The Vice Bondage of a Great City; or, the Wickedest City in the World
Author: Robert O. Harland Genre: LiteratureThe Vice Bondage of a Great City; or, the Wickedest City in the World
light" D
y-The Life of a Prostitute-The Blood Pr
on the South side, one on the West side, one on
de,-running from Eighteenth street on the north to Twenty-second street on
y executive, cleaned out old Custom House place, Plymouth court and South Cla
nd flourishes as prosperously to
ortunate women, lure men of all conditions in life, grow rich
f The Chicago
ed, scarlet women in t
every nation
en in mature years and hags who have out
es-"cadets" who live within this district,
eces where diseased, broken-down, forgotten women disp
e dollar" and "ten dollar" houses. Those are the prices fo
where white and colored pe
hat wiped Sodom and Gomorrah out
s of obscene acting anything to be found in the Monmart
here are places where thousands of dollars have been spent
k of
of lust sold to the thousands of bid
t are the deities of Chica
ve its entrances. The name "redlight" should signify a burning, blazing warning to ever
study the interior and the type o
, a dozen girls or women rush at us like
chase a bottle of beer or whiskey or a mixed drink. They attempt to embrace us, to kiss us to arouse l
t airs on a piano, or a mechanical instrument furnishes the noi
te, a red-haired girl and a girl with raven black hair and sparkling eyes wa
thousands of
their var
ir mothers
rcumstances bro
d for this wholesale sla
when one enters any den of infamy in any o
ers. The solutions to these social problems are
d-fearing farmers, from the gabled cottage of little country towns, from the hove
England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany,
re the victims of the most pernicious vice system known to history. They ar
uch vital importance in a story of crime and vice and graft that we will dissect and analy
nic means to a life of shame and sin, and once steeped in the atmosphere give up all ho
centers of vice through the thousands of channels
channels. Yearly, hundreds of girls go from one grade of badness to a lower, until there is nothing left but
y; grows envious of the women who have pretty clothes and costly jewelry, and sets about to se
her purity and with threats of discharge coerces her into sin. She ne
ring and coaxing. She will taste of them, promising herself that she will go back to her former life and never venture into the pathways of sin again. The step is taken and
re is no stationary point in vice. The beginnings are eternally d
te Slaves in the proper sense of that term. They are "
ll into sins that lead to terrible social evils, are another primary "feeder" for the "redlight" districts. The city asleep does not realize the fa
hapter of the women dre
o reckons not the destruction he sows about him, the homes he robs of precious ones, the broken-heart
ou can find in the "redlight" distric
is my
d that soulless men, who made capital of their ignorance of the world and its ways, robbed them of their virtue whil
he is today. Here is the routine life o
t two o'clock in the afternoon
or keeper of the house to the parlo
drinks, courtesy is extended to him and an effort made to keep him as long as his money la
n one night. That is the record at least, tha
served to these women; a number of them in
By midnight a greater part of th
r o'clock in the morning when
og watch." One or two girls face a day of horror.
he houses. They live in the flats bo
er of tyrants over them, urging them on to death, beating them brutally when their
them have the bondage of debt hanging above them and keeping them prisoners. The landlady buys
e districts. There is an air of luxury about the big houses but the scarlet pris
"cadets." In the higher priced places, we find t
iling and emitting its stench in
istrict are several large and pretentious ones, whose interi
hest and most gorgeously furnished house of prostitution in the Un
down to hell and each chamber with its beautiful settings is filled with the ghosts of women who suffered untold agonies of mind and body to make i
e that make men revolt at the thoughts of them, down in those pest
ut think of the horror, the humiliation, the degradation of committing acts for the
ercial phase, a graft phase, and of that we shall speak later as it is our intention to show why these conditions exist wi
lurid picture of Chicago's ulcer spots
hat the wiping out of the prostitute will not cure the malady and we are soon
, aching hearts of these
gonies undergone in t
pless nights, of the hou
ysical pain of the eat
ing lies behind the lurid lights of the "redlight" haunts. Behi
ness to their brutal masters! This is the record for one c
s we answer
their bodies are cast ashore to lie in the county morg
ate institutions where death soon merciful
urned their every drop of blood to gold for their masters,
e, and leave no reflections on the
vils, but Chicago lives on, fattening
grave the tributaries pour more souls into the l
is too late. That is the secret of vice; its lying lips belch forth the
man is there. On and on he leads her, casts her away when he has tired, and the Vice Trust with i
ormulated in the minds of men:
ored death t
owing wealth
of women who maintain superficial respectability, who live at homes, some of them
ine" women. They may be f
ted, 15,000 women of this
Chicago is the "wicke