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The Pirate Shark


Word Count: 1821    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ing? It's 'mos

, except a little rust. I'll take a look at that t


uit energy, which has low potential, to the aerial circuit, wher

b indignantly. "Cut out that high-flown talk with me, Mart, and

s in a jiffy. It's all right to pick up messages, but to do any private monkey-work by sendin' th

d and I'll be satisfied to watch. But when you get through, there

spite of a year of disuse, was in splendid shape; like other merchant ship stations of modern type, it was almost perfect in its conveniences. The whole transmitting apparatus, from the generator to the aerial tunin

ons when we get out in the ocean," he grinned. "We ca

l, and no liking for them. His tastes ran to athletics, and by careful cultivation of his body he had made h

deck. Cases of provisions and supplies were being slung down the fore hold by the steam winch, and except for the two mates and a couple of wharf hands, no

ed to Mart. Everything was done by steam-power; while the wheel-house had a helm, the steam steering-gear was used entirely

Mart as they turned to the after

linger mysteriously. "Dad's gone uptown, s

pen at one side, and on the table was laid out an astonishing array of hunting supplies. There were guns of every conce

hoener. It's dad's favo

er'n the old twenty-two I used to have, Holly. I'll ea

fifty-six caliber cordite, hasn't any kick to speak of, and they

'll have to show me first, though. Whew! this looks lik

there were guns of all sizes and kinds, from target rifles to heavy twenty-gauge Parker shotguns, as well as four ugly-looking

re likely to get a chance for some fine shooting on the voyage.

-case stood on the floor, and on the table was a small but complete m

ings, Holly-I was reading about it last week! You take 'em around

. It was Captain Hollinger's intention to take pictures of Kuala Besut, of his prospective gold-concession, of the whole vicinity, and o

pardon, g

ry blue eyes, his expression was mild in the extreme, and long white hair fell on his should

Bob. "You want

old man. His voice was soft, but carried far.

nt, for the old man looked anything but a tarry sailor. "Why, dad's gone uptown for th

und with mild interest. "That's a sight o' hardware, here in the main ca

ck the mop of black hair from his brow. "Going to ta

e going to have a wireless operator!" His watery eyes blinked a little, and his soft voice dropped

ng to spin a yarn, but instead he only heaved a

to tell him that the crew'll come aboard to-morrow night, and that I'll be aboard afor

, you're going as a guest, Mr. Smith!

pe and Bristol fashion, and I'm not going to start wrong at this time o' life. I want to be on the ship's articles as quartermaster, that's all-that's all. I got my discharges all proper, and if we

erry. You'd better keep in mind that I'm Bob, or Holly-either on

with his hand out. "I'm plain Mart, without any Mis

earance, and his hands were very gnarled and knotted. His dress was old and weatherstained, but had nothing of the sailo

is head, Jerry Smith t

ouldered figure vanished up the companion. "Pirate! Say, do you reckon h

. Sure, I know he's a nice old fellow, but he's a queer fish just the same. And as for bein' a pirate, there's that man Morris, who's workin' on the Tribune

ecisively. "And pirating is out of date these days.

Holly, we're going to have a whopper of

You're dead right, old

ight! When do we ea

the grub ready, I guess.

iked with

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