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The Highflyers

The Highflyers


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 3040    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

sky, imported soda, and a cube of ice, it was a matter of comparative ease for him to

or the price of it,' I says, 'and, besides, you're seein' two of it. Bad enough drivin' a car when you're lit up,' I says, 'but wha

our companions waited for the conclusion of t

ight and come back without bustin' my neck. Even

east you bust is a leg,' I says, and the wind whipp

dently mourning t

er, impatiently, "what

he looked out over the lake. Just boundin' and twirlin' and twistin', but he went the distance and came back and landed safe. Got out of the dingus just like he was gettin' off a

damn. If he's going to pull something he'd as lief pull it in the middle of Woodwar

night. Day after he cleaned up those two taxi-drivers out here in front. 'Don't let me hear

s into me I just mention Potter, and dad forgets me entirely.

school boy-" sa

," gibed

in' the mourners. I wouldn't f

une. Of the rest, Kraemer and O'Mera were the sons of machinists who, a dozen years before, would have considered carefully before giving their sons fifteen cents to sit in the gallery at the old Whitney Opera House to see sawmill and pile-driver and fire-engine drama. The automobile had caught them up and poured millions into their laps. Eldredge was the son of a bookkeeper who, fifteen years ago, had drawn fifty dollars at the end of each month for his services.

d habits of life are gone forever. The world pours wealth and admiration at her feet and her name rings from continent to continent. So with the lovely old city, straggling along the shores of that inland strait. She has become a prima donna among cities. The old identity is gone, replaced by something else, less homely, but mightier

it, nor has there been such universal prosperity, not to employer alone, but to employees, and to the least of employees. It seemed as if the day had arrived when one asked, not where he should get money, but what he should do with his money. So Detroit spent! It built magnificent hotels; it created palaces for its millionaires, and miles upon miles of homes-luxuri

ng lavishly but not insanely. With the coming of war there was a halt, a fright, a retrenchment, a hesitation, for no man knew what the next day might bring. But

dollar contract from Russia for shrapnel fuses; this other plant a twenty-million-dollar contract for trucks; this other a fabul

munition manufacture added to it with a blinding

this; their life was the result of it; the thoughts, or lack of thoughts, in their minds, derive

ould sign a dinner check which stretched to three figures, or buy a runabout or a yacht, or affor

t work, drew salaries-but could spend their afternoons in the Pontchartrain, in the Tuller, on the links or at thé dansant. They knew

n on Brady Street. His grandfather was a 'forty-eighter. It was natural that he should see eye to eye with the land from which he de

an the s

tand some show. Look what he's done and what he had to do it with!

eutrality of the United States. This country's just prolonging the agony. If it wasn't for the munitions the All

Mera. "Where's

to-day. Ought to

id a new voice, and Tom Randall beckon

gain?" cam

elf pinched before he's through

Sassy one? Swiftest fla

n fined pretty average regular. Well, traffic cop gets her and makes her haul up to the curb and crawls right in beside her. Uh-huh. And off they go to the station


ght too regular,' he says. 'They'll be nasty. Better trail along and see if we can help ou

Miss von Es

e says, cool as


jerks her head toward the

r. She been a dam' nuisance,' he says, 'and this here time I'm goin'

says, 'I don't really see why this young lady has to go inside. Y

nd if I got anything to say ab

Essen?' says Potter, with that grin of his, and I

," said

lady. It doesn't smell pleasantly. So she doesn't go in. If bail's necessary or if

me in,' says the

of the policeman's arm. 'We'll fix this up-not the young lady. Co

-you know the entrance to the station-and in a couple of minutes out comes P

ficer. Now, for cat's sake, cut it out. You'll be breaking into print good one of these days, and there'll be the devil to pay ... or breaking your neck.

did sh

ratch. 'Coming from you,' she says, 'that advice is thrilling.' Her engine was still

,' he said. 'You chase along, Tom. They want me insid

La Mothe. "Didn't ge

You liked his face, except at times when he was alone, or thoughtful. Then it distressed you, for you could not make out the meaning of its expression. Then his blue eyes, which were twinkling now, looked dark and brooding. He had a way of looking dissatisfie

" as his friends called them, was dark upon him, even those who knew him best and regarded themselves as closest to him were a bit uneasy in his company. The most hardy and reckle

. Also he never followed, he led. For him consequences did not exist. If he set out to do a thing, he did it, and let consequences take care of them

alled Randall, whose

Scotch, and a bottle

, sir?" said

th a boyish smile that got him quicker a

t. Potter poured a generous half-pint into the stei

k Eldredge. "Somethin's goin

from other tables, glances were directed toward him, and that men standing at the b

d, eh?" ask

in the morning," Potter

Randall said. "It wasn't any of your

"Sort of proves she's being natural; not four-flushing like some of these girls. Th

e place. Potter raised his hand and the boy threw a paper before him. The young man glanced at it, seemed to stiffe

ne to the other of them. Then

reds of Americans are lost-women and children." He stopped and repeated the last word

if they had been so many clocks with their hands poin

hen, still very slowly, he walked out of the room without a word

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