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Nan Sherwood at Pine Camp; Or, The Old Lumberman's Secret


Word Count: 1192    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

other things. Momsey would not open the long envelope until he had been called and had come in. Nan still wore the bright colored bandana

ce of a new tax assessment? Or a cure-

y, a little breathlessly. "And it's

" asked Mr. She

disappointed in our inquiries

husband doubtfully

ake," confessed Nan.

s important, too," t

ience, "unless it is opened we shall never know whether your feeli

his gentle raillery, Mrs. Sherwood reached up to the coils of he

lap. The sealed, foreign-looking letter she picke


over her mother's shoulder in her eagerness. She read the


name over to herself. She looked up su

ever was such a girl as Je

asped hands and immense impatience.

pursed lips. "No, honey. The

Mr. Adair MacKenzie. Instead, it was from Mr. MacKenzie's secretary, who stated that

t being assured that you are the Jessie Adair Blake, now Sherwood-to whom the enclosed letter from Scotland is addressed, I take the liberty of forwardin

rticular interest to the Sherwoods. Momsey's voice shook a li

omething helpful had he been at home," she said

It will all come out right. At least, your cousin hasn't refused his assistan

upon Adair's good will an

It isn't Cousin Adair that I want to know about. It's this letter, Momsey," and she sei

"Maybe it's from some of your relatives in the Old Country. I see 'Blake' printed in the corner. Didn't

ly subdued her spirit. "Ye air a wise cheil. Ma faither talked muckle o' Uncle Hughie Blake, remimberin'

th precision she cut the flap of this smaller envelope. She felt no excitement now. She ha

not a long letter, and it was written in a stiff, legal hand, instead of bei

Known to be a married woman, bu

Hugh Blake, the Laird of Emberon's steward, by a certain testament, or will, made many years ago. Mr. Hugh Blake has recently died a bache

entity, and so forth. On receipt from you of acknowledgment of this letter, with copies of identification papers (your grandfather's naturalization papers, your father's discharge from army, your own birth certificate and m

n real and personal property, including moneys in the ba

ully, you

e, Solicitor

ords she read. It was preposterous, ridiculous, fanciful, a dream from which she must awake

he girl. He had not seen the letter and

What is the matter

arms as the letter slipped unheeded from her lap to the

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