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Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone or the Picture That Saved a Fortune

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1643    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

t, Tom! Wha

, Ned. That fellow ran

g from his place near the bow, and looked toward t

even keel again, but was sti

he wheel over to point his craft toward sh

" answered Ned. "But w

may be coming in around the shaft stuffing-box. Here, Ned, take the wheel,

o?" asked Ned, as he aga

t's deep out here and I don't wa

think of that fe

o tell you. Look,

the big red motor boat had swung abou

," murmured Tom, as he bent over his motor. "An

you'll sue

t him run into me and spring a leak,

ller. With it running at full speed there was considerable vibration, and this would further open

icient headway. "Steer for Ramsey's dock. There's a marine

alk, Tom!" cr

red motor boat was clo

ut-faced man, with a complexion nearly the c

ed to make imposing, but which, to the trained ears of Tom and Ned, sounded only like th

ds to keep down his temper. But it was too much. To be r

an, "I don't know who you are, and I don't care. But I'll tel

t you for crossing my course that way. If I find my boat is damaged I shall certainly do so anyhow. Have we suffered any damage, Snuff

e're damaged, sir," answe

en't. I should certainly sue them. The idea of crossing my

and glanced at Tom and Ned, as

tion, Snuffin!" exclaimed

have turned the way they did,"

topped his motor. Then, stepping to the side

ht to turn and go ashore when I did, for I found my engine was out of order, and I wanted to fix it. I blew the usual si

n, coming on at the speed you did, it was your place to warn me by a

dn't sink me. Talk about me getting in your way! Why, you deliberately ran me down afte

t even more rosy than usual. He

ied. "Listen to that! He says he blew his

I did!" sai

hear it, Snuffin?" pu

sir," answered the machini

mean to tell me you


ve a talk with you when we get home," he finally said, most significantly. "The idea of saying you heard a whistle blown! T

, as the man glanced at Tom. "A

e his name. I'll a

far as he could recall. As for the machinist, the young inventor had

powerful perfume. "Go ahead, Snuffin, and we will settle this matter later," and, adjusting a large rose in his buttonhole, the s

erve!" gasped Ned.

lost my temper, and even bothered to answer him. We'll let

, Tom? Without asking him to pay for the damage

on. If we stay here chinning much longer the Kilo will go down. I must find

ook the wheel, while Tom again started the motor. The wa

is he?" a

ock Pe

id before," laughed Tom. "Th

ed to do some business with our bank, but was turned down. I hear he's gone to th

ed like that sort

hemes under way, and he hasn't been in town over a

busy over my ph

ell homestead, and began to show off at once. He's got two autos, and this big motor boat. He al

oing to scare me. The idea! Why, he seemed to think we we

ow was afraid to say so

of commission for the present. Guess we'll

makes me mad to have a f

der. "We'll take it out of him legally. That's the best way in t

't either,

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