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The Airship Golden Hind""


Word Count: 1545    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ns to be performed without apparently considering the magnitude or the danger of the undertaking. The officer or man to whom the order was given almost invariably executed it promptly. In the

use for faint-he

t in what promised to be the biggest aerial undertaking ever contemplated. After nea

of hesitation on the part of the two chums. "Think it over. But I suppose yo

e show, we could leave it to our head foreman. He's a steady-going fellow

eclared the baronet. "Either twenty days or--phut! How

the Atlantic--or rather hopped across. Without detracting from the merits of the stupendous undertaking, it must be remembered that the seaplane was escorted the whole way, and al

usand pounds, but because we had sufficient faith in the Old Country to feel assured that the ac

urs, making the return journey in 76 hours. That rather staggered General Outed, I fancy, and he had a greater

gation slide, or, at any rate they gave no encouragement. The big dirigibles were dismantled and sold; powerful aeroplanes were scrapped, air-stations were closed

e in British money of £25,000 to be given to the first airman to circumnavigate the globe, either in a lighter or a heavier th

hat Fritz, under the terms of the armis

y tricks, there's no valid reason why the door should be banged in his face. Because he's down and out is no reason why we should continue to sit on him. Commercially, I regard German goods as a means to reduce the present extortionate price

ny place chosen by the competitor, but the machine must finish at the same spot within twenty days. Again, any route can be chosen, so that full advantage can be taken of existing air stations

a start is made somewhere on the 50th parallel North, the halfway time will

n of a small part of Cornwall the whole of Great Britain lies north of latitude 50.... Therefore, to reach the 50th parallel in the Southern He

t respect. I think I am right in saying that there is no habitable

be from a corner of the room in

n't suppose any British Dominion will tolerate him. It's certain h

ot exactly a case of vae victis. If he'd played his game, he would have take

there for the Chauvasse St

dea hasn't caught on with our fellows. Probably there'll be a rush of entries later on--perhaps too

I'll have to take my airship there, but that's a mere detail. Why Gib

21' W.," replied Kenyon,

e, being easily determined by adding 180 to that of Gibraltar. Now the next thing to be done (as a matter of fact I've

74° 46' E.," replied Kenneth. "Why, t

aces, so as to make the best of the prevailing winds. When one has to maintain an average spee

than that, sir," rem

Naturally I mean to take the east to west course. It means a saving of twenty-four hours. If I took the reverse direction, I'd be a day to the bad on returning to the starting-poin

t," declare

e with a smile. "There's one thing I ou

a deprecat

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