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Frank Merriwell Down South


Word Count: 1468    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

the man; "but I'm strapped ef I unders

azement. Seeing Pedro's face fairly, he gave a

alpitated Frank; "you

," nodded

ou are


nd w


ntains and t

bering Pedro, and knowing the guide's ears and

of still greater surprise coming

you wus goin' ter

"I will tell you l

ell was puzzled, and

w whatever way I'm trailin'. This yere la

ot hard t

r to explain it

ner told u

d J


, and

go, outside



did yer



rsued across the

slapped h

You wuz near a doby hut, an' yer opened

's ri

r lead ter them critters so they switched o


ur fin! I'm mortal glad ter clap peepers on yer, fer I n

nto the broad "paw" of the rough and hearty Westerner,

appened to chip inter thet thar little game. You took a hand at jest ther ri

you were hard pressed by a villainous crew who must be

'White men stand by white men.' As fer m

another searching look, and the guide

ows about Jack Burk. We had a place all agreed on ter meet w'en I returned

s fault that he d

ay a straight trail


ould seem ter cut his trail anywhar I w

he hut where

d thet, I'd made a straight run fe

e door, and sh

idn't hear him! Wa'al, wa'al! Wh


ell r

"An' I didn't get to see him! Say, th

emed great

tramp together, an' we struck it rich at last, bu

watched by several eyes, and he straigh

int," he cried. "Tell me wh

ng I do not know

was as

w? Why, ho

ious disappearance, to which Bushnell listened, with b

! I don't understan

ead, and the corpse did not walk away of its own accord. It was my

t the kidnaping of Profes

, as revealed by the firelight. Frank noted that a strange look seemed to come

tion was finished

uejugilla el Alto with ther ho

" replie

y life," n

ho was recommended t


ust him


ritter can't take yer straig

do you

vely; "this yere Greaser galoot w'at

is Fe

heco's li

ger, wheeling quickly on the Mexican, h

yell of defiance, he dropped behind his horse, and the animal shot like a

rs, sending a dozen bullets whistling afte

off his horse, striking on his back on t

od der odder vay,

began to work a revolver, although he was blinded by the flashe

raight on into the night, sending back a mocking sh

rm me! I will see you again, Ame

tment and anger, Bushnell flung his em

I'd done my shootin' first an' my tal

, and they could only

and discussed the situation. Frank then showed the golden image which Burk h

n his face. At the conclusion of the

no relatives, so he hed a right to make any galoot his heir. But thar's goin' ter be plenty of wo

ion. The kidnaping of Professor Scotch has ban

er your half of ther treasure, providin' you're ready ter

n me so far as th

is fer me ter ride, another is ter kerry provi


. It's ther only way ter git over. In crossin' ther balloon will be loaded w

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