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Dickey Downy: The Autobiography of a Bird


Word Count: 2587    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

wrought by w

as want


fields, we noticed two gentlemen in the orchard who were carefully examining the tre

of Miss Dorothy and Miss Katie. The other was a thin gentleman in spectacles, who held

lonel, your orchard is somewhat affected. Th

he scurfy-bark louse?"

ut it infects the pear and peach trees. You will find it on the

g to get rid of the pests, and was advised to begin

etle attacking my shade trees. They are ruinin

nd. My mother told us that she was positive he was president of a college. "The _melolontha vulgaris_ is the most destructive of beetles, but the

d to follow the plow and eat up the worms at a great rate. You are familiar with their habits? You know they are most devoted parents. I have often watched them feeding their young. The little ones have such astonishingly good

mpressed me deeply. The story goes that he was one day walking in company with some noted statesmen, busily engaged in conversation. But he was not too much occupied to notice that a young bird had fallen from its nest near the path


aham Lincoln," responded

that," was the colonel's hearty response. "No man ever live

as quite sure from the proud tone of the professor's voice that he was a distinguished man, a

resumed the professor. "Do you know that the redwing is

g flutes hi

ge done to arboriculture by the woodborers alone were it not for the help given by the birds. Did you ever notice those borers at work, colonel? Some writer has well described them as animated gimlets. They just stick their point

the little corn and wheat they take from the fields. The account is more than balanced by the good they

ornfields of injurious insects, I went to work with new vigor to get out some bugs for my lunche

me company from the city. Be careful to notice what they have on the

ard us. They were in a very merry mood and each one seemed striving to say something more arousing than her companions. Miss Dorothy led the way, her arm linked in that of one of the stranger g

ite spot with Miss Katie, they halted for some time and consequently

at did

ding time. Oh, how much joy and beauty the world had lost by that cruel deed! A third hat had two song sparrows imprisoned in meshes of star-studded lace. Their blithesome carol had been rudely silenced, their cheer to the world cut short, simply that they might be used for hat trimming. Of the remaining ones some were as yet unknown to me, but my mother, who had an

nt, refined, soft-voiced women flaunting the tro

thered mother who had been robbed

hings!" I moaned. My mother heard my lament and s

old haunts and forced to seek new places. We have been shot down by thousands every season until now many species are destroyed from the face of the earth. There is no security for us in any place. The hunter with his gun penetrates into the deepest forests, he perils his life in scaling the most dangerous cliffs, he w

ment at this terrible arrai

uel? Why do they do thi

of Fashion," s

, what i

telling me she didn't know, or advise me to fly away and play, or tell me she was busy

e sits on a high throne from which he dictates to his slaves what they must do. Often they do the most outrageous things, not because they like to, but because he demands it. He is constantly laying down new laws for their guidance, and some o

n slaves?" ask

le finger these bond-women rush pell-mell in the direction he points. They are thus keen to do his bidding, because each woman who is the

lways rich women, aren't

to do this, and perhaps just as they have accomplished the weary task he suddenly proclaims a new law, and all this toiling and drudging and stinting must begin over again. In this way the unhappy creatures have never a

y why don't they break i

are afraid,"

d of t

laugh at them and ridicule them, and that is why they strain every nerve to follow the god's wishes. A slave, whether she is ri

s who rebel at first

l the other slaves are obediently complying with it they dislike to be set off by themselves as different, a

the other slaves

en they meet, and try to show their superiority as being obedient, full-bloode

ded the woman who was independe

w she was smiling to herself. "Why," said she, "they

nd it was clearly through his influence that we were killed, an

d bodies will add to their appearance, and so we are sacrificed on the altar of their vanity and silly pride. As members of humane societies women have denounced the docking of horses' tails as cruel, but from what I kn

excited or she would nev

e ladies, looking up into our tree. "One would think th

ce toward us, and then the party moved to go and we saw the six hats loaded with their mournful frei

Are there any Christian women who wear bi

y know whether they are guiltless of our wholesale slaughter, and they know too, how the gent

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