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The Robber Baron of Bedford Castle


Word Count: 1205    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

of Millbrook, reached the Bedford valley. They were now on the road to Elstow, and nearing Bedford itself

although the burgesses of Bedford had by this time been sufficiently cowed by the Robber Baron and his men, and were by no means unaccustomed to seeing prisone

ldiers from Bedford Castle. They were mostly retainers of the abbey, and they crossed themselves devoutly and uttered a prayer as the enemies and spoilers of the chur

ought when

ing suc

fled into their houses; the peasants dragged their beasts and carts into the ditches. All knew t

men, in their headlong career, charged full tilt into

any were an elderly and dignified ecclesiastic, and a young and graceful lady whose wimple and riding-hood concealed her face. The old priest, encumbered with his ecclesiastical habit, was unable to resist the impetus with which

cker, more skilful, or better mounted than was the elderly ecclesiastic; for not only did she turn her horse aside just at the right moment and avoid an imminent col

men, had unintentionally impeded his progress. But when once he had glanced at the bold horsewoman escaping by her leap from the confused throng, he hardly deigned to notice the prostrate priest striving to extricate himself fro

d horseman, it is not likely he would have paused to capture him. But shouting to two of his men to follow him, h

rtin de Pateshulle--for it was he--had evidently been severely injured, and lay prostrate in his attendants' arms. In reply to the soldier's questions they told that their master was the Archdeacon of Northampton, and the lady his niece. Had they mentioned his name, it is possible the trooper might have recognized that of one of the justices they had sallied out to seize. But as it was, deeply imbued wi

ack to the abbey they had just left. In vain the unhappy priest conjured them to leave him to his f

ir master, protesting that it was their first duty t

ance on his young mistress. He, too, had been rolled over; but no sooner had he picked

ng her that day the gallant Sir Ralph rode over, and he departed with his beauty marred, the serving-maid

h thy feather weight, to say nothing of that go

stables," put in another. "Think you h

lads, and find me my cap. With good St. Dunstan's aid I will do my best. Give me a leg u

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