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Commercial Law

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 11059    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

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he world," says Kant, "he could properly hold or acquire nothing as his own; because between himself, as Person, and all other outward objects, as Things, there is no relation. The relation

hoes. The right to absolute ownership is in A, that is his property right. The temporary possession, however, is in the cobbler, and he may hold the shoes under the lien for repairs indefinitely and until he receives his compensation. The lien is his property right. When we use the term property in its


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is my property." The answer is, property is a term with a double meaning. In the ordinary sense "property" indicates the thing i

two forms of property be kept in mind because different results follow where the property is held to be one or the other. For example, on the death of the owner of real property, it passes to his heir or devisee, while in the case of personal property, it goes to the personal representative, the executor or the administrator, and through him to the legatee or distributee. Again, in settling the estate of the deceased person, personal property is always to be used first to pay the decedent's debts. The modes of transferring personal property and real propert

aw, so we also have a Uniform Sales Act which has now been adopted in many of the States. The Sales Act defines a sale and a contract to sell as follows: (1) A contract to sell goods is a contract whereby the seller agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a consideration called

made without any contract to sell, but orders for goods at a distance, and agreements to ship them, frequently precede the actual sale of the goods, which is made in pursuance of the prior contract to sell. The sale of personal pro

and a bailment must also be distinguished. A bailment is the rightful holding of an article of personal property by one, for the accomplishment of a certain purpose, with an obligation to return it after the completion of that purpose. Where there is a sale, the entire property right passes to the new buyer, and if the article is destroyed, providing title has passed, the new buyer must pay the purchase price if he has not already done so, although he gets nothing for it. In a bailment, the title does not pass. The case of the cobbler repairing the shoes is an illustration of a bailment

seal), or by word of mouth, or partly in writing and partly by word of mouth, or may be inferred from the conduct of the parties." The main qualification of the right to make an oral sale or contract

buyer shall accept part of the goods or choses in action so contracted to be sold, and actually receive the same, or give something in earnest to bind the cont

sale be actually made, procured, or provided, or fit or ready for delivery, or some act may be requisite for the making or completing thereof, or rendering the same fit for delivery; but if the good

en the buyer, either before or after delivery of the goods, expresses by w

e property. Where necessaries are sold and delivered to an infant, or to a person who by reason of mental incapacity or drunkenness is incompetent to contract, he must pay a reason

of the goods which the seller still retained and the price which was promised. If the goods were worth as much or more than the amount of the price promised, the seller would not be entitled to any substantial damages. But after title has passed the buyer must pay the full price, and the seller may recover it if the buyer refuses to accept delivery. Another consequence flowing from the transfer of title is that the goods are thereafter at the risk of the buyer. If they are destroyed by accident the buyer must neverthe

as the goods are specified and the parties are agreed on the terms of the bargain, even though no part of the price has been paid and though the goods have not been delivered. It is often assumed that delivery is essential to transfer title to goods, but that is not so, though delivery is strong evidence of intent to transfer title. If the parties have made thei

eliverable condition, that indicates an intent that title shall not pass until they are in the condition agreed upon. If the parties provide that the goods shall be stored at the expense of the seller, for a time or at the risk of the seller, that indicates title is not intended to pass, for if they are at the seller's expense and risk, presumably they are still his goods. On the other hand, delivery of the goods indicates an intent to pass title, although it is possible, if th

ter, and appropriated to the bargain, as the legal phrase is. Or title may not pass at the time the bargain is made, although the goods are specified. The parties may have expressly agreed that title should not pass; or though the goods are specified, something may remain to be done to them by the seller to put them in a deliverable condition. Now, if title for any of these reasons does not pass when the bargain is made, it may pass by an ex

ds to fulfill the bargain are indicated by the delivery of them to the carrier, and the buyer, since he agreed in the first place that they should be shipped, has assented to the appropriation. Therefore, in such a case, as soon as the goods are delivered to the

rb it is an illegal sale by S. S. Pierce Company, and consequently they do not want to make it. Of course the buyer can go and get the goods and pay for them in Boston and send them himself to his residence. But suppose he sends an order by mail; if S. S. Pierce Company are willing to charge goods to him, giving him credit, they can send the goods by express, because on their shipment of the goods the title will pass and the buyer will become a debtor f

