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He Knew He Was Right

Chapter 2 Colonel Osborne

Word Count: 3288    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

ill only be necessary to say further of him that he was a man popular with those among whom he lived, as a politician, as a sportsman, and as a member of society. He could speak we

pleasant thing has been lavished. There was that little slur on his good name to which allusion has been made; but those who knew Colonel Osborne best were generally willing to declare that no harm was intended, and that the evils which arose were always to be attributed to mistaken jealousy. He had, his friends said, a free and pleasant way with women which women like, a pleasant way of free friendship; that there was no more, and that the harm whic

about this time with a gossip of hers the danger of Mrs Trevelyan's position, 'or there would h

e. He was not a man who boasted of his conquests. He was not a ravening wolf going about seeking whom he might devour, and determined to devour whatever might come in his way; but he liked that which was pleasan

e, unasked by him, and disturb his happiness? And then this poor wife of his, who knew so little of English life, who had lived in the Mandarin Islands almost since she had been a child, who had lived in one colony or another almost since she had been born, who had had so few of those advantages for which he should have looked in marrying a wife, how was the poor girl to conduct herself properly when subjected to the arts and practised villanies of this viper? And yet the poor girl was so stiff in her temper, had picked up such a trick of obstinacy in those tropical regions, that Louis Trevelyan felt that he did not know how to manage her. He too had heard how Jane Marriott had been carried off to Naples after she had become Mrs Poole. Must he too carry off his wife to Naples in order to place her out of the reach of this hyena? It was terrible to him to think that he must pack up everything and run away from such a one as Colonel Osborne. And even were he to consent to do this, how could he explain it all to that very wife fo

came, but Mrs Fairfax had called, not getting out of her carriage, and Nora had been constrained to go down to her. She had hesitated a moment, and Colonel Osborne had observed and partly understood the hesitation. When he saw i

Mrs Trevelyan; 'Mrs Fairfax will be e

a had gone, and Trevelyan had heard her as she was goin

be so nice,' said Mrs Trevelya

must not talk of my managing

husband and that her husband had not objected. But that was now some months ago, before baby was born; and she was aware also that he had not called her so latterly in presence of her husband. She thoroughly wished that she knew how to ask him not to do so again; but the matter

u call it, which I can't do at

think that they and they only make politics bearable. But this would not be a job

in Islands, who had had a holiday lately, and who could but ill afford to take any holidays at his own expense? Colonel Osborne was on this committee, and, moreover, was on good terms at the Colonial Office. There were men in office who would be glad to do Colonel Osborne a service, and then if this were a job, it would be so very little of a job! Perhaps Sir Marmaduke might not be the very best man for the purpose. Perhaps the government of the Mandar

at any rate,' s

. Mamma would come w

that. It's not very likely that h

imself. Fancy having them here in the autumn! I suppose if he came f

onial servants know how to stretch a poi

y? Think of all that they have to endure out in those horr

efer London,

en he comes. I never cared about your being in parliament before, but

as regarded any offence against Mr Trevelyan. But just then there came a word which

ulation with you, Emi

is t

ot tell you

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ould be very damaging to me. And, beyond that, I wouldn't wish him to know that I had meddled with it at all. I am very chary of having my nam

spoken by her husband, she would not have thought much about it. She would have connected the man's friendship for herself with his very old friendship for her father, and she would have regarded the assurance as made to the Rowleys in general, and not to herself in particular. But now, after what had occurred, it pained her to be told by Colonel Osborne that he would make, specially on her behalf, a sacrifi

fe, and of begging her pardon for the words which he had already spoken. He believed that he would best do his duty by that plan of being round with her; but then it would be so much pleasanter at any rate, so much easier, to beg her pardon. But of one thing he was quite certain, he must by some means exclude Colonel Osborne from his house. He could not live and continue to endure the feelings which he had suffered while sitting downstairs at his desk, with the knowledge that Colonel Osborne was closeted with his wife upstairs. It might be that the

apology which her husband might offer to her. To this state of mind she was brought by the consciousness of having a secret from him, and by a sense not of impropriety on her own part, but of conduct which some people might have called improper in her mode of parting from the man against whom her husba

may be cross and sulky,' said Mrs Trevely

Nora asked, as soon as Mrs

since you left me,'

ent out before

went himself; but he did not come near me. It is for him to judge

indicated that she had judged her husband's con

will really come?' said Nora, ch

m afraid to say a word lest I should be accused of doing wrong.

