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The Forest of Mystery

The Forest of Mystery


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1718    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


! Cr

y, every nerve on edge. His eyes tried to pen

dent," came from Bob Holton. "Co

hoping that nothing tragic had taken place. They passed seve

ew back with cries of alarm, for the sig

to a pole near by. All about was broken glass, and water was still oozing from the radiator

ed cry for help came from the automobile. It w

he darkness they could not see clearly inside the car and could only guess who was calling fo

" muttered Bob. "Hurry. Th

. It had been wrenched severely and refused to open. What made the task still more dif

almost lost their balance from the sudden impact. But now they were greatly

of someone, and pulled him out. Then, after making sure t

fat man of middle age. From all appearances he had not been injured in

he said to Bob gratefully. "I was fear

the overturned automobile as the crowd of spectato

inaman laughe

s velly new, and I was not good enough dliver. It ru

id Bob grimly. "Not many could have been in

ress and the details concerning the crash. While the Chinaman talked,

r?" asked Joe, when the officer had finis

man shook

ome thlough without a scratch, as far

That wreck was enough to

as they realized that it was nearly seven o'clock, they start

nt that you make me

looked in

e you come to my shop t

d. They wondered what the man's obj

chum would also consent. "We'll come. But

aper. The latter asked that they be there at nin

ed Joe, as he and his friend w

"Maybe he wants to reward us f

ould have done it. No, I'll bet

it be?" de

by nine o'clock, too. That doesn't give us much time. We'll have to get back

o this Chink's shop," suggested Bob.

se here in San Francisco don't


for the business district. They knew it would not be

hort silence. "Sure has a lot of interesting things to see. Take Gol

ll city. And full of interesting attractions. I'd like to spend a

d toward the exit of the car. At a corner directly opposite t

ing without delay. In the elevator they were hurried

. The men had returned earlier in the day and

now?" inquired Bob's father quizzi

busy place, isn't it? We ought to

ferring to Bob's father-"and I, however, haven't had much time to look around. All our

, who had just recently returned from Africa. There was a chance, the youths reasoned, that he could interest their dads, who were themselves naturalists, in

nxiously. "Did he come across anything

"He shot several creatures that were

n that has been invaded by very few whites," explained

sting," grinne

looked up

, 'go on'?" he as

oe made an attem


ped the hidden meaning in Joe's words. "You weren't by any ch

how his chum's father h

was one," the youth grinned. "But h

Holton answered whimsica

impatient. "Cut out this stalling. Is th

do you

ountered Bob. "We're no

aturalists! It beats all how these young squirts get ideas

ing of getting nowhere. "Once more, is th

ou?" his father per

Joe. We might as well g

ve for their room, but M

so a very big chance that we won't. We just wanted to come out here and see this Thompson about the stra

a smile. "When, if you dec

" came from Mr. Holton. "Aren't you

the past we're not. You will take Bob and me a

er returned. "It might be arrange

" cried Bob with en

ppened to glance at a small

. "Wow! We've got to b

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