, as owner of the goods from the time of shipment, must get his approval of that better way. Still more important than the method of shipment is the character of the goods themselves. The seller cannot, by putting any goods on the train, transfer title. He must put on the train the very kind of goods which the buyer agreed to receive, and that will mean not simply, in the case supposed, that the goods must be shoes, but they must be merchantable shoes of

etters mean, as you know, collect on delivery, and two possible explanations may be given of their effect. One, that the seller retains not only control of, but also title to, the goods until they are delivered and the price paid. According to that view the carrier i

at will retained or transferred (if the buyer has authorized a transfer). The proper way to indicate a transfer of title when goods are shipped is to have the buyer named as consignee in the bill of lading. A bill of lading is very much like a promissory note; the carrier promises t

The bank notifies the drawee of the draft, who is the man who has agreed to buy the goods, that the bill of lading with the draft are at the bank, and that the buyer may have the bill of lading when he pays the draft. The buyer pays the draft and gets the bill of lading, and then for the first time does he become the owner of the goods. On the other hand, if the shipper-S. S. Pierce Company-had consigned the goods directly to the buyer, the buyer would have become the owner of the goods on

rd persons delivery is necessary. Suppose A sells a horse to B and does not deliver the horse, and A afterwards sells the horse to C and does deliver the horse to C. B comes around to

re must the seller deliver possession? If the contract states the place, the terms of the contract decide that question. If the contract does not expressly state where the place is to be, the place of the seller's residence is the place where th

r the price, and the buyer must tender payment if he wants a right of action for the goods. The tender of price and delivery must be at the place where payment and delivery is due. It may be asked, how is the seller to tender the goods at the place delivery is due if that is the seller's place of business and the buyer does not appear? The answer is, that it is in effect a tender f

ans the buyer is to pay the price of the goods on receiving the bill of lading. The bill of lading will usually reach him before the goods, and, therefore, before he has a chance to inspect; and by the terms of his bargain he has agreed to pay cash against the bill of lading and he must do so. Of course, if the goods when received turn out not to be what he bargained for, he has a right to sue for breach of contract or recovery of the price paid. But in the first place, when the bill of lading comes he has to assume that the goods are going t

rant this piano will stay in tune for a year." These warranties are promises and are subject to the same rules as other promises. They are contracts for consideration, the consideration for the promise being in each case the purchase of the goods. But we have warranties which are not based on promises, strictly so called, and yet are express. A tries to sell a horse. He says the horse is perfectly so

but the statement, "The horse has trotted a mile in three minutes," is a direct assertion of fact, and the element of opinion does not occur, and therefore that would be a warranty. Statements of value do not amount to warranties. Those are necessarily to some extent matters of opinion. General statements of good quality do not, ordinarily, amount to warranties. The courts, however, are getting stiffer and stiffer in regard to these matters. It used

garding them. In this respect sales of personal property differ entirely from sales of real estate. In the case of real estate you get no warranty but what you bargain for. If you get a dee

as by a sheriff or an agent. In that case the person making the sale does not impliedly warrant title. In the case of an agent, however, if the agent was authorized to make the sale, the principal would be liable as an implied warrantor of title; and if the agent was not authorized to make the sale, the agent would be liable as warranting his authority-not as warranting title to the goods, but warranting that he had a right to bind his principal.

