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The Girl Scouts' Good Turn


Word Count: 2020    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ided Ruth's society, feeling that she could not bear her "I told you so" attitude; instead, she sought Lily, who seemed to understand how she felt. The girls w

ew herself upon the bed with a sob. Lily sat d

it so hard," she begged

replied, brokenly. "But I car

rightened-and homesick. Why don't yo

ray of hope. She dried her eyes, a

t!" she exclaimed. "Than

, and so hopeful about her new project, that she felt quite cheerful again. She selected one of her p

thought. "It's so warm, and it wi

nd she reached it in no time. With trembling fingers, she

y. And then, just as if she were paying an ordina

it down-Marjorie-isn't that your name? Let's

d eagerly. She was curious for news of this strange girl, who

is; she has lived with people all of her life who have no conception of moral

-her father worked for Mr. Br

andering about just as she pleases. Whatever education she has acqui

sighed ho

eda is a human being, with a soul. And she is young, too. If we can keep her here, away

by these words. But she wanted more de

cook and wash dishes. She said that Frieda opened the door and snarled at her something which she co

and when she came back, I was home from church and had dinner on the

manners at the table were terrible; she evidently knew nothing about the use of a knife and fork. She

m again. Now, if you want to go up and see he

jumped to

ed impulsively. "There m

, "or else she would not h

y seized the opportunity as another chance to steal something. But she resolutely suppressed

e might not have time to lose courage and chang

t?" This,

anoe. I want to take you for a ride in my boat!" This

eard Frieda step forwa

t Marjorie's costume in open-m

re the pleated skirt and middy that Miss Phillips had bought for her the day before, and her hair was

, Frieda!" she obs

ther girl. "This dress makes

usy in Frieda's eyes, and ha

ut in my canoe

ot in th


she interrupted, "you we

ly expensive, and she felt that she would gladly part with it if it would effect a reconciliation. The sweater would be a weightier matter; it

promise of friendship from the girl, but this, sh

I'll wear yours back to the dormitory, and then I'll

ter and start to unfasten her dress. Then she clapped her hands with delight; she was

the dress; and then to the lake. Marjorie tried to talk naturally, but, only receiving monosyllables as replies,

?" asked Frieda

. And people from outside the

ing the sky and the water, and listening to the rhythmic dip of the paddle. A wave of great happiness surged over Marjo

Friday evening, if I give you a ticket?" asked M

's it going

hey conveyed little meaning to the country girl.

strung all about the trees, and the tables, containing refreshments, were decorated with gay autumn flowers. Robed in Japanese kimonas, with long, Oriental pins in their hair, the gi

ed Miss Allen, who was one of the first

tled softly to her room-mate. Instantly, th

en," laughed Lily, "just so long as we make th

tinued to arrive. Charmed by the novel idea, they bought lavishly; and few escaped without first visiting the fort

her? Marjorie had been so busy during the week that she had not been able to go to see her, but Mrs. John

nding her canoe with two of the teachers who had been

n order to serve the guests with i

inly attempting to identify the girl in t

ieda advanced slowly, as if she were not sure that she desired to join the

ectly audible to the girl herself. Then, turning to the others, a

he deepest distress. "Do be ca

came into her eyes. She grit her teeth fiercely, but said nothi

but Ruth stood where she was, smiling defiantly. M

just getting friendly, and here you had to spoil i

erior air. "She can't feel things like we do! Be

r sins thrown in your face?" re

behind them, and the girls turned around to see M

that the others had not heard the angry words. Ruth turned away, and Marjo

er had again be

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