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Ruth Fielding at Snow Camp; Or, Lost in the Backwoods

Ruth Fielding at Snow Camp; Or, Lost in the Backwoods



Word Count: 1486    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

'd better go home

on't care-and it's the

m, Helen Cameron, and Helen's twin brother, Tom, had been skating on the Lumano River, where the i

ied Tom, stamping his fee

th had been at home from school at Briarwood Hall less than a week. Tom, too, who attended the Military Academy at Seven Oaks, was home for the winter

t turned his cows out in th

l," said Ruth. "You know how ugly th

g to cut across Bassett's field-it won't take ten minutes. And it will save us half an hou

he elder girl from a course which she thought wise. There had been times during their first term at Briarwood Hall, now just completed, when Ruth had been obliged to take a different course from her chum. This occasion, howe

the Cheslow station for father and stop at the mill f

-night, Ruthie!" cried Helen. "

Ruth, in reply. "I don't really see as I've much to tak

e to use them if the snow isn't too heavy. But up there in the backwoods

d I spent a week-end at Snow Camp when Mr. Parrish owned it, and when we knew he was go

cabin at all," resp

"a catter-cornering" direction, meaning to come out upon the main road to Osago Lake w

of this series, entitled "Ruth Fielding of the Red Mill; Or, Jasper Parloe's Secret." The girl had found Uncle Jabez very hard to get along with

r to the idea of sending Ruth with her. The girls were now home for the winter holidays after spending their first term at Briarwood Hall, where they had made many friends as well as learning a good many p

sed a winter camp deep in the wilderness, up toward the Canadian line, and Christmas itself now being over, Helen an

had invited one other girl from Briarwood, too; but Mary Cox had refused the invitation. "The Fox," as her school-fellows called her, had been u

. With Mr. Cameron himself and Mrs. Murchiston, the lady who had been the twins' governess when they were sm

hey went on. Halfway across the field they passed along the edge of a bush-bordered hollow. Their skating caps- Tom's white, Ruth's blue, and Helen's of a brill

hat's that?" ejacula

upon the frozen ground arose from beyond t

re sounded the thundering of pounding hoofs, and the boy sp

's coming right up the hill and will head us off. We've

e!" cried his sister

!" repeated Tom,

ull parted the bushes and came thundering out upon the plain. He swerved to follow them instantly. There could be no doubt that he ha

was gaining on them fast. It was indeed surprising how fast the

! he will catch u

gasped Tom, letting g

can tur

l you!" cr

open creek. The current of this stream was so swift that it had not yet frozen-saving

, Ruthie!" shrieked Helen

w the bank-out of si

beast will kill y

," declared Master Tom

hat is exci

d ran on with it toward the bank of the creek. The others followed he

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