may distinguish in regard to implied warranties of quality, sales of specific goods-that is, sales of a particular thing-and sales of goods by description. In the case of sales by description there is always an implied warranty that the buyer shall have not only goods which answer that description, but merchantable goods which answer that description. Suppose a seller contracts to sell so many hogsheads of Manila

to a shop where they sell bicycles and buy a bicycle; you pick out a specific bicycle, and it turns out that, owing to defects in manufacture, it is not good for anything. It breaks down the first time you ride it. May the seller say, "You looked at what we had in stock and this is the m

unity to inspect the goods? If there was, there is less reason to suppose that the buyer was rel

s, and this is, you will see, reasonable, because the manufacturer ought to know about the goods and the buyer naturally relies on the manufacturer, as knowing about the character of the goods, to give goods of proper quality. The

a manufacturer, but still, a dealer in goods of a particular kind is much more competent to judge of their quality than an ordinary buyer and therefore a

lue manufacturer knows, a furniture manufacturer. The glue manufacturer sells the buyer glue which is merchantable glue, but it not good furniture glue, as furniture glue must be of unusual tenacity. The seller is liable here under an implied warranty. He knew that fu

describing them by number. The boilers were good boilers, under ordinary circumstances, but the amount of mud in the Missouri River, on the banks of which the boilers were to be used, was so great that they could not be successfully used there. The buyer had no redress against the seller in that case. He had taken upon himself to specify the particular kind of boilers he wanted;

depends on the justifiable reliance of the buyer on the seller's skill. If the goods are not merchantable under circumstances where the buyer does

ious these damages may be. A seller sells a pair of sheep to a buyer with a warranty, express or implied, of their soundness. They have an infectious disease, and when put with a large flock of the buyer's sheep they infect the whole flock, and the damage is the loss of the whole flock. Another actual case was based on an implied warranty of the quality

x could not sue the seller unless the seller was negligent. If he had been careless or negligent in disregarding their safety, they could sue him in an action of to

an assent or acceptance of it as a fulfillment of the contract, and any right you may have had is now gone." It is settled law that if the defect was not observable with reasonable care, the buyer does not lose any right by taking the goods, provided he gave prompt notice of the defect as soon as it was discovered. Further, even though at the time of delivery the buyer observed the defect or might have observed it, it is the law of most but by no means all States, that taking the goods does not necessarily indicate assent to receive them as full satisfaction of the seller's obligation. The buyer

has a right to recover damages. The amount of damages will be the difference between the value of the goods which the seller still retains, because the buyer will not take them, and the contract price which was promised. If t

ce. This right to the price is secured by a lien on the goods as long as the seller retains possession of them. If th

p the goods in transit if the buyer becomes insolvent before they are actually delivered to the buyer. The right is exercised by notifying the carrier to hold the goods for the shipper sin

the legal title transferred to the equitable owner, making him full legal owner. The peculiar feature of an equitable title, however, is that it is good only against the particular person who, as the phrase goes, is subject to the equity, and also against any person who has

it is not put in words. It may be said there is a misrepresentation, for it is fair to say that every buyer when he buys goods not only promises to pay but represents that his intention is to pay for the goods, and perhaps that his financial condition is not so hopeless as to make the expectation utterly impossible of fulfillment. If the situation actually was that the buyer either had a positive intention not to pay, or was so hopelessly insolvent that any reasonable person would know he could not pay for the goods, the transaction is fraudulent; the seller still retains an equity, and may reclaim the goods from the buyer who has acquired a legal title or from any other person except a bona fide purchaser. (A draft of a statute to punish the making or use of false statements to obtain property or credit, jointly prepared by the General Counsel of the American Bankers Association and Counsel for the National Association of Credit Men, has been enacted in the form recommended, or with more or less modification, in a majority of the States. This statute provides, in substance, that "any person who shall knowingly make or cause to be made any false statement in writing, with intent that it shall be relied upon, respecting the financial condition, or means or ability to pay, of himself, or any o

o the effect of the destruction of the goods sold or contract

nd the goods without the knowledge of the seller have wholly peris

the seller have perished in part or have wholly or in a material part so deteriorated in qu


