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Temporal Power: A Study in Supremacy


Word Count: 6115    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

the way for his newly-found disciples to follow. It was very dark, and they had to feel the steps a

ord entered, these men all rose, and gave him an expressive sign of greeting with the left hand, the same kind of gesture which had passed between him and Zegota on the Cathedral steps in the morning. Zegota himself was one of their number. There was also another personage in the room who did not rise, and who gave no sign whatever. This was a woman, who sat in the embrasure of a closed and shuttered window with her back

en, this drama be

ty side-looks of alarm, which appeared to amuse him to an extent that threatened to go beyond the limits of caution. Sergius Thord, however, saw

hem; they have sought me. On their own heads be their destinies! They offer

ny greeted this announcement. Johan Zegota

rve us faithfully," he said. "But who are the

ng a chair at the head of the table which was evidently h

his whole aspect betokening an authority t

in H

uddenly from the lips of

him his glittering eyes that flashed ferocity

ak of putting us-myself and my friends-through an examination! Why should

nturers are not such without adventures! Your w

od friend there, Pasquin Leroy, has also had adventures and experiences,-so have we all! Myself, I am a poor German, grown old in the service of a bad king! I have been kicked out of that service-Ach!-just for telling the truth; which is very

burst. Johan Zegota, seating himself next to Sergius Thord, opened a large parchment

the question

ns! Proceed in t

n Zegota

orth, co


h one answer sep

uin L

l Re


ionality, Pa

claim none!" he said;


ed in tones of astoni

blood and colour;-tyrannous governments, which force such men to work for them, chained to one particular place till they die. I am one of those,-though escaped for the present. You c

ed enquirin

uestion," said the l

a res

egor-are you

r smiled

ect of the realm. I do what I like, thoug

u, Max

backbone-Socialist to the soul!-and an enemy of all


raub, I must warn you that jesting i

declared Graub,-"Why have I left my native countr


utely necessary that we should know from whence you come. We require your names, and your oath of fealty; but before binding yourselve

aring the rules we found it wisest to draw back? Suppose my friends,-if

and all eyes were turned upon the speaker. There was a dead paus

l what you had heard or seen here to-night, and that you would from henceforth be tracke

Axel Regor excitedl

oth!"-and he addressed his two companions, "If you fear any harm may come to yourselves through joining this society, pray withdraw while there is ye

Axel Regor and Max Graub glanced at Leroy, and

aid Max Graub resignedly. "What you determ

gave a br

ed at them all str


"We will enrol ourselves a

stood in one corner of the room, took out a roll of parchment and handed it

ties of life, death, and our common humanity, to destroy the abuses, and redress th

as may in any degree interfere with the reasonable,

nd excessive taxation, which, while scarcely affecting the

aft, and the secret methods which are employed by the C

country's trade and business. All heads and ruling companies of firms employing foreigners inste

the universal vote of the entire country. Such elections must take place freely and openly, and no secret influence shall be used to return any one pers

c the duplicity, treachery, and self-interested

all elevate a Republic to supreme power, and for this purp

ther points to be considered, but these are sufficient for the present. I will now read th

rchment scroll he held, and continued

ty to the Cause, and pledge himself to maintain inviolable secrecy on

, follow, or enquire into the

upon by the Chief of the Committee at the previous meeting, when business will be discussed, an

to state where he travels, or when or how he goes, as in

lf once a month at the meeting of the Committee. Should he fail to do so either by person, or by let

himself, the rest of the members are pledged to shelter him from the consequences of his act, and to prov

s he laid aside the parchment scroll; "

quin Leroy cheerfully; "You

d buried in his hands, suddenly looked up, showing a thin, fine, eager face, a pair

d on, and the man manages the lime-light so that its radiance shall fall on the face of the chief actor-or Actre

the round o

ened up from sleep, Pau

and snore the hours away! Faugh! Can anything be more gross or vulgar! Time flies so quickly, and life is so short, that I cannot afford to waste any moment in such stupid unconsciousne

but the expression of vexation was but m

e quite

" repli

ur frie

. "They are

se. Then Thord calle


ark gold lashes. A sculptor might have said, that whatever claim to beauty she had was contained in the proud poise of her throat, and the bounteous curve of her bosom, but though in a manner startled by her appearance, the three men who had chanced upon this night's adventure were singularly disappointed in it. They had somehow expected that when that mysterious cloaked feminine figure turned round, a vision of dazzling beauty wo

dagger from her scarlet girdle, and held it out to them. Nerved as he was to meet danger, Pasquin Leroy recoiled slightly, while his two companions started as if to defend him. As she saw thi

his looks from one to the other, "Lotys is the witness of all our vows! Swear now afte

pproached, and placed his rig

e Revolutionary Committee,-and that I will adhere to its rules and obey its commands, till all shall be do

the woman called Lotys looked at them steadfastly, and the smile that played on her lips changed from scorn to sweetness. The dark blue iris-coloured eyes deepened in lustr

he said, in a low thrilling

f blood like a great ruby welled up on the white skin. All the men had risen from their places, and were gat


