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The Submarine Boys on Duty / Life on a Diving Torpedo Boat


Word Count: 2037    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

aded when you happened


y," responde

hat's where we'

ay," Eph remarked, rather ungrammaticall

pecially, as we've helped in the work

lock," replied Somers

k. Come; we must hustle along. What

nd he must have officers out looking for us

e out of place to ask Eph Somers to go back and attend to the ex-foreman. Besides, they

from Eph caused the bully to change his mind. After that he went along in sullen silence. It

blic, the boys beheld a crowd of several Hundred peopl

ng fellows, the officers are lo

hey won't want us. Let us through this crowd, p

thout question. Eph Somers, being of the party,

"Pollard," both the yard's owner and the inventor were with the gang of workmen

ngs," called Grant Andrews,

to look at them, t

smiled Jack, rather grimly. "However, we didn't run away with your

t officers out on the trail as much to learn what had happened to you as for any other reason. The

ve they knew anything about the money. They just wanted to beat us to their heart

ing Mr. Farnum in posses

" remarked Mr. Farnum. "I'll also send the alarm out so that Josh O

ey," urged Jack, producing the roll of bankn

But, according to your story, it ought to be five dollars shor

r own money that the pair took away fro

of forty dollars. And I'll settle with you just as soon as we get our rush off. But now-you haven't had any breakfast. Rush up to the hotel and get it a

y for some sort of a meal. Eph Somers, being inside the yard, and no one paying him any

deputy appeared at the hotel, to get precise directions as to w

ard!" cried Hal, seated at the hotel di

appen," replied Jack. "It is

rry through their breakfast. Then, full of eagerness, th

clothes," muttered Hal, regre

plied young Benson. "

dressed up mighty well

drews has his

like a young philosopher. "Folks won't be looking at

would-be spectators found that only work men and invited guests would be admitted to the yard

oved, and much of the underpinning structure that held the "Pollard" in place. All that remaine

Farnum was bustling about, although, as far as co

e could know, stood apart with Grant Andrews, whi

re to be of the crew at the launching, and their early arrival show

o be a naval officer here, M

here is a naval officer here-Lieutenant Jackson. Ther

on the boa

he water after she goes in. Some time in the near future there'll be a board

e interested persons present began to suffer from

, at last. "It's a quarter of t

nthusiasm, led his musicians, with a crash, into a triumphal march. Eph Somers

leadingly, "and to wish the boat good luck as she strikes the water.

ded Mr. Farnum, so Ep

Farnum followed Then Grant Andrews went up. Last of all came Jack Benson and Hal Hastings. These were all who were scheduled to slide down the slipper

utenant Jackson and the invited guests. On

an outside steering wheel and the engine controls

wheel, sir?" whispered Gran

lied David Pollard, in an undertone. "

r the craft might need guidance during the

he yard's owner, to

hings, Farnum. The suspense will

. In a twinkling it was known that something was wrong with one of the ways. G

the ladder, Eph Somers swiftly pushed it back against the hull, ascending almost on the run to the platform deck, where he stood pointing out to Andrews the cause of the trouble below. As he did so, E

supports of the substructure were knock

accustomed to launchin

of that implement the b

onquering H

g of workmen, at a silent signal, began

guests began to cheer, the

the harbor, no woman was aboard to do the christening. Instead, the yard owner

d's rafters shake. Lieutenant Jackson, of the Navy, tried to look unconcerned, but he c

on the steering wheel. He wa

e in good earnest. All on the platform de

drowned by the frantic cheers of the beholders. Down off t

splash. Everyone on t

n and happy. For many r

and true, the boat dash

aunched-for what ad

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