deteriorated, and as binding the buyer to pay the full agreed price if the sale was indivisible,

but before the risk passes to the buyer, without any fault on the part of the

hout any fault of the seller or the buyer, part of the goods perish or the whole or a material part of the goods so


riorated, and as binding the buyer to pay the full agreed price if the contract was indivisible, or to pay the agreed

kinds. Creditors of the buyer naturally suppose that the goods in his possession are his, and it is to avoid deception, or possible deception, that most States require that the conditional sale be recorded, so that creditors and everybody else may have notice that, although the buyer seems to be owner of this property, he is not so in reality. But, in Massachusetts, record is not required, and conditional sales, other than those of household furniture, need not even be in writing. The seller is secured by this sort of bargain in several ways. If the buyer does not pay the price when it is due, the seller may take the goods back. They are his goods and therefore he may reclaim them. Or the seller may conclude that it is better to sue for the price, and may decide to let the buyer keep the goods and himself collect a judgment for the price by levying on any property the buyer may have, including

from a conditional sale in this respect, however, that the consignee is not a debtor for the price. If the consignee sells the goods, then he, of course, must turn over the price to the consignor less such commission as he takes, or if the transaction was not on commission, then the consignee must pay to the consignor the price it was bargained

not a debtor for the price of the goods. Often leases contain an option to purchase, and a lease with an option to purchase is used by piano dealers and others as an alternative mode of dealing with customers unable to pay cash, instead of a conditional sale;

Chattel mortgages must be in writing and recorded, or the mortgaged property must be delivered to the mortgagee; otherwise they are invalid against the creditors or trustee in bankruptcy of the mortgagor; that is, one may mortgage his chattels, either by delivering them to the mor

or shall have power to sell the existing goods if he chooses in the ordinary course of business, provided he always keeps a stock of goods on hand equal to that on hand at the time the mortgage was made, the idea being that as one thing is released from the lien of the mortgage other things, of at least equal value, shall replace it. It is not an unreasonable transaction, from a business standpoint, but the law generally does not allow it validity except to this extent. It is valid as between the parties so far as to give the mortgagee a power at any time to take possession, and when he does take possession the mortgage is valid as to the goods of which he takes possession against creditors or anybody else. The mortgagee may thus take possession right up to the time of the mortgagor's ba

s," "between living people" is irrevocable when completed. The gift "causa mortis," that is, one made by a person in immediate apprehension of death, is always subject to the condition that if the person recovers, the title to the property, which he has given away, reverts to him. For A, who is in his last illness, to say to B, who is sitting near his bedside, "I wish you to have my gold watch when I am gone, but my brother is wearing it now in Europe" would not be a gift "causa mortis." There is no delivery. It would not pass title, upon his death, to his friend because in order to dispose of property after one is dead, a will is necessary. Even between the part

ualified as executors. Among the papers, which the executors found in the testatrix's safe deposit box after her death, was a certificate made in her name for fifty shares of the capital stock of the United N. J. Railroad and Canal Co., bearing the following indorsement, "For value received I hereby assign and


Oct. 28

by James C.

s: The accompanying certificate of fifty shares of the United, etc. Co. is my gift to the Orange Memorial Hospital for a bed to be called the 'Mahlo


Oct. 28

he stock certificate, and told him there was a letter with it. Mr. Everett saw the certificate but did not see the letter, and he placed the envelope containing the certificate in the safe deposit box. The attorney had sealed the envelope after showing him the certificate. After Mr. Everett had told Mrs. Campfield what had been done, she said, "Well, that is for the hospital and that settles it," and she added: "It is in an envelope, as you probably saw, and addressed to my executors, and they will find a letter inside telling them what to do with it." After this, Mrs. Campfield continued to receive the dividends paid on these shares, and there is some evidence to indicate that she had access to the safe deposit box and examined its contents during the winter

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