on which the names of all the members of the Society were writ

arm, and eyeing him still with the same half-sweet, half-doubting s

ate into every nook and cranny of his soul. But his recklessness and love of adventure having led him so far, it was now too late to retract or to rec

ve ever used!" he said lightly,

otys, "your use of it shall

Pasquin Leroy' and held out the pen fo

into the vital fluid from a woman's veins-"I write my nam

by your own falsehood can you

ly embarrassed him, for he stepped back hastily as though intimidated. Axel Regor took the pen from his hand, and wrote his name, or rath

n a low tone; "Your compliance is in obedience to some other

id no heed to it, and binding her arm with her k

e table and stood there looking round upon them all. Again the slow, sweet, half-disdainful smile irradiated her features. "Well,

her shoulder, she drew out the comb and let it fall altogether in a mass of gold-brown, like the tint of a dull autumn leaf, flecked here

us!" she repeated, still

esolutely, with the half-angry, half-p

ressed an invisible spring under the table, which se

ped at present like hungry wolves waiting to spring. But you are not really hungry, except for something which is not food! And you are not waiting for anything except

grating of chairs against the floor, and presently the table was completely surrounded

t rare in representative gatherings of men whose opinions are allowed to sway the destinies of nations, and it was strange to see a group of individuals who were sworn to upset existing law and government so distinguished by refined and even noble appearance. Their clothes were shabby,-their aspect certainly betokened long suffering and contention with want and poverty, but they were, taken all together, a set of men who, if they had been members of a recognized parliament or senate, would have presented a fine collection of capable heads to an observant painter. As soon as they were gathered round the table under the pre

narration; "Whoever likes to keep it can do so,

d it lightly

y card! What a rag it is! 'Thord's Rabble' eh! Sergius, what have you been doing that thi

y the man ten golden coins a week where his present emplo

asked Leroy,

d. "You tell me you write Socialistic works-yo

h, but not all! It would need more penetration than even he poss

t I know how to make myself reputed as a great genius, and all the very resp

d for you, my poor Zouche!" said Lo

opound enigmas! Lotys,-little, domineering Lotys, why in the name o

er do! Your rivals would never forgive you! But you are a hopeless rascal, incapable of winning much honour; and so you are compassionately recognized as somebody who might do something i

and goddesses!" cried

man entered, bearing a tray loaded with various eatables, jugs of beer, and bot

assist her, and Leroy watching her, felt a sudden sense of annoyance that this wo

he said, in a low tone-"Wh

ou are all by nature awkward, and do not

was probably in their pay! Scarcely had this idea flashed across his mind than he was ashamed of it. This Lotys, whoever she might actually be, was no paid hireling; there was something in her every look and action that set her high above any suspicion that she would accept the part of a salaried comédienne in the Socialist farce. Annoyed with himself, though he knew not why, he turned his gaze from her to the man who had brought in the supper,-a hunchback, who, notwithstanding his deformity, was pow

s?" said Graub, in a cautious whi

same low tone-"I faithfully promise to call in you

more. The hunchback was going the round of the ta

ed Zouche, addressing him-"Have yo

met the bright reassuring glance of L

he returned from her work at the theatre, tired o

nd she will not sleep!" sai

" said Lotys, "And you will see very little of her, Zouche,

hunchback-"I thank you, Mad

tation, not devoid of

glass of beer, poured out for himself

ys," he said irritably-"You interru

a man?" queried Lotys, with a laugh,-"As I have tol

im?" grumbled

," she explained, turning to Pasquin Leroy and his companions-"His history is a strange one enough. He is the rightful heir to a large estate i

" echoed Lero

ourned. Meanwhile he went away, and got on board a Spanish trading boat bound for Cadiz. At Cadiz he found work, and also something that sweetened work-love! He married a pretty Spanish girl who adored him, and-as often happens when lovers rejoice too much in their love-she died after a year's happ

ly cheat her," said Zouche,-"Things a

Zegota, helping himself from

should not be h

d of union?" said Axel Regor, beginn

husiasm.-"Discontent is the mother of progress! Adam was discontented

of dissatisfaction," said Zegota; "There would

crifice to the Deity, whereas Abel had already committed murder by slaying lambs. According to the legend, God preferred the 'savour' of the lambs, so perhaps,-who knows!-the i

ooding silence, his head sunk on his breast, his wild hair falling for

!" calle

not a

"-said one of the men next to Axel R

us!" he cried,-"Come out of your cloud of meditati

ir glasses, and Thord, hearing the noise

d slowly;-"I thought some one

ar,-but the story itself is irreverent. The notion that

laughter. But Thord went on talking

t brother,-blood crying out for blood-life torn from the weak and helpless body-all for what? For a little

room. A momentary hush prevailed, and then Lotys cal


e. Raising his hand, he passed it in a vague mechanical w

he said, and rose to his feet. "To your health, frie

when the toast was drunk and they were again seated, Pa

d to make a speech on the first night of his membership,-but after the cordial welcome I and my comrades, strangers as we a

nts,-"Speak on, man! Whoever heard of a dumb Socialist! Rant-rant! Rant and rave!-

d your tongue, Zouche! No other man

ed, and drai

w comrade! 'Pasquin' stands for the beginning of a jest-so we may hope he will be a

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