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The Staying Guest


Word Count: 1819    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

through the last of the Flint orchards, and found herself confronted by a rail fence, over which she promptly climbed. Sh


mind was of the type which accepts without question, and looking up, she called back, "Hello!"

e again, and a pretty, smiling fa

g," said Ladybird; "I

e Hall 'way over here, you must be tired

he crooked old boughs of the apple-tree, and seated herself facing

girl who lives with the

adybird; "the

farm, which is next to Primrose Place. I

aid Ladybird, quickly, and her little b

bird's unspoken sympathy. "I haven't a fri

ink you could have lots of friends, you are s

a, but slowly, as if considering a weighty matt

asked L

ived here a great many years,-but I can't seem to persuade myself that they are the ki

d Ladybird, noddin

ind those things. But they're uninteresting. When I go to see them, they

again nodding her head

ld?" said Stella, laughing. "How old

t her companion across an intervening apple-twig-"I do kn

r-old Solomon, what is it that St

"for you've got it; and I think you have education, and accomplishments, and all those things. But you

la, looking at the pale chi

k that doesn't mean much, but that's witty and bright, and most pleasant to hear; and people can't talk like that unless they have a whole lot of big knowled

la. "But will you please tel

ways know true things; and besides, my mamma ran away from Plainv

un away," said S

any one to run with,"

could, but I ce

pose you

ifference what sort of people I want if I can't get them; and si

but I'm not always good. Sometimes I'm very naughty, and I try my dear aunts most exc

said Stella, smiling; "and I'm not su

soberly; "and sometimes I do it on purpose,

a naughty girl, I'd like to have you come in and take dinner

," said Ladybird; and the two scramble

er fresh, sweet color and dainty grace showed the best type of physical beauty, combined with an unusual amount of perceptive and responsive intelli

s power; but while hers was

ked up the path to t

twelve and I am twenty-one, I see very

one doesn't leave much,"

d Mrs. Marshall, were very much p

shall, as he looked at Ladybird; "

rd; "that's what

showed Ladybird all her books and other treasures, and notwithstand

said she must go home, for her aunt

Mrs. Marshall, "to the meeting of the D

t the Dorcas meeting were Mrs. M

lla arrayed in her second-best black silk, for she knew how it must have hurt that good lady to appear

ot misinterpret. But they said nothing to the child, and cordially i

were treated with the s

he Dorcas meeting went, and after the door of Primrose Hall h

will talk with yo

twining her thin brown arms about the old lady's neck, thereby-although unconscious

d, with much stern

murmured Ladyb

r niece's words, "I am more pained than I ca

I was more pained than I can tell y

ust realize, my child, that I am o

ou must realize that I am young

what?" said M

hat kind of horrid old clothes I shall wear; but it seems to me, if I had a little girl to look a

ss Dorinda, "I think

der Miss Flint, "that I asked your op

Miss Dori

n on the old lady's lap, and still with her arms clasped about Miss

ow of," said P

n't have pasted them on your dress; then I wouldn't have been naughty; and then everything would be lovely,

ut that you are right in this case. There is no sin in bright colors, and if you want them, I suppose there is

old lady's throat and kissing her hard, "I was unjust, too, I was naught

int, "we're both sorry, and I

y: "and get yourself a new bla

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