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The Boy Aviators' Treasure Quest; Or, The Golden Galleon


Word Count: 2066    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ing, dashing the sleep out of their eyes with plenty of cold water. Le Blanc and Sanborn soon joined them, t

there's too much gasolene around here for it to be safe to smok

rette away with an ill

don't start a Sunday-s

by the way, can't you make it possible to come in a little earlier? You are a valuable man to

t about my work, have you?

y," replied Frank. The boy was in some doubt as to the wisdom or the utility of calling Sanborn's attention to the

up?" asked Sanborn, chan

big sliding doors and surveyed the cloudless sky. "There doesn't seem

was already busy outside his aerodrome, lovingly adjusting the engine of his queer-looking monoplane which had already been wheeled out. Malvoise, his hands in his pockets and a red s

wed craft through the air at a rate of sixty miles an hour. One of the cylinders needed a new gasket and they were engaged on the task of fitting it when a sudden hail outside t

y Barnes!" they c

caller, but I slept at the village hotel last night and the beds there are as hard as a miser

rter-with whom the readers of the other volumes in this series have

ing here anyhow?

hat you are after-a scoop or a story o

e and two-that I really believe I've had too much experience to write a story about it fr

from the newspaper fi


d Billy ruefully; "I've tr

of independent fortune' now, a

ercentage I got of t

hers n

money," urged Billy. "You fellows did most o

ed Frank. "You did as much as an

about this story of

, so I was sent out to ascertain what the visitor wanted. I saw at once he had been a seafaring man. He told me his name was Bill Hendricks, known better as Bluewater Bill. He beat about the bush a good while before he would tell me what he was after, and finally he unfolded t

Sargasso Sea is," struck in

miles from land. It is shifting all the time though, I understand, and a ship that once gets into it never gets out. The weed just holds her in its grip till she rots. Bluewater Bill told me that, after his ship drifted into it, he counted ten steamers and four sailing vessels drifting idly about on the brown expa

e such a yarn as that, do you?" bur

ing the truth. He wanted to get somebody to finance an expedition to go down there and prove that he was not falsify

for an enterprise that looks ridiculo

conjurer producing a card from the empty air, he dived into his pocket and then,

ank, as his eyes fell on the dull

y, so I'm after it now on my own hook. I got a leave of absence to dig it up. Bluewater Bill lives in Mineola and I'm going

red by Billy's production of the indisputable evidence of the gold c

ape? What became of the other men on the ship? How did he get aboard the galleon and get the

ose points myself," replied Billy. "Suppose, if you are not doing anything this evenin

h adventures?" said Frank with mock seriousne

s one there, even if we did go after it," chimed in Harry, whos

?" deman

how are we going to sail in there-get the treasure-alway

r gigantic brain can't grasp

literary friend, i


let us

-please remark I say 'if' once more-if we should decide to go after the treasure-if (u


ould sail

that's so,

a great chance to demonstrate Frank's pet theory that an aeroplane that can float on

a storm

of tangled weed prevents the waves breaking while the severest storm may be ragi

a mental resolve to attach to the aeroplane, so as to render it safe on the water as well as over the land. He had no intention then of embarking on the enterprise t

sed them to talk in lowered voices. Sanborn, the mechanic, from behind the canvas screen where he was supposed to have been eating his breakfast, had be

ted in learning of the treasure ship which Sanbor

he said to himself as he prepared to go to work on the aeroplane

illy at length, "what

t," quietly rejoined the other, rising from the box on wh

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