Roy Blakeley's Adventures in Camp
of the boat?" And I told him yes. Then he said, "You don't think he saw me, do you?" I said, "Y
said, "because I've caused t
"I don't see why you d
utenant's uniform y
ave to be quick about it." Then he looked out over the water and listened and as soon as he was sure nobody was coming, he put his arm over my shoulder and made me sit down on the bench beside him. I have
o do," I told him, "but you can't tell me
bully kid and you're an A-1 sport, and you a
ou," I said, "and I bet you
lair, New Jersey," he said, "and Bronx Park." Ge
in an airpla
d like to,"
to the Channel in a
arm around my shoulder awful nice and friendly li
m in a dickens of a fix. You live in
e could use this boat I saw him, and the next day I went to try to find him for a certa
" he said
he did,"
how to cook bear's meat. The
ook bear's meat
he said; "black bears,
out over the water. "Here's something you didn't know," he said. Gee, I can remember every word almost, because you bet I lis
"You m
jump off the train. 'Come on down the bay fishing,' he says. 'What, in these togs?' I told him. 'I'll get 'em all greased up and what'll Uncle Sam say?' 'Go home and get some old ones,' he said. ''Gainst the rules,' I said, 'can't be running around in civilized
me I looked, I just beat it up that creek and fished this suit of greasy rags out of one of the lockers. There was a key in
ock and took the key
again by morning. See? But instead of that, here I am and blamed near a week g
r you. But I don't see why you didn't go back like you said." T
for an hour yet," I told him
nd of a friend of his, the way he talked. You know what I mean. And, cracky, any fellow wou
ve Robinson Crusoe tearing his hair from jealousy. Kiddo, this last week has been a whole se
I!" I
church social compared to what I've been thr
wish you'd
and were carried out to sea-banged around for three days, bailing and trying to fry fish on the muffler. On the fourth day we were picked up by a fishing schooner about fifty miles off Rockaway and towed in. I said to Jakey, I'm Mike Corby, remember that, and if you give your right name I'll kill you-you've got to protect me,' I said, 'because
lieve it,"
business some day when yo
can bet I'd like to g
," he said, "and we'
e any good ones like he
he got home
Jakey down at Rockaway to wait for his engine to be fixed and beat it out to Jersey. No house-boat! Was I up in the air? Didn't even dare to go up to the house and ask about it. That rotten little n
ighty sorry for hi
honed out to Bridgeboro and Little Valley and made believe he was somebody else, and said he heard the houseboat was for sale and in that way he found out about his father
heard one fellow say something about how Roy would be sorry he didn't come. And do you want to know what he told me? This is just what he said; he said, "When I heard your name was Roy, I knew you'd be all right-see? Because look at Rob Roy," he said; "wasn't he a bully hero and a g
there and face the music. I've got to make an excuse-I've got to get that blamed uniform pressed somehow-I suppose it's creased from the dampness in that locker.
cinch. It's to keep your mouth shut-see? Suppose the old gent knew about this. Suppose my sister kn
like them too, if they're anything like you. So now will you keep your mouth shut? Ever hear of the scouts' oath? The Indian scouts' oath, I mean-loyalty for better or worse
. Ellsworth or some
ll say nothing. I fought for my country, kiddo, and I've got
et you're br
ot to face to-morrow," he said; "but if I know it's al
all to blame, anyway. Only I hope I'll see you again sometime because, anyway, whatever you did I kind of like you. It's one
ut the jungles and the
niform. It was all wrinkled and damp, but anyway, he looked fine in it, you can bet. After he got it all on and fixed right, he
such a hurry that he dropped some of it and it went all over the deck. I started to pick it up for him, but h
ke anything for a se
me, can't you?" he said, tryin
you, I have to be loyal if I ma
"What p
an't take anythi
t, not hard, only kind of as if to show me that he liked me. Then he said, "Bu
why you like a fellow, but, an