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My Man Sandy


Word Count: 1611    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he disna like. Juist the ither day, for instance, Sandy was jumpin' doon aff the fore-end o' his cairt. His fit had tickled in aboot the britchin somewey, an'

he says, "what's happen'd?

mpin' up, an' gien himsel' a shak. "The cairt's

eerest jeeger ever I cam across. He cam' thrash doon on the kribstane there i' the noo, an' when I ran anower to see if he w

he wants tippence i' the shillin', but it's my opinion there's aboot f

nda astonished me to hear Stumpie speakin' sense fo

igin' thegither. Every ither nicht they've been ether i' the washin'-hoose or i' the garret; an' Sandy's bee

juist when we were sittin' at oor brakfast. "I howp noo, Sandy," I says, says

be ither kind o' wark on this winter. Bandy an' me's been busy at the gomitry. Man, Bawbie, it's raley very

' they're juist the very shape o' the ane Ekky Hebbirn played in the flute band; an', as I tolled you afore, I'm

eyin' oot things till a conclusion. Flute bands! Sic a blether o' nonsense. I maun lat you see the triangle book. We was haen a bit rin ower the exyems again lest nicht juist. Noo, juist to gi

at kind," says I; an', as fac's ocht, I cud hardly h

is that the whole is greater than its pairt. That means, d'

if the trams were nae bigger gin the cairt, hoo wud

irt, for instance. The back door's only a bit o' the cairt, isn

uist exakly the same size as the cairt, or you wud never ge

ttin' akinda peppery, "shurely to peace

one that you have a bit o' is nae bigger gin the

grantit, of coo

ony difference to the back doo

rizzenin' faculty. Naebody wi' ony logic wud need twa looks to see brawly that onything's bigger than a bit o't, or, as the book says, that

ilie Thingymabob, an' you'll shune find oot whuther he

ense o' bletherin' aboot Bailie Thingymabob? Preserve me! if he's only an echteent pairt o' the Toon Cooncil, shurely common

irt o' the Toon Cooncil, he'll be dealin' wi' anither tattie man gin neist mornin'. Sandy, loonikie, your exyems may

ee ill-natured rives o' a shreed o' breed, an' a gullar o' tea, an' fair s

's a pikestaff," he says, efter he had gotten his nose blawn. Syne he cowshined doon a bittie

icht he b

a'ed the pond's ass anowerim. That's Latin for the cuddy's

ower't, Sandy?"

at him; "but I'm beginnin' to see throo't, I think. Gin I had anith

s palaver; so I says, says I-"What is this

hilist triangle. Weel, you see the twa corners at the doon end o' her hare? They're juist the very marrows o' ane anither; an' if you cairry the lines at the side o' them

nae objections to you haein' a hobby; but shurely you cud get a better ane gin a lot o' thae blethers o' Bandy Wobster's. Get ane o' thae snap-traps, or whativer ye ca' them, for takin' photographs; get on for the fire brigade or the lifeboat, join the Rifles or something. There wud be

' tongue o' yours mak's me fair mauchtless. I micht as weel argey wi' the brute beast i' the swine-crue till I was black

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