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Ticket No. 9672""

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 3482    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

far beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic. The peasant learns with avidity. His mental faculties are ever on the alert. He takes a deep interest in

nce; but they are justly noted for their remarkable good sense, acute reasoning powers,

ed with respect even in the wilds of the Telemark; so Dame Hansen on receiving such a widely known and highly esteemed gu

reat pleasure to be here. I have heard my pupils talk of this hospitable inn for years. Indeed, that is one reason

ok the hand of his h

ther to fetch a doctor fr

Why! do you want me to los

r. Syl

famous Doctor Bork, of Christiania? All thi

me a very serious thing if not pr

e why you are so very anxiou

m not, sir;

Hansen's household, especially if pretty little Hulda

ly, Mr.

deal more than all the nauseous prescriptions of the faculty. And that quaint window overlooking the valley of the Maan! And the stream's soft, musical murmur that penetrates to the remotest corner of my cozy nest! And the fragrant, healthful scent of

ad entered the house with him. At least, this was the impression o

, half reclining in a large arm-chair, with his injured limb resting upon a stool, he gratefully accepted the kindly attentions of

ave become much too well acquainted with the wonders of the Rjukanfos! I should have rolled down into the abyss like a big stone, and have added another legend to th

ve been to Madame Hogg!" exclaimed Hul

professor. "Oh! Madame Hog

ster Sy

is no Madame Hogg. Nor can I ever imagine what Mada

e, intelligent and good, being y

demoiselle? Well, well, I b

, Mister Sylvius," remarked Joel,

those I have just made in Dame Hansen's house, and you have spared them the trouble o

ter Sylvius," replied Hulda

d radiate from here all over the Telemark district; but now, whet

n before the end of the week, I ho

I, my

you anywhere in the dist

roof I should have no cause for complaint. Could I not explore that portion of the valley of Vesfjorddal lying between the two lakes, make the ascent of Gousta, and pay

, Mister Sylvius

nk, my faithful old servant in Christiania. They will be very uneasy if they do not hear from me, and I shall get a terrible scolding. And now I have a confession to make to you. The strawberries

difference whatev

to sit in solitary grandeur at the table, and in my own room, all the time I stay at Dal

the professor's request, especially as it would be a great honor

re to eat together in the livin

"I shall only have to wheel you out i

th the aid of a friendly arm, I shall be able to reach the t

don't be guilty of any imprudence, I beg of you, or

provided you do not put me on short allowance, you will find me the mo

l set before you a nice trout from the Maan, a grouse that Joel

my dear chil

stable. Sylvius Hogg was left alone, and his thoughts very naturally reverted to the honest family whose gues

fore he was seated in the place of honor at the family table. The dinner was excellen

nd it well-nigh impossible to overcome her habitual reserve, Joel and Hulda were obliged to respond to their geni

and Hulda, gave and received a friendly good-night, and had scarcel

with the sun, and began

thank you. I am under deep obligations to Hulda and Joel, that is undeniable; but the services they have rendered me are not of a kind that can be repaid with money. On the other hand

reserve on the brother's and sister's part. Neither of them had much to say about their mother, whose cold and preoccupied manner had not escaped Sylvius Hogg's notice, and from

, one day. "He is a very clever man, and through his influential acquaintances he might perhaps be able t

we had better tell him all; but let us wait u

very soon,"

still limped a little; and he now began to spend hours on the benches in front of the house

re tourists who stopped an hour or two at Dame Hanson's inn either to breakfast or dine. There were a

ngs were exchanged, and cordial salutations, which show

Mister Sylvius?"

my f

pposed to be in the remote

in the remotest depths of the Rjuka

l tell everybody th

al, with a

ansen's inn, where you will ha

ine a more comf


tter p

world," responded the y

alth of Hulda and Joel, who were so

rankly admitting his unpardonable imprudence, and telling how his

dd. "My course of lectures on legislation will not be resumed f

ht-hearted band. "Oh, you can't fool us! It

nd as pretty as a picture, besides;

e health of M

. Life is all sunshine at your age. But keep away from the Maristien. Joel and Hulda

urney, making the whole valley

anxious to accompany them. He declared that he was all right again. In fact, the wound on his leg was nearly healed; but H

a superb view one enjoys from its summit. To the east lies the bailiwick of Numedal; On the west, the Hardanger and its magnificent glaciers; down at the base of the mountain, the winding valley of

meet him. As soon as the primitive ferry-boat landed the tourists and their guide a cordial greeting ensued, and the three spent yet another pleasant evening together. The profe

s known throughout the country. The newspapers had got hold of it, and embellished the account after their fashion, so a host of letters came to the inn, to say nothing of pamphlet

hould pay his debt of gratitude. Of late, however, he had begun to suspect that this family was not as happy as he had at first supposed. The impatience with which the brother an

tnight overdue, and not a single line from Ole! No news to assuage Hulda's anxiety. The poor girl was beg

secret, I wonder, with which a stranger can not be allowed to meddle? But do they still regard me as a stranger? No. Still, they

ery day h

ching when, to my great regret, I sh

soon?" exclaimed Joel, with a

in your company, but it is now s

een days!" re

d extend my journey to Drammen and Kongsberg. And though the Storthing is indebted to you for not being obli

ulda, placing her little hand

a. That is a forbidden

where," replied

I must obey. But you and Joel must co

ou a v

eral weeks at my house in compa

nn who will attend to things

xcursion season is over, I imagine; so I have fully

, my dear Mister Sylvi

swer. Besides, when I get you there in the very best room in my house, in the care of my old Kate and

?" repeated Joel, with

d Hulda, as if divi

my boy

Sylvius, you can d


sister Hulda's marriage, if it wo

"What! my little Hulda is going to be marrie

xclaimed the girl, her

the marriage

bring her betrothed, Ole Kamp,

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