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Whispering Walls

Chapter 6 5

Word Count: 1680    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


a confided as the girls approached the house. "We were in the Eastern part of the country a

d no money

he never really settled down. He made a little by writing magazine articles, a

life," Penny commented politely.

from Riverview. She and my stepfather never

rent types of individuals, but she asked no additional que

hed with elegant though formal furniture. Shades were partially drawn, giving the interior a glo

very curl of an elaborate hair-do in place, but her face lacked tranquility. Her eyes were

declare, I am getting jumpy! For a moment I thought

tily, "allow me to present Penny

ared at Penny, her face without expre

am very sorry, but you know

ion an encouraging smile. "She didn't want to come out here and questi

ad never really begun. "I am sorry," she repeated

your husband," Penny said. "By publishing it

I need assistance in locating my husband I shall request it. Meanwh

a rushed on. "There's likely to be a scandal. You see,

lished table beside her. Nervously her fingers closed upon it, and unaware of th

ou're ruin

the table and tumbled to the floor. Without picking it

0,000 in bonds, Lorinda?" she a

fter Father disappeared, Albert Potts d

the suggestion that my husband would

"Perhaps the bonds will be found. Now that the police h

tt with a shiver. "Oh, dear, mu

ang and Lorinda started to answer

the police now, or another repo

dark-skinned house-worker of middle age padded into the room. She gazed with i

rected. "And if anyone comes to the door

rom the floor and as she did so an object which was tied about her neck

icle, for the woman hastily thrust it into her dress fron

stern gaze she said: "Celeste, you're wearing one of those hea

accent which nevertheless made her words hard to understand. "A good

We have enough trouble as it is. Let her wear the charm

red silence, while Celeste

she said: "I am sorry, Miss Parker, that I cannot help you. At present I do not know my husband

stairway with a railing of polished mahogany. Her head held prou

taut. Uttering a low cry which was almost a scream, she

What's wrong?"

ett's face was as colorless as if she had seen a ghost. Her li

rnt match ends tied together

ouange!" whispered

rned upon

ow nervous Mother is, and how easily she be

fixedly at the object on the floor. "Thi

did it g

is a sign of evil

on!" exclai

the burned matches, Celeste seized her by the skirt, pulling her backw

ng, all the while muttering wo

bberish!" Lor

cry, moved down the stairway and into the library. Though s

've done!" Lorind

he swayed back and forth as she muttered a strange chant. As Lorinda

painful death? Do not touch this thing of evil until I have fin

e all I can," she said with a deep sigh. Gingerly she picked up the match ends

slow death?" Lorinda demanded sternly. "How did tha

n the jungles such symbols are sometimes placed on new graves, that the depart

d Lorinda. "Don't tell me a

the t

s not to be told such nonsense

usekeeper. "That is why she weeps. She f

speration. "You never said such dreadful things or acted like

my master should remain away. If only the

Celeste, you're impossible! Go find Antón and if you must, talk such n

e, and Penny expected her to make a bitter retort to Lorinda. Instead, she seem

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