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The Thousandth Woman


Word Count: 1305    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

et. "He says he may be away only a week

orenoon. Cazalet might have 'planed down from the skies into her sunny snuggery, though his brand-new Burberry rather suggested

n earth Mr. Toye could affect her plans or pleasures. But such was the effect of the preceding statement that all the rest was several mo

jaculated meanwhil

clock la

lf-"I simply can't unde

en him since the

hat it did. He might simply dislike Toye, and that again might explain his extraordinary heat over the argument at Littleford. Blanche began to feel the air

again," she said. "But he's


she's not

appear; but that impetuous Sweep was in

s this,

owns it was about dark," said Blanch

see some one, too, now I think of it. But I'd give a bit to know

this morning. But there were allowances to be made for him, she knew. And yet to strengthen her knowledge, or

t's a shame that you should have

ied," he s

u're doing for that poor man, but e

you wouldn't sa

he would have spoken to a man; or rather, she ha

heard all about it from Char

the telepho

ed? Oh, I forgot!" And she laughed. Anything to

think of the case? That's more to

bail before the adjourned hearing. But I rathe

looking down his nose. I've seen the chap, and primed him up about old Savage, and our find in the foun

ve to tell his clien

in, anyhow. And it'll be time enough to put Sc

g being done so finely. This very shamefacedness appealed to her intensely, and yet last night Charlie

why she could not. She had even to guard against an equivocally sympat

ht d

know the best or the

es, I'm afraid it means trouble for me, Blanche; some time or other I'l

misuse of words; but neither, after all, did it necessarily apply to Mr. T

here was no taxi, but a smart open car, waiting in the road, its

is that

ours, if you'd only buck up and get ready to c

ences of the very earliest expeditions in which Mr. Cazalet had lead and Blanche had followed, and what a bonny pair they had made even then, etc. Severely snubbed on that subject, she took to peering at her mistress, on

hing I want to say


Toye called yesterd

yes, I remember

an hour in vain; in fact, not that he came in at all, or that

d ask me,

eems to be a little bad blood be

ut a third moment she celebrated by making an utter old fool of herself, as she would have been told to her face by anybody but

at all you have to t

week of their

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