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Dick Prescott's First Year at West Point; Or, Two Chums in the Cadet Gray

Dick Prescott's First Year at West Point; Or, Two Chums in the Cadet Gray



Word Count: 3963    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ick! As spruce as y

sper, too, as if to keep his agitation from reaching the notice of any of the score

see some daylight thr

tt whispere

s to talk here in unde

ould go suddenly crazy, utter a whoop and spr

is hands into his pockets-then

ctory physical and mental examinations, after which they would be enrolled as cadets in the United States Military Academy. Those of the cadets who thus passed the preliminary examinations, and who maintained good health

ir turn, a spirit of awe had gri

ing bodily tests before the keen-eyed, im

e room feared that they would f

ues and general appearance, many of them, of men; for a candidate may

e class should finally be assembled and put to work, that

d to Dick Prescott and Greg Holmes. Such readers will well remember these two manly young Americans as

ng all before him in a rigid competitive examination at the Gridley High School. The same readers will remember how Greg Holmes secured his o

th the nominations for cadetships at Annapolis, while Tom Reade and Harry Hazelton

egular Army-this had long been Dick's fondest hope. Greg, too, had caught t

he critical moment, this tedio

ng young man, red faced and fidgeting as th

ondered Greg, in a barely audible undertone. "That

Dick whispered back. "I haven't seen a


suddenly that his right al

r by tittered. That caused Dick

ooked up at the boy

full name, M


e born? Give d

e from his face. He had already, almost unconsciously, passed over the sealed envelop

He discovered that the entire ordeal consist

back. Another

, when he had dropped back into his seat beside his chu


o sit by his chum when the nattiest, sprucest- looking soldier imaginable, wearing th

through here," the orderly announced. "Follow me to the sidewalk, where

would put a spectator in mind almost of a football scrimmage. It represented merely the fe

ho won't be marching with us to the nex

" whispered Di

how much chest expansion do the surgeons demand in the c

almost of panic

was again flushing. "You've got chest expan

ame, then. Is that s

s your fac

a low voice, "whether I ever contracted

eg. "I never heard

een at West Point I've concluded that people here know a hea

Greg in deep awe and admiring

n marcher, went swinging up the road with a ma

. Each young man wore his cadet fatigue cap at an exact angle. The long, caped gr

untary gasp. He was having his first

o far forgot themselves as to halt and all but

the section marcher and

ldier orderly. "Keep your places in the line,

erly marched them into a spacious, almost b

geon. Young gentlemen, wa

y that fellow does," whispered Dick, his adm

" replied Greg. "That is, if we get by the d

Dick Prescott fell to observing,

e who, judging by their clothing, might have been sons of washerwomen. There were other youngsters whose general appearance and bearing seemed to p

y to New York Prescott and Holmes had discovered, by taking mental notes of the other male passengers on the train,

re was an indefinable something about them which proclaimed them t

cal big-wigs pawing m

a place as wonderful

e all fussy old men,

and shiny f

trying to get a grip on hims

d and very smart-looking young officer,

young gentlemen?"

lied Greg, who was close to the doo

eons," replied the yo

idential whisper, but which rose to a pitch that carried it around the r

king soldier of the hospital corps, who

s?" asked the young surgeon, turning again. This time his question a

replied. "I have all my

s, who wheeled, brought his heels together and stood at attentio

from the room. He was back again in a moment with the soldier who had

ked one part of your instructions. You did not

, s

conduct the candi


ise and follow him outside, th

man down; no bluster," whispered Greg as th

way, I take it,

kward squad straight to the cadet st

oaned Greg in

" demanded Dick in

et before the doctors. I'll bet my fever has

you turn in all his money," d

to enrollment in the cadet corps, then this money was to be applied to the purchase of things necessary for the new cadet to have. In case the c

the treasurer each turned in a fe

rer's receipt for the exac

the others and now, with an air of some importance, drew out a roll of considerable siz

ers the deposi

slightly at the slang use of

ll the money you ha

e. "I'll need some money for personal expenses, some for little dinner

lowed no spending money outside of the so-called confectio

eater," urged Gerol

asurer rather sharply. "Turn over all your money

and sixty-two dollars, plus a few small coins. As he

t a good deal l

oney you have," admonished the treasu

t through all their pockets while

eling expenses that each turned in about twenty

, the orderly turned and marched

f the candidates wore overcoats, though the outer garments worn by some of the young men, especially those who had journeyed hither from Souther

t any moment. There was "ice in the

he young candidates to find themselves

their absence the hospital corps orderly

l officer, coming briskly into the room. "Strip as quickly as you ca

ss with which the different stacks of discarded clothing were piled it was rather easy to pick out the young men

," muttered one of the candidates, gazing about him at his blanketed companions. There was

" asked the hospital order

," replied Geroldstone, slowly pu

the orderly, consulting a sl

an, self-contained, slight of build, not very t

. After Danvers had gone the other young men held their breath for a

oments. Every candidate in the

passed," nodded Danvers, as he sprang across t

ed the orderly, and the

like for Geroldstone and for those who sti

nder fire came out, a s

ooked at him curiou


l bet," muttered Greg Holmes. "

ate was now undergoi

odding contentedly,


ectionate pat on the shoulder as young Prescott rose, and, wrap

Herman, was in the other room. With him was

n that chair," nodde

over to t

s his height. These points Lieutenant Herman

edical officer, picking up a stethoscope from his desk. T

opening another door and revealing a flight of stairs

ed. Then he was directed to lie on a table, while the areas over his other organs were thumped and listened to. Then the candidate

eons conferred br

rescott," announc

d Dick, the flush of happi

in school athletics

nant H

n of our football

n pleasantly. "Take your blanket, Mr.

he had left the others h


here's nothing to be


n mighty quick time," smiled

med to me as though the surgeons star

to go back to cadet store, get his money and leave West Point instantly. But the order

a slight trouble with his heart, and that this difficulty would hinder his passing. Dick, who was aware of h

eg came out, but his quiet,

s about your heart?" asked

dropped his blanket and began

he truth, d

told the truth I wouldn't be fit to be an Arm

d anything much wro

t that, if I would eat more slowly, and chew my food bette

hat has been ailin

ign of it in three days if I'll take up with decent eating habits. But he has known boys he has had to reject because

er three young men were so downcast that all their companions were heartily sorry for them. The hospital orderly marched back to the adju

e real thing," murmured Dick

officer of the day, Lieutenant Edwards. Beside the

f the candidates gave his name and hom

s to room number -, will you?" as

nother subdivision of barracks. Mr. Brayton kept on until

ls the corporal spoke as though he had conceived an intense dislike for these two boys. Later, Dick an

"In the meantime you will remain here until you are ordered out. When you

leaving the chums to gaze wonde

ove stood a bare-looking iron bedstead. There were two washbowls, two chairs and two desks that looked as though they

"We're living in cadet barracks, and we're halfway through the ordeal of

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