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Winning His W": A Story of Freshman Year at College"


Word Count: 2300    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

stence they had not been aware. Doubtless Mott had known of it, however, and in his flight had made for it with all the speed he could

sign of the presence of Mott could be discovered. In which direction he had fled they were also ignorant. It was evident however tha

give it up, fel

er John, who was becoming exceedingly bold under the

e won't," said

" demande

of the sophs. I don't wonder that some of the freshmen get into trouble, they're so

f it myself lots of times. Now there's Merrivale-he rooms ne

done?" inqu

k and borrowed fifty cents, and he

emember what Mott

did he

hman would be paid

eter John in all seriousness. "I'll be

panions also joined in his laugh Peter John said no more,

nd indeed his friendship for them seemed to be increased by the recent experiences through which he had passed. Several times he came to the room of Will and Foster and remained until his welcome was decidedly that was displeasing to both the boys, though there threadbare. There was something in his bearing was a certain indefinable something about him that was not altogether unpleasant. His language, his bearing, and

on the hearth, his paper in his hands and the very manner in which he occasionally glanced up and read to his mother something he had noticed seemed to be one that Will could not shake off. The pictures on the walls, the very rugs on the floor, and the chairs in the room could all be distinctly seen, and somehow the sight never failed to bring a certain depression with it. Will Phelps would indignantly have denied that he was homesick, but as the days came and went his manner became somewhat subdued and when he rose from his bed in the ea

ng that he misses the home from which he has gone. Indeed, is it not a reflection upon the boy and the home alike, if he declares when he goes from his father's house that he misses nothing? To yield to the feeling of homesickness, to permit it to overmaster one and prevent him from perfor

y in their rooms one evening, striving to hold their wearied minds to their work, for there had been an unexp

ver inquiring if his presence was welcome in the room into which he came. His face was beaming and it

test to-day, fellows?" was

d Will, motioning for h

t kill

so out of keeping with his general bearing and appearance. The gap between his trousers and h

cenaries of the Greeks, and what was a me

answer it?" i

at sold himself to some one,' and I sh


rs were the mercenar

med Will, sitting

er?" he added, as both boys began

o be true. Tell us s

estion all right. I'll get an 'A' on that paper. Then there was that question, 'What was the G

ou say?" in

glibly. "I said that vengeance was a low-down, mean, spiteful attemp

emity of his delight, as he was compelled to go to the window

everything right. How did you answer that question about what Christian tenet the Greeks

it, Peter John?" inq

hey believed in the i

" demanded Fo

morality o

tality of the so

But old Splinter will understand," he added quickly. "Splinter wil

decimal point. It doesn't make any difference whether a decimal point is

ve what Foster was saying. "Then there was on

one was

about the

that question?" said

was 'Name six animals that we

t I don't think I had it righ

question of t

as the

sy! I just sai

t have been heard across the campus; but Pe

gh if you want to, but you'll

oon as you graduate," suggested Foster wh

uld," responded

erly man, whose sensitive nature had suffered for many years from the inadequate preparation of successive classes, until at last not only were his teeth on edge, but his entire disposition as well. He had become somewhat soured and sarcastic in his dealings with the students, and was mo

ard which he wore imparted by its sharp point an additionally suggestive emphasis to his slight and slender frame. No one knew how the title originated or how it came to

ear after his name; so it's only fair that the students should decide what titles he shall wear before his name. Now this man's name used to be simply John Hanson. Then some college or other said it should be John Hanson, PH.D. Well, the students here have only gone a step further and they've not taken

ies with the man, but soon even the thoughts of the unpopular professor of Greek were forgotten in the new interest that

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