciously. "I wish I could say more, or

ce, first toward the interior of the limousine and then toward the man w

le," he returned. "May

ted among the rugs and cushions, under the light of the luxurious car, the girl deliberately

with her own, whose darkness contrasted oddly

to drive into the ci

Why, my

is going to s

ggled over her sensitive face, and finally melted into ir

kind, to do that!

sed th

," he bade the chauffeur

mousine's other passenger, t


ld yourself in, do. If you shed any more tires, telegraph for me, and if

hed around a bend. The gray car's driver nodded curt

better get in the machine," he suggested. "My

well, but I'm going with my cousin. I

it to go with


e definitely. "Can you ha

th an inflection of his own

already in his

s, on taking his place, a strap was slipped

pert. "You ain't well, you know. Not that I'd ca

nch. The keen air, the giddy rush through the dark, were a sobering tonic. After a while he sp

s a rac


t it

n't be risking it over a country road to-night. A racing

d t

o manufacture the Mercury car, you should know something of autom

nce at Coney Island. A car turned over and killed it

s instantly corrected-with a second lurch-by its pilot. The effect was n

taking me?" he

the next village we come to; you can stay there

h glanced, rather diffidently, at his companion's clea

st gave me a couple of highballs," he voluntee

his car around a b

you?" he in


ty-seven. That's

d considered th

ing," paraphrased Lestrange, in addition. "If I were you, I'd wake up; it comes

ly dull," was th

nstant his eyes left the road and turned to his companion's face. "Did



knee, where Rupert was clingin

he hood, head downward, holding in a pi

he reeling perch in

or?" he

d of being put out of the running, of cour

ve been killed!"

ps there was visible the mechanic

ange," he explained sweetly,

th. After a moment he ag

e accepted. "A

this time, with a sudden and

o amuse you,

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