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The Quest of the 'Golden Hope': A Seventeenth Century Story of Adventure

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1390    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


also, so that his pipe clattered on the oaken

speak truly--the same Madre de Dios concerning whi

ammond. I have the s

re the wreck

e. The treasure is not in he

, gold dust, ingots, and other treasure to the value of 400,000 pounds. Of this vast spoil Sir John shipped about one-half aboard his own ship, sending the Madre under convoy for England. The caravel, overtaken by a furious north-easterly gale, was lost with all

ther, "but if you know where the treasure l

the year 1674. For two years I was cut off from my fellow-men, till a Spanish barque took me off. It goes without saying that I told the Dons naught concerning

w s

to my Lord Rochester to intercede with the King; but, since I was only a plain merchan

ajesty from would-be treasure seekers. Fergusson went and failed; Captain Calcott did likewise, and now Phipps has been gone these two years,

his churlish manner. 'Twas mainly for this reason that I set out to join Monmouth's standard, for, had all been

se to save his neck from the headsman's axe," r

ammond. But ere we go farther, 'tis w

fixed for to-morrow, so I'll to Lymingt

e that my sire was by no means in his usual spirits, but seemed preocc

ing upon us? Have they discovered aught of that affair on the Lynd

s, for I doubt not that our father and Captain Miles are engaging upon some profitable enterp

to go to sea again?"



'twas my cherished ambition to go to sea; yet

ymington, and having left our horses at

the Lym stream joins the sea. The door and the frames of the diamond-paned windows were painted a vivid green--possibly the work of the energ

e sheriff's notice of the sale was affixed, while two tip-staves, escorting a le

aced man, who was evidently ill at ease. "'Tis fortunate for him that he has a

presentative, till, the door being opened, he disappeared within, followed by the incensed townsfolk. Jeremy was, as I have mentioned, a general favourite in and around Lymington; and, be

to my inexperienced eyes, the scene within was strange and pathetically intere

e groans of his audience he read the proclamation setting forth that the house and goods of Captain

k into it at regular intervals. This he proceeded to light; the first lot was announced, and

re hushed; while as peg after peg dropped out and rebounded from the oaken table, the clang of

Captain's goods. One or two instruments of navigation my father secured, though, as I

raftered ceiling I caught a glimpse of the fateful painting--a ship under all pla

traightened himself, and coughed sligh

an artist, Messer Tito Cozzini, of--of--I cannot

ed room. No one seemed anxious to possess the work of art, for my father, concealing his impatie

," said

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