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The Red Cross Girls with the Russian Army

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2351    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


ated on the side of her cot bed in a tiny room high up in a to

e hapless Amy Robsart in the days of Lord Leicester and Kenilworth Castle. But although Barbara had not to

est in the world. But these days, when the Germans were driving the Russian army backward and even further backward behind their own frontiers, were days for work and silence, not social amusements. Moreover, Barbara knew that she could never expect to have any part in Russian social life when h

od them and their life. Almost she had envied Eugenia her future possession of the old chateau and the little "Farmhouse with

nchwoman. She still feared that she would never be equal to the things Captain Castaigne had a right to expect of her, once the war was o

end of her nose. It had trickled quite comfortably out of her eye

agreeable and to be desired person in the entire world. But then there was another side to this! Had he not been, perhaps she would not at this moment be missing him so terri

most harrowing thought, fortunat

atching sight of her friend'

the next moment she walked over and til

ed me at first; I feared you had heard dreadful news. Come, get your coat and have a walk with m

shook her hea

fortifications beyond us, but then the Germans may break through at any time. Goodness knows, I don't see

ken her coat from its hook on the wal

n't scold half so well as Eugenia. I suppose if Dick belonged to me I should be as wretched as you are without him. You are a dear to have stuck by Mild

rls started. They had to walk down a narrow stone corridor and then

ar the harsh clatter of their heavy boots and the cra

t a spoken word both girls stopped and stared a

an extraordinary setting fo

t was only early autumn, there w

ld see miles on miles of trenches stretching in a kind of semicircle before the fortifications. Should the enemy destroy the trenches the Russian soldiers could then mass behi

es, the girls could barely discern the aerodrome. In this place were situated the machine shops

nly the endless tramp, tramp of the soldiers at drill and an occasional guttural command. The noises f

road which Nona had traveled alone several days before. But actually this was the first chance the girls had for talking over Nona's experiences together.

ersation at the beginning of their walk, for the main road was as filled with supplies of every kind that were being h

huts. This lay in an opposite direction from the path Nona had previously taken. She had no desire t

had so far been able to gi

could have known Nona's mother years before in their o

ere to think of by another name, had evidently once been a woman of wealth and culture, no matter what her present condition of poverty. She seemed to have traveled everywhere and she may of course have met Nona Davis' family. There was actually no reason why she should not have known them, Barbara concluded in

er their former friend wished to tell her. But just as Barba

you. Do you remember almost quarreling with me because I did not wish to write a note to the

mediately distracted from h

o you know what has beco

ook a letter ou

s to say that by an extraordinary freak of fortune he has been returned home. It seems that he became very ill, so when the Germans decided to agree on an exchange of prisoners, he and our little blind Frenchman, Monsieur Bebé, were both sent back to their own lands. Lieutenant Hum

held her companion's

to disagree with

ls looked up to see a young Cossack soldier riding toward them. He sat his horse as though he

to their surprise, as the horse drew near the youn

ant he came u

will not be wise for you to continue to walk any further along this road. It is growing la

d held it in his hand as though he had been a young Americ

al one of today. However, it would not be wise to expect him to remain conventional under unusual conditions. Barbara could see that the young Russian officer was a son

ng at him in a

she bowed with an exp

u so soon again after our unexpected meeting the other aft

Russian officer continued to walk beside them with his horse fol

lesky. I knew her years ago and then

h watching his face closely, so that they could see th

ve come here to help us in our need," he pro

mate with Sonya Valesky. Russia is not like other countries in times of war or peace. She has many problems, t

the young man's confused speech could mean, h

to co

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