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The White Desert

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2797    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

been a hasty one,-a thing to gain time, a scheme by which he had felt he could, at the proper time, take Thayer off his guard

at it might descend upon him with the greatest cloud that man can know. And two years of memories, two years of bitterness, two years of ugly recollections had made its mark. In all his dealings with Thayer, conducted though they might have been at a distance, Barry Houston could not place his finger upon one tangible thing that would reveal his crookedness.

been a ruse? Was this man a friend, a companion-even an accomplice of the thin-faced, frost-gnarled Thayer-and had his simple statement been an effort to take Barry off his guard? If so, it had not su

til you could consult a doctor be

has be

e told

a'teese." A great chuckle shook the big frame

ren't you? When's

s fingers. "Peuff! Like that. Ba'

aching head, and the pain of the swol


e quickly and seriously from the


nt on "I-I-didn't know. I thought y

s all-jus'

him as though in companionship and some strange form of sympathy. There was silence for a long time, then the voice

your arm, with the blood on your face, and the dust and dirt upon you-then you-you look like my Pierre! And I pick you up-so!" He fashioned his arms as though he were holding a baby, "and I look at you and I say-'Pierre! Pierre!' But you do not answer-j

ity of a boy. The older man stared ha

e, he is all alone now. Are you all alone?" The ques


ing itself in the shadows of the heavy pines which fringed the cabin,-a cross. And it stood as the guardian of a mound of earth where pine boughs had been placed in smooth precision, while a small vase, half implanted in the earth, told of flowers in the summe

nk only in term

y been go

counted on

, with his Julienne and his Pierre-in his arm, so. He like to feel big and strong-to help other people. So, down here where there were few he

e girl who

rm seemed to indicate all outdoors. "Ev'where-the pine and spruce, it was Jacques! By'm'by, he go on and leave Medaine alone. Then she go 'way to sc


y at night. But she want him to go too. Medaine, she tell funny stories about her age and she go too. It was lonely. Ba


bowed h

He not answer Ba'teese when he call 'Pierre! Pierre!' Here, and here, and here-" the big man pointed to his breast and face and arms-"was the shrapnel. He sigh in my arms-then he is gone. Ba'teese ask th

nto the shadows

had d

"No! Murder! Murder, mon ami! Murder! Lost Wing-he Medaine's Indian-he find her-so! In a heap on the fl

color. For a moment, as the big French-Canadian bent over him, he stared with glazed,

you know

took his every atom of strength, Houston shook himself, as if to throw so

ver find w

for certain things-that were in the deed-box. There was jewelry-Ba'teese remember.

m in your hands. You can help me, or you can harm me. You know I was shamming when I ac

e floor. Thayer and Medaine had returned. Soon they were in the room, the girl once more standing in the doorway, regarding Barry with a quizzical, half-wonder

hout making one more try," he expla

closely. But the old

s? Of


ged his shoulders. "


ed with a glance which told Barry far more than words, "he

ched his hea

one more attempt at it. See

eated herself beside the bed. She took Barry's

I do? Make l

forward, the twinkle once more in hi

uld help?" The girl w

y n

edged forward, nervously.

r become l' M'sieu Doctaire? Ba't

ne la

ou li

ween them. It was with an effort that Housto


ike me better than

is there t

To Barry, it was quite evident that there was some purpose behind the actions of Old Ba'tiste, and certainly more th

es beaming, a slight flush apparent in h

in the tone of Barry Houston which m

into ugly knots, came abruptly forward. "I thought this was a seri

er has studied the p

. B

e of politeness. Ba'teese

l come back when you're through

choose h

u m

mean wha

then. Come o

r of proprietorship in the man's tone, rose, onl

the cup of his hand that he shall tell you when to


don't see why I should have been drawn into this at all, or why I s

ing earnestly and holding forth his hand. "

Fred-" and she turned to face him piquantly-"always takes in the whole world when he gets mad. And that includes me. I think," and the little nose took a more upward turn

thing to ap

mped angrily out the door. Medai

er to-night," came qui

as a grunt

were there. Call me when Mr.


sh appearance of confidence in her eyes, h

oling, Ba'tiste-or

the old man's eyes-"but not now. Per

he Sioux had called from

th a smile that took in also the eager face on

ne, he lay scowling at Ba'tiste, who once more, in a weakened state of merriment, had reeled

you had me cured, you quit! I'd f

ed. "You like her, eh? Yo

an I h

ou to like Medaine.


nd Pierre, he was strong and tall and straight. Pierre, he could sm

ehearted manner. "You don't know how grat

they will ask who helped you when you were hurt, an

n the second, I haven't enough true friends to forget so easily. I-I-" Then his jaw dropped and he lay

like you act when I talk about

horrors. His eyes grew cold and lifeless, his hands white and drawn, his features haggard. The chuckle left the lips of Ba'tiste Renaud. He moved swiftly,

n I talk about murder? Why you

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