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Jill's Red Bag


Word Count: 3228    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

u going

portmanteaus, and the general chaos of a man's quarters when he is on the point of departure. It was befor

. He was vainly trying to strap a Gladstone bag,

ys turning up when you aren't desired. I have to thank your smal

up to the iron foot-rail of the b

re you

ad taken up my quarters here

y's tone was dist

heekily. "There's one thing! I kno

g to his straps. "I shall volunteer to go out to

s," said Jack earnestly, clasp

ed his task. He sat down upon

o the rest. The world is an utter

aid Jack i

from day to day; they make you believe in them, and take you in all round, and then are quite surprised to see that you are taken aback by their complete change

to Jack. He stared at the Captain with open eye

he said. "I suppose you're cros

at Captain Willoughby was awfully cross with everybody i

occasionally lunched in the dining

his particular day befo

nounced; "and I'm the only ma

n sitting at the head of the t

oughby told me this morning that it is a b

iss Webb glared at Jack through her pin

ent, Jack. When you are Captain Willoughby's age, I adv

d Miss Webb

and doesn't like the idea of spending all her life with you, take yourself off li

words were like Captain Willou

was put to bed at night she generally reviewed her path throug

urs and punishments. "I meant to go as straight as-as a ruler, and I've gone

ayth goes in the coal cellar when she's frightened. And when Annie is croth, she's horrid! When you locked her up here beca

ot all about it, and all I thought was that this was the day he got his money, and I must ask him again about his tenth-of course that was another crooked turn I took; and when M

cked tone; "and Jack and I heard you, and Jack

ou see, if I was sent to walk two miles along a road, and I only did a little bit of a mile, and the rest of the time I went into crooked lanes and got myself into scrape

id Bumps complacently. "Wil

ll. "I don't want to lose

er resolve, and she added a silen

ght to-day. Keep me from tumbling, and let me make

very good to-day," said B

I'll ask her to give me those stamps Ca

en aback by

. You know I'm begin

me, because I want them. You should try to please ot

d not s

ng to be double good to

t if you take them it will b

good to-day like you," arg

r you to be wicked; I shall be he

they dropped it. Lessons were started, and progressed very smoothly. At twelve o'c

said; "but I wouldn'

est satisfaction as he sat down at the school-room tab

out into

hwing me!"

ust try to do someth

do?" asked Bu

ink I will get the

returned with her Bible in her hand. For some minutes she turned ove

nd Jill had heard some of the servants call him "

very goodest thing to do whe


ure religion an' undefiled is to visit the widows and fatherless in their afflictio

light. "Please show me the v

t for her, then went on his way; and Jill beg

to the Golden City. That I'm trying to do hard, but I haven't visited any widows, and I know th

s calling her to come and

t of running away, then

he reluctantly obeyed her sister's call, and picked

d down the long drive as fast as her legs could carry her. She knew one old widow by sight, but she had never been inside her cottage.

her door eagerly

her head out and l

do 'ee

me to vi

visits from pla

as banged

ad lately lost her husband, a very respectable farmer. She lived at a

d down lanes; getting more tire

young woman at

nd visit you?" a

hink you be one of the little l

ow stool with a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you

miss! you be never t

can find to-day," said Jill sol

ke put her apr

long wi' that old good-for-nothin' Mrs. Jonas! Oh, 'tis a cruel, wicked worl

ds. "You can't help being a widow, you know. That's why I've come to see you.

o sob afresh, and so violently

hree weeks he were a dandlin' of 'em on his knee. Oh

woman put her he

t be 'ee makin'

Jill, she st

e sobbed

atherless. So they be, the poor critturs, but 'tis hard to have it thrown

s to and fro, and seemed t

missy. Poor soul! she has been well-nigh distracted, and I were hopin'

house feeling her vi

n, she met Sir Henry Talbot, who

e children, and stoppe

you having another truan

. "I've been looking for widow


s do you want widows for? T


't laugh


to-day, so I'm visiting them

augh. He only stood

say to them whe

now what to say. I've been to one widow, and she wouldn'

that big house behind the trees over there? A widow lives there, and he

e them cry," said Jill.

e would. I should,

ren? I want to vis

tea with me. I'm a fatherless creature

ble means poor widows and fatherless

Henry. "I can h

but I shall have to look fo

ld say would induce her

e came upon a little party of tramps who had drawn up their po

ur children, ragged and dirty, and a sullen, bad-tempered looking man. Jill looked at them with interes

a widow?"

e elder one of the two gave her

s ago, an' leaves 'er with three chillen under four year. 'Ave you

ll, "but I'll sit down and talk to her. I

like, but she was a fearless child, and was so full of the pa

sympathetically into the woman's face. "I'm so sorry

rious eyes. She indicated her little o

are you going

the woman responded bitterly; then she turned

heard a carriage pass, but did not look up, then she was

or it was she and Miss

t class of tramps sitting by the roadside, and her litt

What do you mean by disg

to the wom

ve to go," she

then came up to the carriage-

Miss Webb, that even with this immaculate Miss Falkn

ister's scrutiny. She was conscious that she was very heated and untid

his at once, you naughty chi


aid indignantly; "I've-I

he sat up straight, and tapped

dows is not a sin. But who told you to do it? And why did yo

ly resented Miss Webb's tone of ridi

with tramps, and when they reached home she was delivered over to her governess with a sharp inju

ble good!" said poor Jill when she was in

om beyond her years, "it wasn't

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