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Just Patty

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2459    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

le B

om her mother. It contained cheering news as to Tommy's scarlet fever, and the expressed hope that school was not too lonely during the holidays; it ended w

oy (christened Margarite). The three "left-behinds" were occu

on?" inquired Kid, lookin

secretary when I was a little girl.

either real or fictitious. But Patty, being in a reminiscent mood, c

n him; but he was really awfully nice. He used to spend his entire time-when he wasn't

ried?" ask

eve he had a disappointment in

Kid, re?merging. "

e so," sa

old i

gested that he was tottering on the brink of the grave.) "It has bee

men, even with broken hearts,

ndy and olives and stuffed prunes, the expressman arrived with a belated consignment of Christmas gifts, among them a long narrow parcel addressed to Patty. She tore off the wrapping,

ear P

nd many well-deserved spankings? I trust that you have grown into

ase accept the accompanying Christmas remembrance, with the hope that you

ld play

t Pend

atty, as she addressed herself to u

candy," Harriet returned. "Miss

erican Beauty roses,

y be

tting flowers from a man?

mass of tissue paper, and reve

, then Patty slid to the floor, and buried her

om its bed of tissue paper, and entering upon a detailed inspe

snatched a shoe-horn from the burea

m the danger of being scalped. As she squeezed the doll in her arms, sa

the joy his gift brought to three marooned St. Ursulites, he would have indeed been gratified. They continued to laugh all that day and the fol

erones. Miss Sallie remained in the drawing-room during the first half of the call (which could last an hour), but was then supposed to withdraw. But Miss Sallie was a social so

tending a new incubator house at the school farm. The Dowager and Miss Wadsworth and Miss Jellings were scheduled for a reception in the village, and the

character. They successfully looted the "Baby Ward" where the fifteen little girls of the school occupied fifteen little white cots set in fifteen alcoves. A white, stiffly starched sailor suit was discovered,

said Patty, philosophically, "I've

rsuading her hair to hang in a row of curls, with a spanking blue bow over her left ear. When she was f

if he kisses you?"

t to laugh,"

t the visitor was below, she had her part letter-perfect. Kid and Harriet followed as far as the first landing, w

urtesy, and extended a timid hand to the tall yo

, Uncle Wobert

! Is this l

inspection-Mr. Pendleton was, mercifully, somewhat near-sigh

l!" he pronounced with fatherly appro

, and sat primly upright, her feet sticking straight

perfectly beautiful doll!" Patty imprin

approval. He liked this early man

u going to name

mind." She raised

d Patty J

erland." This point happily disposed of, they settled themselves for conversation. He told

ned, deeply

," he promised, "with colored pictures; and then you can rea

"I've known how to read a long time. I

coming on!" s

ng, and the conversati

d up his rope and came to church?"

ll never

Sunday Mover made him, and when he saw Billy-Boy marching

rew back his h

ould have a stroke of

and Father trying to get him out! You pushed and Fat

ncle Bobby was too taken up with the story to be conscious

sn't my fault at all!" she added with a pathetic quive

r head over the doll in her arms. U

Maybe you'll have an

ad, with the sug

keep goats here. And I loved Billy-

atted her curls, with kindly solicitude. "How would you like to go


be ele-phunt

he promised. "And lions

nd smiled through her tears. "I'd lo

eps of the sailor's hornpipe with the doll as partner, then plumped herself onto the m

y pulled our necks out by the roots stretching

s you?" ask

atted me on the head. He has a very sweet way with childre

lk about?" insis

ined the c

the circus next Wednesday," sh

never let you go,"

-'specially in vacation. We've got it all planned. I'm to go into town with Waddy. I heard

aby carriage," K

take you into town in those

rocked back and forth, whil

ext time I'll give him an entire


er hat along more mature lines, and she purchased a veil-with spots! She also spent twenty-five cents for hairpins, and did up her hair on the top of her head. Sh

Miss Wadsworth's appointment. Patty spie

to her intense satisfaction, Miss Wa

ld out her hand. The spots in the veil seemed to

e to my entertainment. And so original of you to think of a circus! I haven't attended a circus for years. It'

omment. He leaned back in the corner and continued to stare for

you mean to tell me


by, what do you

turned. Patty dropped into her seat and unfolded her napkin

two clamored. "Tell us abou

y no

h of violets and a box of candy, instead of the fairy book. He said he wouldn't be called 'Uncle Bobby' by anyone as ol

wary eye toward the facul

iness quite often i

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