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ill tell

ray do not keep anyt

et. Only in such matters as that about politics n

o her it seemed to be very bad that there should be a secret betwee

spect me next?' said M

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nk it would be wiser to

o. For whose sake is Colonel Osborne doing this? For papa's and mamma's! I suppose Louis won't be jealo

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1 Chapter 1 Shewing How Wrath Began2 Chapter 2 Colonel Osborne3 Chapter 3 Lady Milborough's Dinner Party4 Chapter 4 Hugh Stanbury5 Chapter 5 Shewing How the Quarrel Progressed6 Chapter 6 Shewing How Reconciliation was Made7 Chapter 7 Miss Jemima Stanbury, of Exeter8 Chapter 8 'I Know it Will Do'9 Chapter 9 Shewing How the Quarrel Progressed Again10 Chapter 10 Hard Words11 Chapter 11 Lady Milborough as Ambassador12 Chapter 12 Miss Stanbury's Generosity13 Chapter 13 The Honourable Mr Glascock14 Chapter 14 The Clock House at Nuncombe Putney15 Chapter 15 What They Said About it in the Close16 Chapter 16 Dartmoor17 Chapter 17 A Gentleman Comes to Nuncombe Putney18 Chapter 18 The Stanbury Correspondence19 Chapter 19 Bozzle, the Ex-Policeman20 Chapter 20 Shewing How Colonel Osborne Went to Cockchaffingto21 Chapter 21 Shewing How Colonel Osborne Went to Nuncombe Putne22 Chapter 22 Shewing How Miss Stanbury Behaved to Her Two Niece23 Chapter 23 Colonel Osborne and Mr Bozzle Return to London24 Chapter 24 Niddon Park25 Chapter 25 Hugh Stanbury Smokes His Pipe26 Chapter 26 A Third Party is So Objectionable27 Chapter 27 Mr Trevelyan's Letter to His Wife28 Chapter 28 Great Tribulation29 Chapter 29 Mr and Mrs Outhouse30 Chapter 30 Dorothy Makes up Her Mind31 Chapter 31 Mr Brooke Burgess32 Chapter 32 The 'Full Moon' at St. Diddulph's33 Chapter 33 Hugh Stanbury Smokes Another Pipe34 Chapter 34 Priscilla's Wisdom35 Chapter 35 Mr Gibson's Good Fortune36 Chapter 36 Miss Stanbury's Wrath37 Chapter 37 Mont Cenis38 Chapter 38 Verdict of the Jury 'Mad, My Lord'39 Chapter 39 Miss Nora Rowley is Maltreated40 Chapter 40 'C. G.'41 Chapter 41 Shewing what Took Place at St Diddulph's42 Chapter 42 Miss Stanbury and Mr Gibson Become Two43 Chapter 43 Laburnum Cottage44 Chapter 44 Brooke Burgess Takes Leave of Exeter45 Chapter 45 Trevelyan at Venice46 Chapter 46 The American Minister47 Chapter 47 About Fishing, and Navigation, and Head-Dresses48 Chapter 48 Mr Gibson is Punished49 Chapter 49 Mr Brooke Burgess After Supper50 Chapter 50 Camilla Triumphant51 Chapter 51 Shewing what Happened During Miss Stanbury's Ill52 Chapter 52 Mr Outhouse Complains that It's Hard53 Chapter 53 Hugh Stanbury is Shewn to Be No Conjuror54 Chapter 54 Mr Gibson's Threat55 Chapter 55 The Republican Browning56 Chapter 56 Withered Grass57 Chapter 57 Dorothy's Fate58 Chapter 58 Dorothy at Home59 Chapter 59 Mr Bozzle at Home60 Chapter 60 Another Struggle61 Chapter 61 Parker's Hotel, Mowbray Street62 Chapter 62 Lady Rowley Makes an Attempt63 Chapter 63 Sir Marmaduke at Home64 Chapter 64 Sir Marmaduke at His Club65 Chapter 65 Mysterious Agencies66 Chapter 66 Of a Quarter of Lamb67 Chapter 67 River's Cottage68 Chapter 68 Major Magruder's Committee69 Chapter 69 Sir Marmaduke at Willesden70 Chapter 70 Shewing what Nora Rowley Thought About Carriages71 Chapter 71 Shewing what Hugh Stanbury Thought About the Duty 72 Chapter 72 The Delivery of the Lamb73 Chapter 73 Dorothy Returns to Exeter74 Chapter 74 The Lioness Aroused75 Chapter 75 The Rowleys Go Over the Alps76 Chapter 76 'We Shall Be So Poor'77 Chapter 77 The Future Lady Peterborough78 Chapter 78 Casalunga79 Chapter 79 'I Can Sleep on the Boards'80 Chapter 80 'Will They Despise Him'81 Chapter 81 Mr Glascock is Master82 Chapter 82 Mrs French's Carving Knife83 Chapter 83 Bella Victrix84 Chapter 84 Self-Sacrifice85 Chapter 85 The Baths of Lucca86 Chapter 86 Mr Glascock as Nurse87 Chapter 87 Mr Glascock's Marriage Completed88 Chapter 88 Cropper and Burgess89 Chapter 89 'I Wouldn't Do It, If I was You'90 Chapter 90 Lady Rowley Conquered91 Chapter 91 Four O'clock in the Morning92 Chapter 92 Trevelyan Discourses on Life93 Chapter 93 'Say that You Forgive Me'94 Chapter 94 A Real Christian95 Chapter 95 Trevelyan Back in England96 Chapter 96 Monkhams97 Chapter 97 Mrs Brooke Burgess98 Chapter 98 Acquitted99 Chapter 99 Conclusion