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Wilmshurst of the Frontier Force


Word Count: 2851    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

a comparatively easy matter to follow the tracks of the two airmen, for the down-trodden grass and the frequent sights of w

n. "I can well imagine their difficulties. It's a wonder they got to the ca

sion on the ground. What he meant was that a rhinoceros had cut across t

. "Warn the men to be on the al

umn, for the Haussas were in single file,

ly on both sides. The subaltern had an almost uninterrupted view of the heads and shoul

outs. Charging down the narrow track was a huge animal of the

rute's ponderous weight as it rushed at ter

ed straight at the centre of the tufts of hair that conceal

he thud of the bullet against the bush-cow's frontal-bone, bu

ging aside. Even as he leapt to his feet the man was caught by the

e to the conclusion that it was quite time for him to dodge behind a tree. As he made for

had penetrated the brain, entering by a neatly-drilled puncture and emerging by a hole as large as a man's fis

la Moshi. "Anoder him li

don't stand bunched up together-extend. Th

fully conscious in spite of having fallen on his head, but two of his ribs w

tion in answer to Dudley's question as to what was to be done. "Him 'ab ri

t. "We must send him back. Take five men

rforming the task with wonderful celerity. They were on the

ow, him

the subaltern, loath to hamper h

ed with one exce

od right in the centre of the path along which the s

would flurry the imperturbable sergeant, but he was entirely at a loss to understand why the Haus

d in the bush on th

he ran from an excited man with a loaded

head. In that position its vision was obscured by the thick tufts of long hair. Having taken its final

the alert, leapt sideways behind a tree. Then, as the infuriated quadrupe

ts heart, while the victor, grinning as only a black can grin, strode magn

the task of sun drying the flesh was not unduly delayed-the march was resumed, until on gaining the summit of a low hill the w

umber of large birds-aasvogels, or African vultures-were circling over the derelict. It was the

Tari Barl approached with a self-sa

fingers of his right hand to indicate that he had disco

"That's rotten news. N

mently, and led his of

toes, for the impress of the heels hardly occurred. The Askaris had abandoned the trail a short distance from the brow of the hill, for there were marks where they had stood and debated, and the spoor leading in a north-westerly direction showed that they had gone b

ding their way down a bare kloof were about two hundred armed black

r, sah!" exclai

t in his heart he was not at all s

aver with Bosh-bosh,"

t of a native. Vainly Wilmshurst wiped the lenses and looked and looked again

Barl. "You come here an' use yer eyes all one tim

lied Tari Barl after a brief su

eep in the bush, attempt on the part of the Haussas to advance from the ridge would result in the latter's detection.

e conclusion that MacGregor was not only with the enemy, but obviously one of them. As the distance decreased he could

ng especially this is a decided advantage, since the closeness of the ground prevents the troops attacked knowing the number or disposition of their opponent

ared Bela Moshi grimly, as he careful

shed eating," for example, and yet in a few hours he will be again satisfying his hunger, but "maquis

taken prisoner. That's important. Pass the word along; tell the me

, would not be likely to surrender in view of the fact that a drum-head court-marti

der. He had decided upon a position about two hundred yards short of the derelict aircraft, guessing that the still uns

mshurst found that his judgment was sound. Right in the centre of the valley the scrub was almost entirely absent, the ground being co

that they had their rifles slung. At the sight of the derelict seaplane they stood stock-still, for it was the first aircraft at rest that they had seen. Then bounding across the in

on. The officer in charge of the Askari column had signalled to the scouts

hastened towards the position occupied by the alert Haussas, passing between two clumps of cac

r movements were hidden from their friends by the intervening scrub, the

able to move hand or foot, while a hand laid over their mouths and a keen-edged bayonet l

taken a hundred yards or so into the bush, a Haussa mounting guard

m the bush, since the two scouts were not able to signal that all was well. Seve

his head. To his surprise he saw Bela Moshi rigged ou

ome on' one time quick, sah,"

sergeant acquired the information. There are times when an

carry on," h

ping his rifle a few inches from the muzzle, held the weapon ve

the appearance of the main body of the Askaris and w

d yards of the seaplane. They were now in no semblance of order, surging imp

om the line of admirably concealed Haussas, then each man "let rip" as fast as he coul

save those who dropped, stood stock still. Then, panic-stricken,

saw his opportunity. At five hundred yards he sent a bullet crashing through the dev

aplane. Through the whirling clouds of smoke could be faintly discerned the backs of the fugitives, many of whom dropped as they ran with a Haussa's b

an advance at the double. Although the German levies still greatly outnumbered the Haussas the f

to deter them, their bare feet notwithstanding. Yelling and shouting they pursued their foes, sweeping aside all isolated atte

but Wilmshurst knew too well the rashness of a prolonged chase through difficult country. Retiring, picking up wounded and pri

rly breeze. The fire was also working against the wind, but the concerte

es, was discovered, but of the rider there were no signs. Reluctantly Wilmshurst was forced to come to the conclusion that fortune had favou

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